Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1341: I remember

His eyes moved slightly, and after a while, Chu Yan's expression returned to his usual indifference.

He turned to look at the person beside him, "What the **** is that old guy?"

The identity of the other party is naturally obvious, but the one behind the gates of hell.

"Rare ability."

The other said, "Maybe it's some kind of ancient heritage."

"Sansheng Mountain, Sansheng, the previous life, this life, and the future, it was these three lives."

After Chu Yan thought for a moment, he looked back at the person next to him and asked with a smile, "Why don't you stop talking?"

After speaking, Chu Yan also imitated the tone of the other party's past speech.

"Maybe ... some ... ancient ... heritage ... you usually talk like this, don't you all look like this.

Why not now?

Could it be those zombies that swallowed up before and fed you up? "

The tone of Chu Yan was ridiculous.

The other rolled his eyes and ignored him.

Originally, I wanted to make fun of the other party. Now that the other party didn't answer, Chu Yan naturally won't get too tangled in this area.

He quickly turned his attention back to real problems.

"I am now stuck in the memory of the past?

Can you see the past and the future?

What about the others? "

"do not know."

The one behind Hell's Gate answered very simply, "But the longer you stay here, the more dangerous you are."

Chu Yan also understood the danger the other party said.

Like him just now, if he is not awakened by the other party, he may not realize that he is actually in deep memory.

In this way, if you see yourself from the previous life, or even from the next life, the overlap of the three identities and the three sections of memory may directly make people's consciousness collapse and become a lunatic or idiot.

And even if they didn't become idiots, their bodies are still in that palace.

The only prayer now is that the old goods are really mortal bodies.

In this case, it is not easy to kill them as monks in a short time.

"But this is also a short time ..." Chu Yan muttered.

... In the palace, the old man who was the emperor of the former dynasty was sitting on the coffin at the moment, with the twisted human figure on the coffin under his buttocks.

He stood there at the moment, but like Chu Yan and others who had fallen asleep, with a sneer in his mouth, sips and ate the fruit.

Under his feet, the kernels and peels of the ground had piled up at this moment.

A strong scent emanates from these kernels and peels.

Over 20,000 years of heaven and earth treasures, even the core and peel, are enough treasures to make any monk crazy.

But at this moment the old man turned a blind eye to them all and ate only the flesh.

As each fruit was swallowed into his belly, the old man's originally dried body gradually filled up.

The wrinkles on the face gradually became lighter.

His breathing became deep, and his dead body was now slowly regaining vitality, like a heaven and a forest.

And his eyes always fell on Chu Yan and others, never moving away.

There are three whirlpools of eyes that are constantly rotating, full of coldness and sensation.

... "Now that I'm still in memory, it means that I'm not in danger for the time being, but I don't know when the danger will fall."

Chu Yan groaned a bit and said, "I must find a way to get out of here as soon as possible."

After making these remarks, Chu Yan looked at the guy who looked exactly like him with the look of inquiry.

"You don't look at me like that."

The other person shook his head. "I won't help you."

"If you say that, you know how to crack it."

Chu Yan said immediately.

The other party stopped talking, just holding his arms and looking at Chu Yan lightly.

After so long, Chu Yan also got a certain understanding of the temper behind the gate of hell.

Since the other party doesn't say it now, no matter how much they ask, the other party will definitely not say it.

And now this situation, he wants to force the other side to ask, there is no way to do it.

Because at this time he is in his memory.

But he is more like an outsider who can only see but cannot participate.

Even the ripples in the pond can't do it, so naturally there is nothing else that might affect it.

He closed his eyes and groaned for a moment, settled down, and Chu Yan's brain quickly turned.

At this time, if you want to break the game, you can only rely on yourself.

"If the ability of the old goods is to be able to see my past life, this life, and the next life, then why this life is seeing this picture in Nanyun County.

let me see.

This year is May 23 when I was five years old.

And I was shot into the abyss at the age of fifteen.

At this time, there is still a full ten years before the official conspiracy occurs. "

With that said, a sneer appeared on Chu Yan's face: "But Chu Qiangdong's plan has already begun at this time."

Between words, Chu Yan stepped forward.

He had lived in a different garden, and there were few court ladies and eunuchs who served him.

At that time, Chu Yan thought that Chu Qiangdong was doing this to prevent those court ladies and eunuchs from disturbing his cultivation.

Later I learned that Chu Qiangdong did this just to simply reduce his contact with the outside world, so that Chu Yan knew nothing about many things.

At the age of five, although Chu Yan already had memories, many of those memories were fragmented.

At this time he could not remember exactly what happened on May 23 of that year.

So at this moment, Chu Yan chose to follow Xiao Chuyan, that is, when he was five years old, he went outwards while watching and remembering.

Anyway, at this time, he exists as a bystander. He can see the people here, but the people here can't see him.

This is indeed the case.

More precisely, what happened here, what happened at every point in time, is actually fixed, because this is Chu Yan's memory, which has happened in the past, and the things that are determined will not change for other reasons .

Following Xiao Chuyan stepped out of the garden and crossed the pavilion, Chu Yan also saw a familiar face-Wu Xiaoming Wu Gonggong in his youth.

That is, the **** who revealed Chu Yan's rebellious intention ten years later.

Wu Gonggong ten years ago was just an unknown little eunuch. When he saw Chu Yan, he saluted respectfully, and his face was full of charming smiles.

But now Chu Yan also knows that the name of that year is unknown and it is just an illusion.

Since Chu Qiangdong arranged Wu Xiaoming to appear around Chu Yan, Wu Xiaoming was naturally part of Chu Qiangdong's plan.

Even if he is not a confidant, he is a trustworthy eunuch, and his future is limitless.

Looking at himself when he was a child, he took small steps, walked along a palace wall all the way to his head, and then turned around, Chu Yan suddenly opened his eyes: "I remember what happened today!"

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