Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1344: Even here

"In the future, if someone wants to know your past deliberately by some means, then this person is your enemy.

The woman said.

Chu Yan listened seriously.

Just when he wanted to hear more from each other, he saw the woman smile and said, "I'm done."


No more? "

Chu Yan blinked in doubt.

"Yes, that's it."

The woman smiled and said, "Now you can tell your mother, what have you experienced over the years?"

The woman touched Chu Yan's hair, in her tone, she was gentle: "Because I think my little Chu Yan has really grown up."

Xiao Chuyan, this is a title I haven't heard for a long time.

Chu Yan took a breath, and after a moment of groaning, he began to enter the forest home of Changqing Town and told about it.

The wind was still blowing gently, and the peach blossoms in the forest were rolled up from time to time, flying in the air and falling.

Beyond the arch, the same figure as Chu Yan looks, his face reveals a thoughtful look.

From Changqing Town, to the trial of Xuanyuemen, to entering the Broken Star Tower, to the National Religion Election, to the trip to Sansheng Mountain today.

Chu Yan spoke very carefully and in great detail.

And the woman listened very carefully, looking at her eyes, it seemed as if she could not wait to engrave every word of Chu Yan in her heart.

During this period, Chu Yan tried several times to stop and ask the other party why he left.

But in the end he resisted.

After speaking, Chu Yan exhaled a long breath: "And then, I'm here."

"Sansheng Mountain, Sansheng Mountain."

The woman blinked at Chu Yan, "Remember what I just said to you?"

"That old product-no, that's wrong!"

Chu Yan's gaze drew sharply.

My mother just said to herself that someone deliberately used some means to understand their past.

Although the old good knew his past through his strange ability, the other party did not do it intentionally.

This time the two sides met in the Sansheng Mountain was a coincidence.

If you really want to say that it is intentional, then the Ziwei Gate that proposed the trial of the Sansheng Mountain and stirred the wind and rain in it is the most suspicious.

With that thought, Chu Yan's mind suddenly began to correlate with a lot of information.

"I heard that the emperor destroyed the twelve kingdoms and got all the treasures of the heavens and earth, so I preconceived that Ziweimen wanted the treasures of these twelve kingdoms.

But if that's not the case— "Chu Yan's eyes flashed a brilliant light.

But at this time, the ground under his feet suddenly shook.

"what happened?"

Chu Yan asked quickly.

The woman didn't seem surprised at all.

She smiled and reached out to Chu Yan, touching his cheek.

Mother's hands are delicate and warm.

"This is a sign of time."

The woman said softly.

"What time ... what the **** is going on!"

Chu Yan grabbed a woman's hand.

The ground under his feet was shaking more and more.

"The power of three lives can bring you to me, and I am satisfied to see you going forward step by step,"

The woman smiled, and tears came out.

"Mother! What the **** is going on."

Chu Yan's heart at this time raised unprecedented fear.

He is not afraid of death, but is afraid of losing again.

"The past life, this life, the future, the memories of this life are over, and you are going to the past life."

The woman held Chu Yan's hand.

"Past life——" Chu Yan took a sharp breath, and a firmness appeared in his eyes. "Mother, where am I going to see you again! We will see you again, right! You are still alive! Chu Qiang Dong said that you were picked up and you were not dead! Chu Xing also said that Ziweimen ’s Taiqing emperor knew about the city of glory! You were in the city of glory, right! Emperor-"Boom! The sky suddenly dropped a rolling thunder.

Suddenly, Chu Yan found that the world around him began to collapse.

The woman released her hand holding Chu Yan with a smile and stepped back.

"Mother, wait for me, I will see you again!"

Chu Yan shouted.

The woman's tears flowed freely and she nodded forcefully: "I wait for you, my child, I believe in you."

Chu Yan opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but it was a loud noise. The whole world exploded and turned into a huge black hole.

Chu Yan's body fell towards the black hole.

This fall did not last long.

He soon felt a dazzling light behind him.

After a moment, his eyes suddenly opened up suddenly.

Still blue sky and white clouds.

But this time, the sky was full of desolation.

And his body is still falling.

After another period of time, Chu Yan fell into a river.

The river is very deep, but for Chu Yan at this time, he is just a bystander, so whether it falls or the river will not affect him in any way.

After making a few strokes in the river, Chu Yan was about to float to the surface. Suddenly, he saw the upstream of the river, black like ink, as if it were a large net, flowing towards the downstream where he was.

In the river, there are large schools of fish, panicked and fleeing downstream, full of the taste of Cangjie.

"what is that?"

Chu Yan fixed his eyes and looked at the past.

... slam! The sound of footsteps echoed in this empty and quiet palace.

Zhao Pingxing narrowed his eyes slightly, clenched the sword in his hand, and then continued to walk forward.

Soon after, when she saw dozens of people standing in front of her, she unconsciously pulled out her sword.

But soon she discovered that the dozens of silhouettes didn't seem to realize her arrival at all, and everyone stood there, facing her, motionless.

However, Zhao Lixing can confirm that these are living people.

Because she can feel the temperature of these people, and the breathing and heartbeat of living people.

"These should be the people I saw under the steps before."

Zhao Pingxing said in his heart.

Although the other party did not know why, everyone did not move.

But she still carefully held the hilt, then went forward.

After approaching, Zhao Pingxing realized that the monks who had come here before her seemed to be standing asleep at this moment.

Everyone closed their eyes and let out a soothing breath.

Not only the monks, but even the three beasts are asleep now.

If it were not for such a spooky palace, then this scene can indeed be described as quiet and peaceful.

Just then, Zhao Pingxing glanced.

She saw a familiar face.

"It's that guy."

With her eyes fixed, she came to Chu Yan.

Chu Yan also closed her eyes at this moment, breathing slowly, clearly falling into a deep sleep.

"This guy is going to be here."

Zhao Pingxing sneered and drew out a long sword.

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