Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1342: 婵 儿

The words fell, Chu Yan didn't care about the person around him, took a quick step, bypassed the palace wall, and came to a small palace.

The palace is small, and there is a quiet garden outside.

But at this time, from the palace, a little girl whimpered.

"Brother, brother, what should I do, I don't mean to destroy this platform ... 嘤 嘤 嘤 ..." "婵 儿 ——" Standing outside the palace gate, Chu Yan's eyes were a little complicated.

In front of him at this moment stood a little girl in a pink dress.

At the age of three, pink carving and jade carving, at this time wearing a pink dress, wiping tears with both hands, looked pitifully at the little Chuyan who was just like an adult.

If you want to use a sentence to describe Chu Xier, it is: from small to big.

When I was young, I was so cute that I couldn't pick up any problems. When I grew up, I was so famous.

Seeing the little girl shed her tears, even if she knew what would happen in ten years, Chu Yan couldn't help but think at this moment.

At this time, the little adult like Chu Chuyan has patted his breast and said, "Do n’t you cry, it ’s okay. I ’ll go and talk to my father after a while. This is his favorite platform. I was destroyed. "

"But, but my brother will be punished ..." Chu Yaner's eyes were red.

"What's this, my brother should have protected his sister."

Xiao Chuyan said as he rolled up his sleeves, showing muscles that did not exist at this time. "Look, even if the father punished him, his brother would be so strong that nothing would happen.

Rest assured, Do n’t cry, if you cry again, you will become a face cat. "

Putting down his sleeves, Xiao Chuyan reached out and touched Chu Min's little head.

"Big brother is the best for her."

After being rubbed, Chu Yier slightly raised his head and narrowed his eyes like a cat.

Standing outside the hall and watching all these Chu Yan, the corner of his mouth could not help but raise an angle.

"Did you blame her?"

At this time, following the one who came over, he asked in an unemotional voice.

In Chu Yan's eyes, a look of nostalgia emerged.

After a while, he shook his head and smiled: "No, when I was ready to top the bag, she took the initiative to admit her mistake. As a result, both of us were punished for beating palms and kneeling for an hour."

"So she still feels sorry for you. It seems your sister cares about you too."

The word behind the gates of hell.

"Yes, she cares about me and even cares about using her own body to plant stolen goods and sent me to the abyss, and she brought me the cup of poisonous wine that I drank."

The smile on Chu Yan's face gradually converged.

When looking again at the delicate little girl like a porcelain doll, Chu Yan's eyes showed a complex look.

"But this thing should have special meaning to you. Otherwise, it would not be this memory at the moment."

"Chu Qiangdong is dead, and Chu Xing is dead. The rest is Chu Yier who has no news for the time being, so what do you think?"

Chu Yan turned his head and looked towards the man behind the gate of hell.

The other person's physical appearance at this time is exactly the same as himself, but the temperament of the whole person is obviously different from Chu Yan.

Staring at the other side for a moment, Chu Yan shook his head and said, "I don't think you deserve my body."

"You won't have a chance to say this by then."

The word behind the gates of hell.

"I wouldn't let that happen."

Chu Yan gave no way.

"We don't need to argue about this right now."

The man behind the gate of **** lifted his chin and pointed inside the palace. "What then?"

"Did I just say that, and then I went to admit my mistake, but Chu Yier quickly rushed over to explain the matter, and the result was that we were both punished.

The Fang Yantai seemed to be contributed by a tribal leader. Chu Qiangdong liked it very much, so the punishment for us was quite heavy in the beginning.

But then my mother-in-law interceded, and the punishment was just a little while.

Now think about it, my mother has always loved me, even if she made a serious mistake, she never blamed me ... "Having said that, Chu Yan suddenly stopped.

The next moment, his breathing became quicker, his eyes flickered, and even after a moment, his arms began to tremble uneasily.

The man behind the gate of **** turned to his side and looked at Chu Yan with curiosity.

"How did I forget, how did I forget this ... Yes, this is my memory when I was five years old, so for the next time, I, I will ... I will ..." Chu Yan's chest was violent With.

At this moment, a rare look of helplessness appeared on his face.

Looking around, Chu Yan soon saw him in the palace, and after comforting the young Chu Chuer a few words, the little adult usually walked out and walked straight ahead. .

Chu Yan stood still. At this moment, his face was full of surprises, fears, fears, and anticipation of all kinds of mixed complexities.

The one behind Hell's Gate didn't care about him. After staring at it for a while, he began to look around with interest.

At this time, Chu Yan's head was chaotic.

Many thoughts at this moment seem to be a series of explosions, and in my mind, the sound of booming is constantly heard.

"I've almost forgotten her appearance ..." "But this is the memory, she must be clear in memory ..." "I can see her again ... I can still ..." "But I can't Talking to her, she couldn't see me. What a meaning to meet like this ... "Big mouth gasping and a rapid heartbeat, Chu Yan's face changed drastically.

Finally, after the little figure disappeared into the distance, Chu Yan gritted his teeth suddenly and strode up.

The one behind the gate of hell, after looking at him lightly, walked over without hesitation.

In the impression, the peach forest not far from here should not be far away.

But at this moment, Chu Yan did not know in his heart whether he hoped that this road could be made shorter or longer.

After walking a short distance, Chu Yan can already see that after the green bricks and green tiles, several peach branches were found out.

The month at this time is when the peach blossoms are in full bloom.

The pink peach blossoms, at this moment, reflected the light around them, with a touch of light pink.

Outside the arched door stood two maids and two eunuchs, watching them respectfully, as if waiting for someone.

These four people naturally could not see Chu Yan at this moment, but Chu Yan stood in front of the arch for a moment, but hesitated again.

Do you want to go in?

Does it really make sense to meet after entering?

Chu Yan was hesitating and struggling. At this moment, the voice behind the gate of **** suddenly remembered in his ear: "You have something to be afraid of?

Let me see what it is? "

"You stand still!"

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes suddenly and drank loudly.

The step just taken behind the gates of **** stopped at this moment. He turned, his eyes were not good, and he looked towards Chu Yan: "This rude tone, are you talking to me?"

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