Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1348: this is me

The tall and fierce figure holding the knife pressed from behind the woman.

The small cabins were filled with the horrible smell of iron and blood.

The people who came in were wearing armor, tall and had blood on their wide blades.

It was raining outside, and the blood on the blade was not washed away.

It is hard to imagine how many people he killed along the way.

"Well, you are left."

The fangs laughed and the killing was full, and there was no pity because they were facing two children at the moment.

The other side and Zhao Lixing passed by.

He didn't seem to see Zhao Pingxing, and in his eyes there was only a pair of sisters on the bed.

Zhao Pingxing's sight at this moment was still condensed on the fallen woman.

Although the woman had fallen and her breathing had stopped, her hands were still holding on to the door frame, as if hoping to use her thin body to protect the two in the room for a while.

Just after that light call, it was an outburst after Zhao Lixing's emotions were squeezed to the top.

But then, her mood did not calm down because of this outbreak.

On the contrary, a surge of spirit in her chest gradually tightened her teeth.

The idea of ​​killing people was surging like never before.

"Mother-in-law, mother-in-law, I know this person, I know this person, but who am I and who am I!"

The anger of the woman dying in front of her could not remember the anger of her identity. At this moment, it seemed that the fiery fire had met the rolling oil, which made Zhao Pingxing's eyes look violent for the first time.

She turned abruptly, looking fiercely at the man who had just passed by.

A warrior, dare to pretend in front of me?

However, at this time, Zhao Pingxing's eyes accidentally crossed the figure of the big man and saw the pair of sisters on the bed.

The younger sister in a white dress was wrapped in a blanket at the moment. Although she could see that she was scared to the extreme, she clenched her teeth tightly. Even the tears caused by the fear swirled wildly in her eyes, but she still didn't say a word come out.

This face, though, looks between familiar and strange.

But Zhao Lixing couldn't be more familiar with this expression.

In her impression, she was like this when she was young.

From the time when I have the memory, I have encountered any difficulties in my cultivation, even if I have been wronged and unwilling, my tears have filled my eyes, but I will grit my teeth and prevent them from falling.

At this moment, not far away, the familiar expression on the little girl in the white skirt revealed, Zhao Pingxing felt that her chest was blocked.

At this moment, the girl in the green dress opened her hand and blocked her sister.

Her figure was disproportionately small in front of the murderer who had just killed her mother.

But she still kept her sister behind without fear.

And with a small milk tone, word by word, he solemnly said, "You must not hurt Ping Xing."

With the thunder of lightning, it was rolling at this moment.

Rumble-Deafening thunder, in this little room, there was no one who could suppress the voice of the little girl.

Zhao Pingxing felt a cold on her cheeks, but the corners of her mouth were slightly raised at this moment.

After a while, a voice murmured from her mouth: "Sister."

"嗤 ——" The murderer, holding a wide blade, made a disdainful sound.

The little girl's fearless eyes did not give him the slightest pressure, on the contrary, inspired the ferociousness in his heart.

When the long knife was raised in his hand, the blood flowing down from the knife had already infiltrated half of the room.

The heavy rain is approaching, and the air is already stuffy. At this moment, the limited space, the strong blood, makes people feel as if they have entered a slaughterhouse.


The killer sneered and waved his sword at the two little girls on the bed.


Almost subconsciously, Zhao Pingxing exclaimed, and would pull out his sword.

But at this moment, there was a loud noise.

The roof of the compartment was suddenly lifted.

The cool raindrops fell instantly.

The blood in the room was immediately diluted.

The murderer's body flew up into the air, and before he could make a cry, he was torn apart.

The hot blood was spilling out all around.

But when it fell over this room, it was swung aside by an invisible force.

Zhao Pingxing looked up and saw a figure falling slowly from the air.

If ordinary people saw it, they would only exclaim a fairy.

However, when Zhao Lixing saw this person, he could not only see that walking in the air was the strength of at least the state of mind, but also recognized the identity of the other party.

Ziwei Gate, King of the North! And it is even more powerful in the Purple House! In the whole country of Baoxiang, no one can be underestimated! But at this moment, in front of Zhao Pingxing, he actually shot himself and killed a warrior in Zhenwu Realm.

At this time, Zhao Pingxing couldn't help but have an absurd feeling.

She didn't know if she should sigh. The King of Heaven was too trivial, or the warrior was worth his whole life.

At this time, the King of Heaven did not seem to see Zhao Pingxing at all. He descended from the sky and appeared in front of the sisters.

Glanced at them, then fell on the sister who was wrapped in a blanket.

"It's you."

At this time, Zhao Lixing smiled when he saw the King of Heaven.

When the words fell, he reached out and took the younger sister in the blanket into his arms.

In the face of the strong man in Zifujing, two young girls, let alone resist, cannot even react.

From the moment when the King of Heaven appeared, they blinked and breathed, and the others were no different from clay sculptures.

However, Zhao Pingxing noticed at this moment that when Bei Tianwang took away his sister, the little girl who was the elder sister appeared a strange look in her eyes.

It's like struggling, but there is more fear in it.

As for the King of Heaven, after saying those three words, he never looked at that sister again, as if it were a mass of air.

Holding his younger sister, he rose into the air, flew towards the distance, and soon disappeared into Zhao Lixing's sight.

But in the process, Zhao Pingxing can see that her sister's eyes have been working hard to look at her sister.

And her sister was desperately looking at her sister.

"That's me ..." Looking at the direction in which Bei Tianwang left, Zhao Pingxing murmured.

"But why, I don't remember ..." Zhao Pingxing turned his head and saw that a small bowl filled with **** soup was placed on the edge of the bed before it fell to the ground and shattered.

And with the fragmentation of the small bowl, the void of this world also began to collapse and collapse.

Zhao Pingxing, who was in the center of the collapse, still looked blank at this time.

"Why didn't I remember at all ... that was me ... I have an older sister ... but why ... I don't remember at all ... is this ... is it true ..." Boom! The next moment, the entire world was completely blown into chaos and a black hole.

Zhao Pingxing's body kept falling and falling.

In the process, she kept mumbling to herself.

... At the same time, Chu Yan raised his arm violently in the rushing river, and jumped out of the water before the darkness was swallowed up by the ink.

"This is--" Looking at the front, Chu Yan couldn't help but pause.

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