Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1337: 20,000 years

Cough-A slightly weak cough that comes into your ears at this moment.

Coupled with the slowly sitting puppet figure, if you ignore the surrounding environment at this moment, it is easy to make people feel as if they saw an old man infected with the cold next door.

But in fact, at this time when they saw the figure sitting up, everyone at the scene could only feel the sensation of chill rising from the back.

The corpse in the coffin really came alive, and still sat up slowly in front of everyone.

The number of zombies that everyone saw in the Sansheng Mountain this time is unknown.

Those zombies, with their entire bodies dry, and their skin tingling with nauseating scarlet red, if their bodies were torn or cut off, that look would only become more horrible and shy.

In principle, after seeing more terrible scenes, I just saw a resurrection of a zombie at this moment, which should not make everyone react.

But the problem is that as the zombie sits up, the look on everyone's face changes.

To put it more accurately, it turns white.

Even the small sugar candy and the golden armored blood leopard, at this moment, the hair around the neck was exploded, and in the eyes, there was fear, lying on his face, and facing the figure on the coffin low. Shouted.

Among the crowd, only Chu Yan's brow gradually wrinkled.

He turned his head in doubt, looking at the statue behind him, and then saw that he had got up at the moment, sitting on the coffin facing the crowd, and coughing constantly, his brows suddenly tightened.

If this guy who crawled out of the coffin was the emperor said in the mouth of the state teacher, is it a little too big compared with the statue of the tall and mighty shore?

Isn't this zombie crawling out of the coffin the emperor?

Because the statue is tall and burly, and although it is only a stone statue, the overbearing spirit that ravaged the world almost burst into a void.

Standing in front of the statue, you can clearly feel the horror momentum that is crushed like a mountain.

Ordinary people stood in front of the statue, let alone raised their heads for a glance, for fear that their legs were upright, they could not do it, they could only kneel on the ground and shiver.

And the figure that crawled out of the coffin was like a skinny, sickly sick man with a life-threatening illness.

The coughs seemed to remind everyone: I'm seriously ill, I'm weak, I'm going to die soon.

Moreover, the thin body makes people feel that it is vulnerable, a gust of wind can blow down.

The zombies I saw before gave everyone a feeling of invincibility, and even if the body is cut open, as long as the corpse core is present, it can continue to pose a threat to people. It is probably not described as immortal. Exaggerated.

But the zombie who started coughing as soon as he got out of the coffin was really unheard of.

When thinking of this, Chu Yan's heart jumped.

In his mind, at this moment, it seemed like a flash of lightning.

"Zombies who can cough ... but the zombies' bodies are extremely tough ... stronger than steel ..." At the same time, what the previous state teacher said, echoed in Chu Yan's mind again.

"Your Majesty is about to wake up ..." "Your invasion will disturb His Majesty's rest ..." "I do not want to see an outsider when Her Majesty wakes up ..." The Master never said that the emperor died and appeared as a zombie What he keeps saying is: wake up! The zombie is a kind of existence between life and death.

How could this kind of existence still bring the pain of life! An amazing answer is now coming out of Chu Yan's mind.

Although this may seem strange, but aside from everything else, this possibility is the only answer! Even Chu Yan, at this moment in front of this speculation, couldn't help but feel his heartbeat speed up and be shocked.

He looked up and looked at the thin, thin figure already sitting on the coffin.

And that figure, at this time also seems to feel that Chu Yan's eyes are different from everyone.

His lowered head also lifted at this moment, and then looked at Chu Yan.

At a distance of more than ten feet, the two looked at each other.

Suddenly, an old face full of ditch-like surroundings, staring at the big bags under the eyes, drooping his cheeks, appeared in front of Chu Yan.

The nostrils slumped slightly, and the chest could see obvious undulations.

What came out of the coffin was not a zombie, but a living person! After confirming this, Chu Yan couldn't believe his eyes.

At this moment, he felt scalp tingling, there was a qi, rising from Dantian, rushing to the chest, trying to get out of his throat, making a sound, but at this time, the qi was blocked in his throat eye.

This is a living person.

This is a living person with a life span of more than 20,000 years! how can that be! Zhenwu Realm is upgraded to Ningmai Realm, which absorbs heaven and earth aura, and its life can be increased by one nail.

Ningmai Realm is elevated to the Diyuan Realm, qi and blood are merged, and the life span can be increased by one nail.

Ascending from the earth to the state of mind, cutting hair and washing the spine, life can also increase a nail.

Even afterwards, Zifujing, and even Real Wonderland, can increase their lifespan for hundreds of years, but in that case, at most, it will only be the number of thousand years! What is the number of years of life in the face of a life of 20,000 years?

Don't say it's a brother, just a baby.

The true immortals of Tianyazong have a lifespan of only a thousand, but the old man with a body in his body revealing a decadent atmosphere is very likely to be a monk who has surpassed ten thousand years of life.

"How could this ..." Chu Yan slowly spit out four words.

The people around him heard his voice at this moment and couldn't help turning their heads.

"Chu Yan, what did you say?"

Jiang Panmeng asked in confusion.

"He ..." Chu Yan raised his hand and pointed at the old man on the coffin.

He wanted to say his guess.

But at this time, the old man on the coffin took the lead to speak.

"Are you here to stop me from waking up?"

The sound was dry, like the decaying wooden box that had been sealed for a long time.

But the solemn dignity of a superior man was to prove his identity to everyone in an instant.

As he spoke, the darkness around the palace seemed thicker at the moment, pressing down on them little by little.

The atmosphere suddenly became extra dignified.

"This old zombie is indeed the emperor!"

Su Jianyuan's breathing was stagnation, and she almost died in the other's hands before. At this moment, she reacted with shock and anger.

"Do you think He is a zombie?"

The wrinkles of the old face were squeezed into the eyes like two beans, with a gaze, mocking and contempt.

Su Jianyuan originally wanted to say something, but at this moment he was swept away by this old man's weird eyes. I don't know why. He just felt that the internal organs had become cold. When he got to his mouth, he couldn't even say a word.

"Hoo--" Seeing everyone quiet again, the old man covered his mouth and coughed twice before saying, "Since you have appeared here, then it means that both Princess Qiong and the teacher are dead."

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