Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1354: Extraordinary territories

There is no need to look around or to explore left and right. The consciousness of Zifujing spreads out. In an instant, everything around him, the Heavenly King is at his fingertips.

And this process does not even need a blink of an eye.

Almost immediately after seeing Chu Yan sitting on the coffin, the King of Heaven laughed: "In your hands, you are also a disciple of Tianyazong."

Chu Yan didn't answer him, he jumped from the coffin and stood in front of the King of Heaven.

"You seem to know a lot."

Bei Tianwang smiled, and didn't seem to care much about Chu Yan's recent disregard for his affairs.

Chu Yan raised his hand and displayed the two **** in the palm of his hand in front of the King of Heaven.

Those are two black beads.

At first glance, it looks a bit like a stone ball that the old man in the world likes to hold in his hands.

However, if you look closely, you will find that one of these two beads seems to have a nebula rotating, and the other one has three vortexes.

North King's eyes fixed.

His head was slowly raised, and his gaze shifted from the beads to Chu Yan's face.

The smile on the original face gradually converged at this moment.

The other person's behavior at this moment has already explained a lot of things.

"Di Yuan Jing ..." After a moment, the Northern Heavenly King said lightly, "Who is the ambassador behind you?"

As the words fell, his consciousness suddenly spread out, swept through the palace, and even the depths of the void in which the palace was located.

In his opinion, a monk in a territorial realm would never dare to be so bold and arrogant in front of himself.

So there must be a guy behind him.

That guy is the black hand behind the action of Ziweimen! Chu Yan still did not answer him, but asked a question: "You want three pupils, who you want to peep at."

"Give it up!"

The King of Heaven stared at Chu Yan for a moment, and suddenly burst out drinking.

Suddenly, a round of silvery white light appeared behind Chu Yan, full of one person tall, and the light was swallowing and spreading violently, as if a giant monster suddenly opened its mouth and swallowed Chu suddenly Go in.

The two beads previously held by Chu Yan were left behind.

The process of getting the beads back was much easier than expected, and the King of Heaven couldn't help it.

He was still behind the scenes of the black hand sneak attack.

As a result, nothing happened.

But at this moment, in the void, there was a snapping noise.

The next moment, the void in front of the King of Heaven suddenly crackled, like pieces of porcelain.

Chu Yan's figure broke through the void and stepped forward.

This time, his body was filled with a very grand and blazing luck. Numerous laws seemed to circle him around.

Immediately, the King of Heaven felt a strong oppression.

"How is that possible? This is just a territories!"

The King of Heaven could not help taking a deep breath.

"Since you don't say it, don't talk."

Chu Yan's voice fell, facing the other side, punched out.

In the eyes of the King of Heaven, this punch instantly became tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of times larger.

Deep in his soul, he just felt like a towering mountain, rumbling and panning towards himself.

However, after all, it was a monk in the Purple House. Although the spirit was suddenly burst out by Chu Yan, he shook it with shock, but immediately, he returned to God.

"You guy, what kind of identity are you mixing into Tianyazong, what are you trying to do!"

With a loud scream, Jing Tian flashed in the eyes of the North King.

His voice was constantly amplified in the void, and in a short time, it seemed like a dragon yelling.

These sounds came together as if they were countless powerful monks who shouted a word of "kill" in unison.

boom! The boiling killing intention, and Chu Yan's punch, collided violently in the air.

The power of terror instantly defeated the void.

One after another black swirls appeared one after another, constantly floating up and down, shaking the whole hall.

Crackling! The ground was constantly broken and collapsed.

The palace wall in the distance is also cracking and cracking.

For a moment, the entire palace gave a feeling of shakyness.

The shape of the King of Heaven suddenly flew out for more than ten miles.

In his eyes, there were extremely surprised and surprised.

The other side is just a territories! He was sure he was not mistaken.

But at this moment, it was himself who was hit by the other party! But because of this, it is even more necessary to kill the other party.

There must be a huge secret in the opponent's body! But when Bei Tianwang was about to make another shot, he glanced at it, and immediately saw the ground that was constantly cracking and cracking. Zhao Pingxing's body rolled, and he fell into the seam.

The power generated by a collision just tore the ground apart from numerous cracks.

Some of these cracks are not bottomed out. If it is normal, Zhao Pingxing will certainly be able to save himself even if he falls into it.

But this time, she was unconscious.

When he came in before, Bei Tianwang had not had time to check on Zhao Pingxing's condition.

If there is something unexpected about the other party, there are three shortcomings and two shortcomings. He can't explain it to Emperor Taiqing.

So he waved his hand.

Suddenly, a green leaf shot from his fingertips.

The green leaf quickly grew in mid-air, more than one foot in length. After flying over, before Zhao Pingxing fell into the crack, she wrapped her around and took her to a safe place.

In fact, when the Northern Heavenly King rescued Zhao Pingxing, Chu Yan also put Lin Miaoran and others on the spot into the coffin before.

He had checked the coffin before.

Being able to carry the old emperor so that it will not die for thousands of years, this coffin is also a world treasure.

Moreover, this coffin is large enough to hold more than ten people, as well as monsters such as sugar candy and golden armored blood leopard, all looking spacious.

As for handsomeness, at this time it is a small white pig with the size of two fists, which is almost negligible.

Crash the crowd into the coffin and push it out.

Looking at the coffin like a meteor, after flying out of the palace, Chu Yan turned and pointed at the Northern Heavenly King.

Although not talking, the meaning is already obvious.

"Take it!"

Bei Tianwang frowned, and then burst into a loud voice.

Without Zhao Lixing's burden, at this time, he can fight without hesitation.

Although he had just made a deal with Chu Yan just now, at this time he already understood that this guy in front of him must not be treated with the sight of the ordinary land.

This is an opponent who needs to use his own strength to kill.

A violent breath, in a flash, thousands of silvery rays, Changhong generally shrouded from the top of the North King's head.

His whole body was instantly bathed in the light of God, and his own breath rose into the sky.

The dazzling rays of light not only illuminate the entire palace at this moment like daylight, these rays also turn into beams of light, piercing the palace's dome, walls, and earth, carrying an invincible breath , Rolling towards Chu Yan.

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