Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1353: Face directly

"Uh ... uh ... huh?"

Wang Lei took a moment to react before he came over, what the other party just said.

The monks in Zifujing are not never joking.

The problem is that they will never joke in front of the ants in their own land.

In this case, then the other person said to death.

That is really letting myself die.

And this is what Wang Lei cannot understand.

Didn't everyone just have a good time chatting?

You also asked my name, you asked me my name, just to let me die?

Wang Lei opened his mouth, and wanted to ask that subconsciously.

Unfortunately, he did not have this opportunity.

With a bang, his head was like a juicy watermelon, which exploded directly.

The hot flesh, brain, and broken bones are mixed together and sprayed around.

And because it was too sudden, even the monks around him, even if they were poured with blood, did not realize what was happening.

The first to respond was Jianghuai Wu, who had just won the favor of the King of Heaven, just like Wang Lei.

In fact, when Wang Lei's head burst, Jiang Huaiwu was peering at him with the hatred of his eyes.

Of course, Jianghuai Wu didn't think that it was his own hatred and he stared at the opponent's eyes.

The only possibility was the hand of the Zifujing strong man in front of him.

But why is this?

The reason for this is that Jianghuai Wu couldn't understand.

But one thing, the moment he saw Wang Lei's head explode, he realized that the next one was his turn.

"My lord, I'm wrong! My lord, please forgive me!"

Jianghuaiwu was sweating all over the body, no matter how much the injury was before, how much he recovered at the moment, in short, kneeling on both knees, struggling as hard as possible.

When he scratched his head, he did not dare to use aura to protect his body.

With a few bangs, there was already a blur of flesh on his forehead.

"Rest assured, I have no intention of killing you."

The voice of the King of Heaven came at this moment.

Jianghuai Wu was relieved.

But just as he hung up, the other party spoke again.

"I intend to kill all of you."

Everyone at the scene stayed together.

Then, an invisible force spread like a giant wave.

The monks who were impacted at the scene didn't even have time to make a reaction, and his body suddenly exploded into flesh and blood.

With the spread of this force, the rolling waves of blood continued to spread outward.

The monks at the scene have gathered nearly 4,000 people at this time, and they are still scattered in this area.

But in the blink of an eye, the only one standing on the scene was the North King.

As soon as you think about it, everything will start.

This is where the purple house kills.

And if more than 4,000 monks want to collect their dead bodies, they can't use a shovel. They can only use a spoon to scoop.

And the thick plasma all over the place was mixed together at this moment, and it was impossible to distinguish who was who, and it flowed up and down.

Not only Wang Lei, who died first, including Jianghuai Wu and thousands of others, did not understand why they died.

Gaze glanced at the shocking red around him, and in the light came the cold voice of the King of Heaven: "Ziweimen does things without leaving any stains, not to mention that you were disrespectful to me at first."

After speaking, the falling beam of light fell back into the sky.

Bei Tianwang himself has been hovering in the air.

It just appeared in front of everyone, but it was a projection of him.

The imperial Zifujing monk, known as the existence of a real person, how could the casualty of the Diyuanjing monk see his true face.

Bei Tianwang just shot out of the mouth, on the one hand, to maintain the reputation of Ziweimen.

After all, Xu Muran died, so it is possible for Ziweimen to arrange things during this trip to Sansheng Mountain.

Just this one possibility is enough to let the King of Heaven attack and kill those who have just been killed.

Even if there might be innocent people in it, then what?

It's better to kill wrong than miss it.

What's more, how can North Heaven have time to inquire and investigate one by one.

There is another reason, naturally it is called.

The real person is an honorable title for the monks in the Purple House.

And adults, what a thing.

After calming down his mind, the King of Heaven looked at the empty void in front of him, and the expression on his face gradually converged.

His eyes flickered.

For a moment, it seemed like a galaxy, quickly condensing in his eyes.

The horrific coercion that occurred at an instant made the void around his body deeply sunken, and the constant roaring like a prying steel.

At this moment in the eyes of the King of Heaven, the ambiguity and nothingness in front of him were being constantly pulled by a vigorous force.

The majestic palace behind nothingness is now more and more clear in his eyes.

This feeling is like a film covering the palace, which becomes thinner and thinner because of being pulled.


After a moment, the King of Heaven chuckled, stretched out his right index finger, and pointed forward.

Fingertips condensed a silvery white light, as if a needle, pierced into the void instantly.

At almost the same time, Chu Yan, who had been sitting on the coffin in the quiet and dim palace, stopped his hands on the two balls, raised his head, and stared deeply towards the entrance of the palace.

Crackling! At this moment, the monks in the Black Soul City all saw a scene of almost spectacle.

In the mid-air at the edge of the city, at the same time, there was a constant sound of crackles, and the sky became like a crystal with many faces.

In the crystal, there is a thin silver-white line.

At this moment, with the continuous extension of thin silvery white lines, the crystallization is also spreading.

In a short moment of work, I am afraid that there are dozens of miles in the air, and they all become like a crystal mixture.

And at this time, in this crystal clear periphery, Beitianwang tapped his finger lightly.

Click! Click! A crackling sound came.

In this piece of crystal, a channel suddenly appeared along the silver-white line just now.

The North King stepped into it.

He seemed to walk in idle court, but in just one step, he walked the long passage and appeared in front of the gate of the majestic palace.

The coercion brought by the monks in Zifujing made this grand palace start to tremble as a whole.

The two doors were originally pushed through a cracked door. At this time, they were only glimpsed by the eyes of the King of Heaven, and suddenly they turned into fine powder, and then fell from the air.

"So far she hasn't got her response. It looks like things should not go as smoothly as expected."

Looking at the black paint, the gate like a huge mouth, North King groaned slightly, then laughed.

It was just a bit of cruelty and a bit of coldness in this smile: "After all, there is a guy who ruined my amulet, let me see you, what is it?"

After speaking, a silvery white light emerged from the King of Heaven.

The space was suddenly stretched again.

He stepped forward and disappeared into the silvery white light.

The next moment, the King of Heaven appeared in the palace.

No need to search, he saw the figure sitting on the coffin, and the other side was looking at his eyes lightly at the moment.

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