Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1347: Pity moon

The cool wind blew in along the hall.

Zhao Pingxing couldn't help but raise his arms.

But soon, she realized that her action was really superfluous.

He is a monk, and he has already survived the cold and the summer.

"But why do you feel cold at this time?"

Zhao Pingxing was puzzled.

She strode to the gate of the hall.

Outside the gate is a spacious yard.

The clear rain was still falling.

The gloomy sky, as if filled with lead, made Zhao Lianxing feel heavy.

So familiar.

Really familiar.

But where have I seen this scene?

Zhao Pingxing frowned.

Squeak-just at this moment, the door opposite to her, the wooden door belonging to this yard, was pushed open a gap.

Zhao Pingxing looked up.

Then she saw a girl, three or four years old, getting out of the crack in the door.

The girl was wearing two round buns and a white skirt, and at the moment it was wet because of the rain.

In fact, the girl's head and body were covered with rainwater. It seemed that she trot all the way from the outside.

But the expression on the girl's face was always laughing.

Grinning and sweet.

Looking at this cute little girl, Zhao Pingxing became even more confused.

Why does this little child look so familiar?

It really seems to have been seen somewhere.

But she shook her head quickly.

It doesn't matter if I haven't seen it before.

Since you don't remember it, it means that it is not an important person.

Although it doesn't matter, at least one person has appeared.

In this case, you can ask exactly where this is.

With this in mind, Zhao Pingxing stepped towards the little girl.

But just taking two steps, suddenly she saw another girl running out of the compartment from the side.

The girl looked like she was only five or six years old, wearing a long green dress, and hurriedly ran to the girl in the white dress, took the other's hand, asked a few words, and quickly dig Take a handkerchief and wipe it on the other side.

Although it is a child, at this moment the little girl wearing a long green dress is full of pity.

After wiping the rain on the forehead of the girl in the white dress, she quickly held the other's hand, said a few words softly, and then pulled the other person to the side room.

This scene stopped Zhao Pingxing's recent steps.

The two little girls had already rushed to the side of the room at this moment, but in her mind, the faces of the two just kept appearing.

The girl in aqua-green skirt whispered softly, the girl in white skirt froze slightly pale, but looked sloppy.

"Both of them are so familiar, how could they be so familiar."

Zhao Pingxing looked up and looked down at the moment and pressed down some lead gray clouds.

"Where exactly is this?"

She had planned to go out of the yard and ask someone to ask where it was.

But when the steps really stepped out, she made a bad turn and walked towards the compartment.

The room was small, and the door was hidden.

Zhao Pingxing stood outside the door at this moment and could see the situation inside.

Inside the wooden bed, the girl in a white skirt had been tightly wrapped in a blanket, only showing a small face.

The older girl in the green skirt was holding a small bowl of steaming **** soup, scooping up a small spoon with a spoon, blowing it, and then carefully brought it to the white girl's mouth on the bed.

The little girl in a white skirt obviously didn't like the taste. At the moment, a small face became wrinkled because of resistance.

However, the girl in the green skirt did not know what to say. The little girl in the white skirt flattened her mouth, and although she was still very reluctant, she opened her mouth and quickly sucked the **** soup in the spoon. The little face was more wrinkled than before.

Looking at this scene, Zhao Pingxing suddenly felt his heart twitch.

Something, as if waking up deep in the brain.

But there seemed to be something in his consciousness that resisted this force.

White skirts, green skirts, softly whispered ... In my mind, various pictures kept flashing back.

Unconsciously, Zhao Pingxing felt that the smell of **** tea could be breathed in his nose, and the spicy taste of **** tea began to permeate in his mouth.

"This is ... what happened ..." Zhao Pingxing gritted his teeth, pushed open the door, and entered the room.

She knew it was wrong.

Now that I can't figure out what's going wrong, simply ask me directly.

The concealed wooden door was pushed open, and Zhao Pingxing resisted the power in her mind to let her sting, and helped the wall to enter.

She has to ask where she is now and who the two little girls are.

Seems to have heard the movement of her pushing the door in. The two little girls on the bed turned their heads and looked at Zhao Pingxing.

But the next moment, Zhao Pingxing found that the sight of the two little girls passed directly over her, more accurately, she was like air, and the eyes of the two little girls directly penetrated her and looked at her. The direction behind.

Zhao Pingxing froze, but immediately responded.

She immediately turned around and looked back.

Suddenly, she was surprised to see a woman, now pale and anxiously lying on the door frame.

Her chest was violently undulating, as if to say something, but she couldn't breathe for a while, so she couldn't say anything when she reached the mouth.

The woman's face was only a few feet away from Zhao Pingxing at this moment.

Looking at the panic and anxiety on his face, Zhao Pingxing suddenly felt a sudden pain in his brain.

She couldn't help but snorted and took two steps back.

At the same time, a strange voice sounded in her ears.

"Pity moon and star, run ... run ..." The voice was strange.

But where did I really hear this voice.

Who it is, who is talking in his own head.

Zhao Pingxing's breathing became more rapid.

She resisted the sudden pain in the temple and looked up at the woman in front of her.

The woman's pale lips also opened at the moment, saying something with shortness of breath, "Pity the moon and pity the stars, run ... run ..." Click! The pale lightning tore the dark clouds and illuminated the room suddenly.

The temperature in the room is suddenly freezing in this late summer and early autumn season.

Zhao Pingxing's body suddenly froze.

Who is this woman calling?

She stared at the woman in front of her, and her heartstring seemed to be pulled by something.

Nose sore, eyes sore.

There is a long-held emotion in my heart.

At this moment, the woman's body trembled suddenly, then her eyes filled with despair, leaning on the door frame, she fell slowly and slowly.

Blood gushed from the wound that was visible on her back, staining the rain dripping down from the eaves, and it was diffused in an instant.

Zhao Pingxing's breath was stalled at this moment.

"Mother ---" A word slowly came out of her throat.

At this moment, tears came out like the flood of a dyke.

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