Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1345: I came for your eyes

Chu Yan was still asleep.

He slept very well, and had no reaction to what happened around him, not to mention that he was aware of Zhao Pingxing's move at the moment.

In the gloomy palace, the sword's edge is strong, flowing slowly, from the blade to the point of the sword, and then condensing into a light spot.

Squinting, looking at the Chu Yan in front of him, Zhao Pingxing slowly spit out two words: "dead."

The voice fell, pulled his sword, and stabbed forward.

It was only her sword, when she moved forward, suddenly turned the direction, and at the same time quickly turned, swept violently towards the direction behind her.


Huh! At the moment of the sword-mang, the cutting void, the cold mang spread, buzzing, and continuous vibration, not only the ground, but even the mid-air, there was a cut at this moment.

This piece of void seemed to be divided at this time.

Zhao Pingxing looked quickly.

The next moment, a certain direction of Jianmang's cutting came a muffled hum.

At the same time, the blood coagulated on the twinkling sword awns in the air, seeping a string of blood.

"Be there, get out of me!"

Zhao Pingxing stepped forward, and the sword swept again.

"Xiandu Xinghe!"

With a buzz, Jian Feng groaned.

The sword awns that had just been swayed and cut out around them, at this time came singing and shaking together, and immediately, they converged into a single piece, bursting out in the direction of the bleeding beads.

Huh! Immediately, the void was perforated, with a twist and chaos.

The distortion of the space caused the ground to tear, collapse, and burst into explosions.

At the same time, a figure stumbled and flew from the side extremely embarrassingly.

This figure is the old emperor who has lived for more than 20,000 years.

In that time, he had swallowed various natural treasures, and his body was much taller and taller than when he just crawled out of the coffin.

The originally dried and wrinkled muscles and skin of the body also regained vitality, not only bulging, but also a faint glow.

At this moment the old emperor no longer looked like an old monster, but an old man in his sixties.

And with the exertion of the medicinal power contained in those treasures, his body is still rejuvenating.

But at this moment, he covered his chest, his face showing a look of shock and anger, looking at Zhao Pingxing.

Yin Hong's blood kept pouring from his five fingers.

After carefully examining each other for a moment, Zhao Pingxing nodded: "It's you who are right."

"Who are you ..." the old emperor gritted his teeth and asked.

However, before his words fell, he saw the long sword in Zhao Lixing's hand and swept towards him again.

In the sound of Jian Feng tearing the void, Zhao Lixing's faint voice came: "I came for your eyes."

Huh! Jianmang spread in the sky, like a peacock opening its screen.

Each Jianmang was shocking, revealing a taste of killing.

At this moment, the air around me seemed to drop below the freezing point, letting people breathe, as if all the internal organs were frozen.

"Don't think about it!"

The old emperor gritted his teeth, took out a piece of yellowed rune paper, and put it on his chest.

In the wound on the chest, there was a sudden surge of bleeding water, soaking the rune paper.

In the eyes of the old emperor, a painful expression appeared.

Apparently, Zhao Lixing's sudden shot made him caught off guard and suffered a big loss.

Jianmang is coming soon.

The old emperor's body was punctured in an instant, and then torn to pieces by the shocking swordman.

However, Zhao Lixing's face didn't look relaxed at all.

With her eyes fixed, she immediately looked towards the statue not far away.

Almost at the same time, the old emperor panted, and the figure of crickets fell out from behind the statue.

The figure that had been pierced and shredded before was turned into pieces of rune paper at this moment, and slowly dropped in mid-air.

"You don't want to kill me!"

The old emperor covered his wound, pulled out another piece of rune paper, and threw it towards Zhao Pingxing.

The rune paper was about three fingers wide and palms long, and it seemed that because of time, not only the paper was yellow, but the corners were fluffed and rolled up.

At this moment, the action of throwing a thin piece of paper on it didn't seem to have much power.

But just after flying away from the palm of the old emperor, the rune paper became bigger with the speed visible to the naked eye. Zhao Pingxing smashed in the past.

"I know your tricks well."

Zhao Pingxing snorted and cut it off with a sword.

"Xiandu Xinghe!"

The sharp sword awn turned into an arc, whistling straight out.

Hey! The heavy rune paper was immediately torn in half and flew out to both sides.

Jianmang cast more than one, chopped on top of the statue, and blasted the statue apart, the stones shattered, and the deafening roar was like a steel explosion.

The flying dust instantly engulfed the old emperor's panicked face.

After a while, the smoke gradually faded and fell towards the ground.

The original burly statue stood with only one leg left at the moment, and the parts above the legs were all blown up and scattered around.

Zhao Pingxing first glanced at Chu Yan and others.

The few battles here, although the movement is not great, but in this empty hall, the sound of constant friction, will become like a rolling thunder.

But Chu Yan and others still looked like they were asleep, unaffected.

"Three lives ..." Zhao Pingxing narrowed his eyes, turned to look at the figure lying on the ground next to the statue, then clenched the sword in his hand and walked towards the other side.

At this time, the figure moved.

As if feeling the approach of Zhao Pingxing, the figure struggled to get up.

But the legs of his legs were bent, and at this moment a pool of blood had accumulated.

The blood stains and the dust from the statue's explosion mixed together, and it looked slimy and creamy.

After struggling several times, the old emperor fell to the ground weakly.

Then he seemed to have given up, squatting his hands on the ground, and crawling forward.

"You know why I came here, and you know that bit of evil, and in front of the monk, it's nothing.

So why do you resist.

Doing so will only increase your pain. "

Zhao Pingxing stepped towards each other step by step.

Ten feet-eight feet-five feet-three feet-The other side is still crawling forward.

But at this time, Zhao Pingxing faintly felt something wrong.

She almost subconsciously held the hilt and blocked the sword in front of her.

Immediately, a strong force came by air strike.

boom! clang! The blade of the sword bent with the arc visible to the naked eye, then trembled violently, and the dragon groaned.

At the same time, with Zhao Pingxing as the center, twelve rays of light suddenly lit around.

The twelve rays of light rose into the sky in an instant and gathered above Zhao Lixing's head, like a cage, trapped inside.

At this time, the old emperor on the ground stopped crawling.

He turned his head, his face full of resentment, and looked at Zhao Pingxing.

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