Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1343: peach blossom

Leng Leng and Chu Yan faced each other for a moment, and the one behind the gate of **** had to take another step back into the arch.

"Dare you go one step further and I will kill you."

Chu Yan's cold voice came from behind him.

The body behind the gates of **** stopped.

After a while, he turned his head and saw Chu Yan's eyes.

Murderous Ye Ye.

Since he woke up behind the gates of **** and entered the young man's body, the self-conceived period of symbiosis has made countless readers understand his temperament.

But at this moment, he was surprised to find that this was the first time he saw such a warning-filled look in Chu Yan's eyes.

Although he also knew that Chu Yan's sentence was just a threat.

There is absolutely no way for the other person to kill himself.

But at this time, in his heart, he felt the decisiveness and fierceness of the other party.

The man behind the gate of **** turned his head to look at the arch.

Across the door.

On this side of the door stood Chu Yan, he, and two eunuchs and two eunuchs.

On the other side of the door is Chu Yan's unwillingness to let him see.

After a moment of groaning, the man behind the gate of **** stepped aside and did not step in again.

In fact, he felt surprised at this moment.

For many years, even he himself did not remember, when was the last compromise.

After the other party stood by the arch, after a while, Chu Yan's expression calmed down.

He looked at the arch, took a deep breath, and walked forward as if he had made up some determination.

Behind the arch was a peach forest.

Peach blossoms are in full bloom, like a sea of ​​flowers, stretching far into the distance.

The breeze was blowing, the peach branches were shaking slightly, and the whole sea of ​​flowers seemed to come alive at this moment.

Some of the delicate petals falling down were also shaking gently in the wind at this time.

At this moment, in front of Chu Yan, not far away, in her early twenties, she was already a woman dressed as a woman, squatting down on the ground with her knees bent, her eyes and eyes were full of gentle words to the little boy in front of her .

The little boy is naturally a five-year-old little Chu Yan. At this moment, he stopped and the little adult nodded his head.

And that woman, Chu Yan, stopped breathing at this moment.

Step by step, he walked extremely hard.

The woman's face became clearer and clearer in his sight.

Chu Yan did not dare to look away, nor did he want to look away.

He was afraid that once he looked away, if he wanted to see him again next time, he wouldn't know what time it was.

The woman smiled softly and whispered something to Xiao Chuyan.

Xiao Chuyan nodded again and again.

The wind was blowing gently, the peach blossoms were slowly swaying.

This picture seemed to freeze in Chu Yan's heart at this moment.

The next moment, the woman stood up, and Xiao Chuyan turned around, pouting, and walked out of Taolin.

At this time, Chu Yan was surprised. Just now, unconsciously, she had already reached the woman's side.

Xiao Chuyan almost walked past his calf at this moment.

The distance between him and the woman was less than two feet.

The woman's eyes, soft, soft, full of affection, looked at the little boy who went away at this time.

Looking at the soft face of a woman close at hand, Chu Yan could not help whispering: "The mother-in-law", for many, many years, never spoken from Chu Yan's mouth.

There was even such a period of time that Chu Yan thought that he would never have the opportunity to speak these two words again.

At this moment, his nose was sour.

He even thanked the old man in his heart.

It was not his words, that today, I would not have such an opportunity.

Not long ago, he was still struggling, hesitating, still scared, and still questioning, I don't know if this meeting makes any sense.

Now Chu Yan can say so, everything is worth it.

"Good boy."

At this time, the woman's mouth smiled softly.

The tone is also gentle and gentle, which can make people feel restless and calm down instantly.

Chu Yan pouted.

He knew that the two words of the other side were for the little boy who was leaving.

But on his face, he couldn't help but smile at this moment.

Voices that have long been obscured in memory, at this moment, along with these two words, they are branded with clear marks.

When the little boy walked out of Taolin and stepped out of the archway, Chu Yan saw the woman in front of him and slowly turned his head.

In the clear eyes of the other party, his reflection appeared.

"She can see me!"

When Chu Yan realized this, he saw the woman's eyes bend, the water flowing in her eyes, showing a pitying expression: "You have grown up, exactly like I imagined."

Chu Yan froze. After a moment, his heart trembled, and tears began to rain.

... The afternoon sun, through the blossoming peach blossoms, casts a mottled shadow in this quiet forest.

The broken shadow is slightly inclined, and gently shakes, revealing a warm and demure taste.

In the woods, stone tables and benches, the freshly brewed tea burst into heat.

Now a young woman of twenty-three or four, sitting with a smile, stroking the back of the teenager lying on her legs.

Always strong in front of people, and never had a weak side of Chu Yan, at this moment kneeling on her knees, like a child, sticking her cheek to a woman's leg, a contented smile on her face.

Can really be seen.

And it can really come across.

At this time, Chu Yan didn't want to know why others couldn't see him, only his mother could see him.

At this time, he just wanted to feel the tenderness that had been lost for a long time.

It seems that knowing Chu Yan's mood at the moment, the woman gently stroked Chu Yan's long hair, the look in her eyes, and there was no difference when looking at the young child before.

Are all their children.

Just one of them, which has crossed the long river of time, came here from the future.

"Mother-" After a long time, Chu Yan made a gentle sound in his throat, then sucked his nose.

"You must have had a hard time alone these years."

The woman sighed.

Chu Yan's breathing was stagnant.

He looked up and looked at the woman in front of him who was not a few years older than himself.

He would like to ask the other party, where are you now, and why should you leave yourself.

But after a long time, Chu Yan said nothing, just shook his head.

"It must be hard work, I know it, so I left those things for you."

The woman looked at Chu Yan, "Some things, I have no way to tell you now, when we meet again in the future, I will tell you everything, I hope you don't blame me."

"Mother-" Chu Yan smiled.

Rubbing the tears flowing from the corners of her eyes, Her Royal Highness smiled happily: "I never blame you—" The woman reached out her hand, held Chu Yan's face, and lowered her head against Chu Yan's forehead: "Some things I have to do, it just makes you suffer. I'm really glad you came here this time."


Chu Yan sucked his nose. "But isn't this my memory?"

"Just think this is your memory."

The woman smiled, "I don't have much time, so Chu Yan is good, listen to my mother tell you something, okay?"


Chu Yan nodded.

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