Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1352: Die now

Bang! Bang! Fish bones fell, the house collapsed, and smoke spread.

For a moment, the entire Black Soul City seemed as if the end was coming, giving a shaky feeling.

At the same time, the silver light on the sky became more and more brilliant.

In this silvery white light, a figure slowly emerged from the inside.

As soon as he appeared, the monks in the Black Soul City felt unprecedented pressure.

Immediately, the remaining zombies in the Black Soul City went underground, as deep as they could hide.

Some zombies were still fighting the monks, but when this man appeared, the zombies rushed out more than ten feet at once, and then quickly pitted his hands on the ground.

Often the monks on the opposite side did not respond, and the zombies had already drilled into the deep pits they had planed and disappeared.

Zombies can still hide, but the monks in the Black Soul City cannot hide.

The moment the figure appeared, they felt as if a mighty shore force from the ancient floods was crushing them.

Their souls, at this moment, are going to become tissue paper.

Those who fled were afraid to move again.

Even if the catastrophic fish bones fell from the top of their heads at this moment, they did not dare to move any more, and they were smashed into meat sauce.

And more monks, after shaking a few times, knelt directly on the ground, without even the courage to look up.

This seems to be the deepest instinct of fear from the strongest in the blood, the deepest in the soul.

The glimpse of the figure in the light gave a glimpse of the black soul city below, and then directly came to the sky above the place where the Dengxian stage appeared.

The next moment, a beam of light descended from the sky.

In front of everyone on the ground, a glowing figure appeared.

This figure is of long build, and long hair can be seen flying behind him, but because of the dazzling silver light all over the body, it makes people not see his appearance at all.

In fact, at this moment, the black monk who was kneeling down on the ground didn't dare to summon his courage and looked up at the man.

Bei Tianwang's gaze swept slightly, the next moment, his brows frowned: "What about Xu Muran?"

He knew that there was a talisman made by himself, which was given to Xu Muran.

What he did was to make his task more foolproof.

After all, the emperor himself explained it, and no one dared to neglect.

But the problem is that the King of Heaven discovered recently that the amulet he had made had been blasted.

This incident made North King need to ask himself.

But I looked for it on the spot and did not see Xu Muran.

Although I know that since the talisman has been blasted, Xu Muran is probably too fierce.

But at the moment when Xu Muran was really gone, the King of Heaven frowned.

There was a burning sensation on his cheek.

The strong man in the Purple House, Bei Tianwang, one of the four heavenly kings of Ziweimen of the End of the World, was beaten by amulets, and it is unknown who made it.

This is really a bit unsettling.

"Where is Xu Muran?"

Seeing that the needles were quiet around him, no one answered himself, then the King of Heaven asked again.

This time, someone shivered and lowered his head, and raised his hand.

"Okay, you say."

The King of the North nodded slightly.

"Xu Muran, he was killed."

The man shuddered.

"Who killed him?"

Bei Tianwang asked again.

The man felt the pressure around him, and at that moment it suddenly became bigger. Suddenly, his pale face disappeared completely.

The chest was violently undulating, and I wanted to speak a few times, but when I reached the mouth, I couldn't say anything because I couldn't lift it in one breath.

Seeing this scene, another person held his hand not far away, in an extremely flattering tone: "Return to yours, those people have gone to the palace above."

The King of Heaven looked up at the sky.

It is hazy, and the outline of a palace can be seen, hanging quietly in the air, giving a feeling of being high above the ground, standing in the long river of history.

Staring for a moment, the King of Heaven looked back at the person who had just spoken: "What's your name?"

The man who spoke the next time trembled, but at the moment his face looked ecstatic.

He tried his best to suppress his excitement and pretended to look awesome: "If you go back to my lord, the young one is called Wang Lei."

The excitement in Wang Lei's heart at this moment was hard to describe in words.

Before joining with Xu Muran, I thought I could kill Chu Yan and made a lot of money.

As a result, he was not only hit hard by Chu Yan, but also knew that Xu Muran simply used him as a gun.

When learning about this, Wang Lei was almost mad.

But now, as long as you can leave a name in the heart of this big man, it's all worth it! The origin of Wang Lei's family studies has given him much greater insights than ordinary monks.

Otherwise, he would not have been the leader of an alliance before.

The silvery white light in the sky is clearly the sign of breaking through the void and flying across! And what can do this is at least the strong man in Zifujing.

Even the heavens of mind cannot do this.

Of course, if Zifujing appears, then there are other possibilities besides Zifu from the End of the World?

So the moment he thought about it, Wang Lei was trembling with excitement.

But now, Dangzifujing asked for his own name, and Wang Lei was so excited that he cried.

There were some monks around, and they had already guessed the realm and identity of the coming person, and then heard the question of the King of Heaven, their eyes became red with envy.

"Okay, I remember you."

North King nodded.

"Thank you, lord ... for appreciation, the villain is willing to go to the fire and soup for the adults, and he has a lot of trouble."

Wang Lei gritted his teeth and said word by word.

If he didn't do this, I'm afraid he would shout with excitement.

The King of Heaven looked at the man who spoke first.

"what's your name?"

Jianghuai Wu originally saw Wang Lei's good fortune, and while annoyed why he couldn't speak, he resented Wang Lei for stealing his chance.

But at this moment when he saw the strong man in Zifujing, he didn't forget himself. Suddenly, he burst into tears and burst into tears.

"Villain, villain Jianghuaiwu, villain is also willing to be an adult ..." But before Jianghuaiwu finished speaking, the king of heaven suddenly seemed to remember something, and turned to look at Wang Lei: "What did you just say?"

Wang Lei froze.

Jianghuai Wu also stunned.

Jiang Huaiwu did not expect that the other party ’s Zifujing would pay so much attention to Wang Lei.

And the first person to speak with Zifujing, but myself! So Jiang Huaiwu's resentment against Wang Lei suddenly reached its peak! Wang Lei did not even think that the big man would take the initiative to speak to himself. Suddenly, his face turned red, like a pig's liver, and he stammered: "The villain just said that he is willing to go to the soup for the adults, and he has a lot of trouble ..." "Oh, well, you die now."

As soon as his words fell, the King of Heaven said.

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