Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1336: Coffin opened

In the palace, the light was not bright.

It was dark and deep all around, most of it.

Farther away, in the darkness as thick as ink, it seemed to hide some terrible monsters, making people creepy.

In this cold and cold environment, a tall sculpture and a huge coffin make people feel the pressure of being integrated with the surroundings.

The divine light in Chu Yanmu condenses slightly.

The arrival of Ziweimen seemed to be a sharp sword hanging overhead, and I didn't know when it would fall.

So at this time, you can only grab time with your invisible opponent.

It's obviously unrealistic to turn this palace inch by inch in search of treasure.

Let's not say how huge this project is.

An emperor who destroyed the Twelve Kingdoms 20,000 years ago and built such an incredible underground emperor's tomb might dig a hole in the ground and bury the treasure in it?

So it would not be the emperor, but the rich man in the countryside.

To bury so many natural treasures is said to be buried, but it must be a means used by any monk.

And in this empty hall, the only thing that can be found is the statue and the coffin.

Everyone walked.

After a little inspection, Kong Xianchao Chu Yan looked over: "This statue is just a stone. There is no formation and nothing special."

"Should you move it?"

Cao Feng asked.

Seeing that Chu Yan nodded, Cao Feng put his finger in his mouth and whistled.

The blood armored leopard next to the statue suddenly struck the limbs, pushing hard with his back.

The statue, weighing 10 million yuan, suddenly made a dull noise and moved a foot to the side.

The statue moved away without any change.

The ground previously held by the statue was nothing special.

But at this moment, Uzrama's face paled.

She took a deep breath and asked, "Who did you cough just now?"

Everyone looked at each other, then shook their heads.

The next moment, everyone froze.

A chill, seeping out of the bone marrow, and together with the surrounding loneliness, bullied the soul.

"Did you hear me wrong?"

Su Jianyuan smiled and wanted to ease the atmosphere.

But Ursema's solemn look kept him from laughing.

"You can't hear me wrong."

Usrama shook her head solemnly, "In fact, just when the statue moved, I saw that your attention was on the statue. I was worried about what might change around me, so I kept paying attention to each of you.

Because of this, I didn't see anyone of you coughing.

But the moment the statue moved, I was— "Uzrama pursed her lips, and then slowly said," I heard someone coughing. "

At such a time, since Uzrama said so resolutely, there would be no problem with credibility.

But ... there was no cough.

So who will cough?

Just then, a thought suddenly rose in the hearts of everyone.

The eyes of the crowd unconsciously looked at the coffin not far from the statue.

The coffin still lay there, huge and thick.

The distorted human shape cast on the coffin, at this time, made everyone feel uneasy.

If no one had coughed just now, and someone did cough, the only possibility would be-"No."

Furui's face turned pale.

But just then, she discovered something extremely horrifying.

"This coffin opened a seam!"

Realizing this, she exclaimed, then widened her eyes and covered her mouth.

The crowd looked for a moment and looked at Qi Qi from her angle.

The next moment, a chill, crackled up along the spine of everyone.

The lid of the coffin was moved aside a little bit, and at this moment there was a gap about one foot long, about the thickness of a toothpick.

This gap, to be honest, if it wasn't for Furui to see it right now, judging by the huge volume of this coffin, it would be hard to find.

What's more, because everyone was careful before, they didn't look close.

And at this moment, everyone's eyes were all focused on that gap, and the brain carefully recalled whether this gap existed before— "keke ..." in a silence, the sound came.

The coughing sound was extremely clear, coming from the coffin.

Suddenly, everyone at the scene suddenly felt that their hairs were all up.

It was almost a subconscious reaction, and the crowd entered into a state of fighting in an instant, and their eyes were surprised and alert, and they looked at the gap.

In the eyes of everyone, the gap began to widen slowly.

It's like having a pair of hands moving underneath.

"Don't let him come out easily."

Chu Yan had his eyes fixed.

The words fell, and Su Jianyuan's ice and fire swords suddenly cut out.

"Extremely frosty!"

Shooting is the trick.

The icy sword-mang, suddenly, with the mighty oppression of the iceberg, chopped down towards the gap.

But just when Jian Feng was about to hit the coffin, a white light suddenly flashed like lightning on the surface of the coffin.

Clicking-the sword Mountain suddenly collapsed.

The power of the anti-shock was like waves, blasting in mid-air, and the emptiness was like a broken screen, and Su Jianyuan would be drawn in instantly.

Chu Yan rushed out immediately.

"Seven stars chaos!"

Before grabbing the broken void, he grabbed Su Jianyuan, almost against the broken edge of the void, and flashed out to more than ten feet.

Crackling! The broken sound came just now.

Su Jianyuan was not hurt because Chu Yan shot in time.

However, the ice and fire swords were anchored in the void, shook like a cracked porcelain at this moment. After a while, they crackled into hundreds of fragments and fell to the ground.

The eyes flickered instantly.

Su Jianyuan's face also became extremely gloomy.

On the one hand is the distress of the destruction of the two swords.

In fact, his loss during this trip to Sansheng Mountain is relatively small compared to others.

The Ice and Fire Swords were destroyed. At least he has a wind sword that can be used temporarily.

The reason why his face changed more at this moment was this inexplicable power.

This power, which comes directly through the void, is not only extremely powerful, but also invincible.

Imagine that if it was not Chu Yan who shot in time, it was broken into several hundred pieces at this time. I was afraid that it would be not only the swords of ice and fire, but also his body of Su Jianyuan.

"Chu Yan, look--" At this time, Lin Miaoran's voice came.

Compared to her usual speech, her movement at this moment was more like a moan squeezed from her throat after being frightened.

The faces of the people next to her looked extremely ugly.

Chu Yan helped Su Jianyuan stand and looked in the direction of Lin Miaoran's fingers.

The gap in the coffin, just now, has been stretched to a length of four or five feet, and it is more than two feet wide.

At this time, they were not tall, and there were still some sloppy figures. While coughing intermittently, they sat up slowly from the inside under the horrified gaze of everyone.

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