Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1359: Landslide

At the moment when the coffin flew out, the five fingers of the huge palm were immediately gapless.

The golden light, melting gold and iron, kept flowing, and Chao Chuyan kept approaching as the palms continued to be pinched.

The grand, blazing luck seemed to have a blue sky.

In the face of such heaven and earth power, no one seems to be able to escape.

The emptiness of the palm began to melt like wax at this moment.

Chu Yan put away the world chess board.

Otherwise, this flying magic weapon will be destroyed.

And because the space is constantly melting and distorting at this moment, his body also seems to be ripples on the rippling water surface.

There was a slight disdain in Chu Yan's eyes.

"If it hadn't been for my strength, I hadn't recovered one percent.

If it weren't for his body, he couldn't carry all my power ... "As he spoke, Chu Yan's body slowly condensed into a layer of armor.

This is the ability that Chu Yan had mastered not long ago: Blood River Light Armor.

However, at this time, the one behind the gate of **** was cast, and the blood armor of the river of light changed again.

The condensed armor at this time was dark and dense, with numerous runes written by blood appearing on the surface.

These runes seem to be condensed from the blood of the immortals and demon, and countless dead souls are constantly rotating around the armor.

After a few moments, many arms grew on the armor.

These arms hold magic weapons such as swords, hooks, flags, bells and bells.

Although these magic weapons are not real objects, at the moment, they all look extremely **** and extremely embarrassing. They are even more terrible than real objects.

At this time, the golden light compresses the moving space of Chu Yan into only the last gap.

The golden light, the next moment, will completely swallow him.

"It's up to you for a while!"

At the moment when Jin Guang was about to close, Chu Yan burst into a lion-like roar and punched him.

Suddenly, he was full of blood.

At the same time, the golden light was boiling around.

Countless strange lights oscillated at this moment.

In the void, if there are hundreds of dragons singing together.

In the midst of this moment, it seemed that a punch had also come out at this moment, and this fist collided fiercely with Chu Yan.

And this instant collision, between the turbulence, seems to turn into an eternal picture.

boom! Bang—Guru Zeng Bi, who was ordered to wait outside, was now stunned watching the landslide in front of him.

The moment the mountain trembled, she rose into the air and came in the direction of Sansheng Mountain.

Originally hearing the shock, she thought it was the end of this trial.

But when she flew into midair and saw the snow mountain collapse and the earth fall, she knew that things were definitely not that simple.

This time the Trial of Sansheng Mountain must have changed something.

The three snow-capped mountains are collapsing at this moment in a terrifying way.

The soot from the sky is like a huge mushroom, covering the sky.

Hundred feet of dust waves, thinking about the impact of Pentium in all directions, the mighty.

The surrounding lush forest was suddenly swallowed up and disappeared.

Seeing this scene and feeling the shock of the earth shaking, anyone can't help but feel that breathing and heartbeat are stagnant.

Although Zeng Bi was hundreds of miles away and hovered at a high altitude, she had to open her body to protect herself from wind and debris.

"What the **** happened?"

In Zeng Bi's eyes, the light of doubt continued to flash.

Hovering in mid-air for a moment, all of a sudden, Zeng Bi stared.

She saw a bronze light, breaking through the void at the moment, and whistling towards her.

This thing is menacing, and I don't know its origin, Zeng Bi is going to knock it down.

But at this moment, she felt a familiar smell of flesh from this flying thing.

Although this flavour comes from Chu Yan, something contained in it is the nerve that has touched Zeng Bi's most sensitive and fearful body all at once.

"It's that lord!"

Zeng Bi hurriedly greeted him, his hands crossed, and a large blue light burst when the air burst.

The light is like a big pocket, and this huge thing flying around is wrapped up in a hurry.

Although he caught such a thing, the opponent's coming momentum was too fierce. The huge force pulled Zeng Bi and dragged it to the ground all at once.

Bang-Bang Bang Bang! After a series of blasts and roars, Zeng Bi looked at the huge coffin in front of his face with suspicion among the tree ruins lying on the ground.

The surface of the coffin seems to have been scorched, and it has melted a part, causing it to look distorted and mottled.

However, this coffin reveals a thick taste of history that Zeng Bi can still feel.

And more importantly, the next moment, Zeng Bi found the blood-marked rune pattern left by Chu Yan on the side and below the coffin.

"This is really what the adult sent out!"

When Zeng Bi's mind moved, her expression immediately became tense and cautious.

However, she did not immediately open the coffin, but once again lifted the coffin and galloped away for half an hour. After coming to a quiet place, she unfolded a number of fantasy and bewildered arrays prepared in advance. After scanning with divine knowledge, it was determined that no one around was peeping, and then she activated her aura, and opened the coffin in a roar.

After the coffin was opened, a faint **** gas permeated.

Zeng Bi looked into the probe, and suddenly took a breath.

Among the coffins, there were Lin Miaoran, Yun Nishang, Su Jianyuan, Uzrama, and others. Handsome men and Tangtang were also among them. In addition, two more unknown people and A monster.

But at this time, not only was everyone unconscious, but everyone was also shocked with shock.

The most severe wounds were even deep bones.

Even Shen Qing, who has always been the most persevering, and handsome with the strongest blood, are all in a coma at the moment.

Just after opening the coffin, you can smell blood, which is why.

Looking at everyone's torn clothes and the whole body's injuries, Zeng Bi couldn't help but utter an incredible mumble: "What the **** ... what happened ..."

At this moment, her body was straightened, and after blinking hard, she pierced her body and looked at each other carefully from the person in the coffin.

After a moment, Zeng Bi shook her body, and a paleness appeared on her face.

There are no words in the coffin! At this moment, Zeng Bi felt a dry throat.

At the same time, she also understood the meaning of the coffin flying.

At that time, something extremely urgent was bound to happen, so Chu Yan had no time to send out the seriously injured people.

"It's okay, with that adult, it should be okay."

Zeng Bi looked at the people in the coffin, took a deep breath, forced herself to calm down, and quickly got busy.

The people in the coffin were generally very injured, and Chu Yan sent them back to himself, and it was necessary to not only give Zeng Bi a glance.

These people are in urgent need of Zeng Bi's treatment at this moment.

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