Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1349: destroy

Appearing in front of Chu Yan was a dazzling red.

The farther you go, the darker the color becomes, and it gradually becomes black.

As for the black that you just saw in the water, it is actually extremely red.

In the nasal cavity, there was an extremely strong smell of gas.

"It's blood—" Chu Yan murmured looking into the distance.

As far as the eyes can see, even the heavens and the heavens are stained with blood.

The whole earth at this moment seemed like a sponge full of blood.

It is hard to imagine how many people have to be killed in order to scoop up so much blood.

"Where am I?"

Chu Yan looked around suspiciously.

Vaguely, he felt like he had forgotten something very important, but at this time, he couldn't remember how.

"What the **** is it?"

The more he couldn't remember, the more Chu Yan felt that this matter was very important.

At this time, a sudden vibration occurred in the sky.

The rumbling sound, from far to near, seemed like a galloping horse, and immediately interrupted Chu Yan's thoughts.

He raised his head and looked forward in surprise, and immediately his pupils shrank.

Chu Yan clearly saw at this moment that the ground seemed to be undulating from far to near.

The rushing ground was shattered and collapsed, and the upstream of the river was squeezed out of sight.

The river water and blood water were mixed with gravel, and the current was torrential.

Seeing this scene, Chu Yan could not help but breathe.

He's seen monks from Heaven's mood shot.

But Tianxin mood shot, there is no such terrible power.

But when Chu Yanwu marveled at himself, a more terrible scene appeared.

At this time, the sky was also torn apart.

The whole canopy is like a piece of paper, with a click, it is torn open.

As the sky was torn, the sun, moon, and stars in the sky suddenly exploded and exploded into dust.

Each star explodes, forming a black hole in the sky.

Immediately, countless black holes undulated above Chu Yan's head.

In the midst of chaos, the world seems to be sinking as if the end is coming.

In this world catastrophe, Chu Yan's current power can do nothing.

In fact, after experiencing the initial shock, His Highness Chu's mood calmed down at this time.

The scene at this time, although it is the end, is enough to make people shock.

The spectacle that just surprised Chu Yan is far from over.

Deep into the broken sky, at this time, suddenly stretched out an arm.

This arm is difficult to describe its hugeness.

It was so unscrupulous, it squeezed out of the deep sky.

On the surface of the arm, a bronze-like luster appeared, and at the same time, a terrible green fire was burning.

There were horrible lines on the arms.

As if it were some kind of ancient text, just looking at it, Chu Yan could feel a taste of disaster, destruction, and chaos.

This doomsday hand, facing the ground at this moment, took a hard turn and grabbed it.

Before the arm approached, the ground and the void along the way could no longer withstand its strength, and it was broken.

The space keeps running and sinking, creeping into a black hole that devours some.

And the earth was torn apart.

The whole world, in front of this arm, began to fall apart.

"This power ... is terrible ... is this a real fairy fight?"

Chu Yan's eyes flashed.

Fear, excitement, excitement, panic, and emotions are all mixed together at this moment.

He can be sure that Heaven's state of mind can never reach such a terrifying force.

Even at the peak of the state of mind, I am afraid that it is not as powerful as a finger on that arm.

In the case of Zifujing, Chu Yan is also estimated to be difficult.

No matter how strong the Purple House, it is impossible to destroy a world.

If so, perhaps only the true fairyland, which is even higher than the purple realm, or even a stronger realm strength, can do it.

Just after sighing, Chu Yan immediately responded.

The ground beneath his feet was on the verge of collapse.

At this time, if it is photographed by this big hand again, I am afraid it will be completely blown directly.

When he realized this in his head, he heard a sudden, screaming, uploading from the distant earth.

The roar of wailing sounded an inspiring force.

Suddenly, it was like the dawn came, and the first white light appeared in the sky.

In fact, at this time, there was indeed a white light emerging from the horizon.

The next moment, the same arm, like a peak and a mountain, stood up and turned into a giant giant urn, facing the burning arm.

This arm burst out with golden light.

Sacred, towering, vast, magnificent, and magnificent, a glance at one's eyes can not help but have a feeling of surrender and worship.

As if this is the Lord of the earth, the King of the Immortals.

Seeing this scene, Chu Yan's eyes widened.

And the golden light on that side illuminated his eyes at this time.

boom! Two arms, one burst out, and the other rose up, and in a moment, between heaven and earth, dragons collided violently.

The void suddenly shattered like a mirror.

The impact turned into a huge wave visible to the naked eye, in a dazzling light generated by the explosion, hitting the surrounding tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, and millions of miles.

Everywhere you go, all annihilates.

The location of Chu Yan was almost instantly involved, and was swallowed by a black hole.

But at the moment he was engulfed, Chu Yan clearly saw that the arm that protruded from the sky was interrupted by Qi Gen, blood spilled into the sky, and fell down weakly from the air.

"It's terrible, it's spectacular, but ... who the **** is this fight?"

A doubt appeared in Chu Yan's eyes.

The next moment, the darkness flowing around him, like the tide, swallowed him completely and disappeared.

The whole world, at this time, turned into thick black.

No light, no sound.

This world is like nothing.

This life, past life.

Chu Yan has seen the picture of memory.

Only in the memory of this life, he was awakened by the person behind the gate of hell, so he knew that he was in the picture of memory.

But just now, no one awakened him, so Chu Yan didn't know where he was and what he saw.

Soon after the darkness subsided, it represented the light of the afterlife and suddenly lighted up in the darkness.

It's like a dark cave where light suddenly comes in.

This light spot, as time passed, dissolved the surrounding darkness little by little, and became larger and larger.

After the light, you can smell the warmth of the sun and the fragrance of the grass.

But at this moment, a sigh, a figure suddenly appeared in this darkness.

The figure appearing at this moment is Chu Yan's face and Chu Yan's figure.

But his eyes and temperament are completely different from those of Chu Yan.

He is the gate of hell.

In previous memories, he did not show up to wake up Chu Yan.

And after this memory was over, he appeared in the darkness.

At this moment, he looked at the growing light spot, and the anger in his eyes slowly gathered.

The next moment, his lips opened slightly, and he spit out two words: "Indulgent--"

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