Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1346: room

The power of Jian Mang's fury just now is not just torn the rune paper and blown up the statue.

At the moment of the explosion, Jianmang turned into countless cuts, completely crushing one side of the void.

Although the old emperor could use rune papers, he never lied at one point: he was indeed a mortal body.

At most, it can only be regarded as a warrior.

But also an old warrior.

With this level of strength, in the face of the monk's technique, it is only natural to be pressed against the ground to rub.

Just one sword, maybe Zhao Pingxing only exhibited 30% of his strength.

However, the old emperor broke his legs after performing the whole body solution, his internal organs were injured by a shock, and a blood hole was ripped from his forehead.

At this moment his face was blood and dust again, and he looked extremely scary.

A pair of eyes was full of resentment, as if he could not wait to strip Zhao Zhaoxingsheng alive.

But even if his eyes were a hundred times more vicious, Zhao Pingxing wouldn't care.

"It's so difficult to hand over your eyes?"

Zhao Pingxing looked at his cage trapped with interest, and then re-focused on the old emperor. "And do you really think that you can trap me with this little trick?"

The words fell, and Zhao Pingxing put his sword in front of him.

A cold light appeared on the surface of the sword body.

In the light, several extremely complex fonts soon revealed.

These fonts, like inscriptions and simple words, although they are incomprehensible, but at this moment, they bring a lot of pressure.

The eyes of the old emperor changed at this moment.

Zhao Lianxing looked at him without sorrow and joy, as if looking at a peach that was about to be picked off by himself.

"Broken Torrent."

At the same time as spitting out the four words, the light on the sword suddenly spread out, and in an instant, the cage was deformed and burst.

Creak! A ray of light, under this force, made the sound of twisted steel bars.

The next moment, with a bang, twelve rays of light broke up.

The ground surrounding Zhao Pingxing exploded violently at this time.

The ground shook violently, like the sea in a storm.

Zhao Pingxing frowned slightly and was about to jump away. Suddenly, he saw a big hand and suddenly grabbed it from below the collapsed ground.

"This is ..." Zhao Pingxing breathed.

The **** hand was lightning fast, grabbed Zhao Anxing's ankle, and dragged her towards the ground.

"There are even zombies here!"

The unexpected scene made Zhao Pingxing confused.

If you think about it, you will understand, which emperor will put other corpses in his tomb?

Even if it is a funeral, there are funeral pits.

Since ancient times, there has been no reason for people and animals to be buried with the emperor.

Ankle was caught, Zhao Pingxing felt a sudden pain.

The power of this zombie is amazing.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Pingxing was pulled down to the ground by more than two feet.

However, she quickly returned to the gods, and the sword in her hand cut directly towards the bottom.

Xueliang's sword mang not only cut off and grabbed his arm, but also looked under the big pit like daylight.

At this time Zhao Lianxing discovered that the potholes below were even deeper than he had imagined. At this glance, he could not see the bottom.

The zombie arm that was chopped off by himself was just an arm.

To put it plainly, this arm is too long, beyond the imagination, and extends from the depth of this pothole.

Just by the flashing light, she could see the arm as if it had grown out of the deep hole.

But what was going on, she was too lazy to ask at this time.

All she wanted to get this time was the eyes of the old emperor.

Other things do not need her care, she does not care.

He kicked the broken hand into the deep pit, and Zhao Pingxing stepped on the edge of the pit again, his body suddenly flew out like a rocket.

Although this old emperor is a mortal body, he has mastered some ancient weird tricks.

Therefore, Zhao Pingxing was unwilling to delay with the other party any longer.

When she was about to jump up at this moment, she directly cut off the other's head.

But just when she jumped out of the big pit and just leaned out her head, she faced with a pair of eyes.

This pair of eyes, the right eye is deep, making people feel as if they can't see it at a glance.

In the left eye, three apertures are slowly turning.

Behind these eyes is the weird posture of the old emperor lying at the entrance of the cave.

"This guy didn't run away, but lie here to watch?"

Zhao Pingxing couldn't help it.

The other party didn't run away, it saved his own business.

Raising the sword in his hand, Zhao Pingxing wanted to swipe past and chop off the opponent's head.

But at this moment, she saw the three apertures in the other's left eye, which suddenly expanded, as if they were three mountains, and pressed towards her.

Every aperture is spinning like a vortex.

The light was shining inside, as if there were countless patterns in it, which seemed extremely mysterious and mysterious.

Zhao Pingxing couldn't help sneering.

"Is that still the trick?

It's useless! "

As soon as the thoughts move, Jian Mang will sweep out.

But at this time, a drowsiness struck.

This sleepiness came violently and quickly.

In an instant, Zhao Lixing felt drowsy and uncontrollable, and he wished that he would close his eyes immediately and sleep every time.

Once the mind rises to sleep, the eyelids suddenly become extremely weighed.

Not only that, Zhao Pingxing found that his thinking had become extremely dull and almost lost his thinking ability.

The next moment, although the three whirlpools came down, the last trace of clarity in her head was completely swallowed up.

... Tick tick-tick tick-this is the sound of raindrops on the blue tile.

Then, the sound of rain was condensed from the eaves, forming a line flowing down.

Between breaths, the air was a little moist and a little cool.

Well, it's rainy in late summer and early autumn.

"Rainy ... eh?

Why am I so sure? "

Zhao Pingxing opened her eyes in confusion, and then saw her standing in a spacious house.

Although the furnishings of the house are not very luxurious, they also show the rich and luxurious atmosphere possessed by the dignitaries.

On the wall, hanging from the famous calligraphy and painting.

Most of the houses are antiques of high value.

And from the perspective of the display, the owner of this room is not arty, but really understands these things.

"Where is this ..." Zhao Pingxing muttered to himself.

She was full of doubts at this moment.

I don't know where I am at the moment, but why, I feel a little familiar in this room.

A few moments later, the sound of Xie Lili's rain regained Zhao Lixing's attention.

She turned her head and looked forward.

Rain silk with a cool breath is falling from the eaves ahead.

The rain fell on the grass, as if a layer of oil had been applied to the green grass.

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