Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1360: Are you talking about him

The roar came from a distance.

The ground beneath him was trembling faintly.

But at this time thousands of miles apart, the tremor had weakened a lot.

But even so, the shock from the spine at this time, shaking the severely damaged internal organs, still made Beitianwang spit out blood.

Next to me was a stream.

But at this time, he had no strength to clean it.

Since at the last moment, the emperor who retreats far away in a certain space has shot, then that monster should not be able to survive.

With this in mind, the King of Heaven exhaled.

Inside the nostrils, there is a strong **** smell.

By nature, I was taken away by the other side.

His cultivation and realm fell madly for this.

At present, I am afraid that it is at most between the Yuanyuan Realm and the Tianxin Realm.

The King of Heaven looked up at the sky above.

It is said that before death, everything that happened in life will quickly pass by.

Although he was not dead at this time, many of the events that had happened in the past were lost in the memory of the river.

But at this moment, it still appeared very clearly.

When his scaly ichthyosaur body was detected, the middle and senior levels, including the faces of his father and grandpa, were bewildered and puzzled.

For several years, when the realm of strength has not improved, the relatives in the clan changed their attitude from heat to cold.

Even at the time of birth, the fiancee who was married on his fingertips came to the family on his thirteenth birthday and proposed to terminate the marriage.

It was the darkest and most helpless period of my life.

Yuyue Longmen naturally has to experience some pain.

How did the carp turn into a dragon without metamorphosis and growth?

Under the guidance of the emperor, his realm and strength changed dramatically in three months.

At the family conference, when they showed their absolute strength, everyone in the scene looked astounded, as if they appeared in front of their eyes.

Even the grandfather who mocked himself, the radian of his mouth opened at the time, still remembers it clearly.

As for the woman who divorced?

North King thought about it.

Oh, I haven't seen him since.

Maybe she regrets it too, but who knows and who cares.

The emperor gave himself not only to recognize his own abilities, but also to bring himself out of the quagmire and see the wider world outside.

Without the emperor, there would be no self.

That's why he is so loyal to the emperor.

Even in other populations, the King of the Heavens is the heaviest and most uncontrollable of the four kings, but in fact the emperor understands that the king of the four kings is the most reassuring one.

Otherwise, the emperor would not let himself do it for many things.

The emperor has the grace of remaking for himself, and is luckier than everyone else.

Therefore, he must not be able to disappoint the emperor.

Thinking of this, Beitian Wang felt his heartbeat gradually became stronger.

After all, he was the peerless powerhouse of the Purple House.

Nowadays, although it has been severely damaged, it has lost its natural constitution and has been destroyed, but the foundation is there.

Even if the high-rise buildings collapse, the remaining foundation will definitely exceed the ordinary two-story small buildings.

The blood in his body resumed functioning, and the King of Heaven felt that his body could move.

He turned his head and saw Zhao Pingxing, who was brought out by him at the last moment, now lying not far from him.

The emperor once said that this woman is a key step in his future summit, and an important puzzle of his future blueprint.

It is precisely because of this sentence that under the circumstances that it was difficult to protect itself, the King of the Heavens still made a life and brought Zhao Pingxing out.

"She's okay, and the emperor should be at ease."

The King of Heaven exhaled.

Just then, the king of heaven felt a cold on his face.

After a while, the silver wires fell from the air.

Hey, Ye Lili.

Light rain fell.

The cool feeling makes the surrounding air fresh, and at the same time it makes Bei Tianwang feel the pain on his body, which reduces a lot.

At this time, he heard a whisper coming from him.

When looking at it again, Bei Tianwang saw Zhao Pingxing frown, his body twitched slightly, and then he suddenly woke up and sat up.

After spending the first moment of confusion, Zhao Lixing's eyes became clear.

The next moment, she saw the Northern King, who was not far from herself, at this time her body was blood, and she was slowly sitting up.

"This is ..." After frowning, Zhao Pingxing suddenly fell into thought after saying two words.

Although the memories that happened before were only sporadic fragments, if you recall them carefully, these things will soon be linked.

At the last moment in the palace, he jumped out of the pit, and then something seemed to happen.

And then wake up here.

The King of Heaven was seriously injured, but neither of them was in the palace of Sansheng Mountain, so many things naturally opened up suddenly.

"Something changed."

Seeing Zhao Pingxing's silent thought, Bei Tianwang thought she was thinking about what was going on, so she explained, "A guy who was not in the plan appeared, and even I suffered a great loss.

In the end, the emperor shot. I don't think that guy could survive.

But specifically how to deal with that guy, the emperor naturally has his own plan, which is not something I can guess at will. "

"Even you have suffered a big loss?"

There was a doubt in Zhao Pingxing's eyes.

Although it can be inferred from the scene in front of me that after the coma, something amazing must have happened in the palace, but Zhao Pingxing still had no way to imagine that the injury of the North King was caused by someone in the palace. .

"That undead old guy?"

Zhao Pingxing asked tentatively.


Bei Tianwang shook his head. "It's a guy wearing Tianyazong's disciples costumes, but I think that's just his appearance. His body is controlled by another force ..." Bei Tianwang is still talking, but Zhao Ping Xing was shocked at the moment by the sentence he had just finished.

A guy wearing Tianyazong's disciples costumes ... wouldn't it be that person.

He even wounded the King of the Heavens like this, and even let the Emperor Taiqing shoot himself.

All of a sudden, Zhao Pingxing's heart was full of thoughts.

She bowed her head, and her eyes were constantly changing at this moment.

Noting the changes in Zhao's breathing demeanor, Bei Tianwang stopped narrating and asked her, "What's wrong with you?"

After pondering for a moment, Zhao Pingxing folded a tree branch and drew a picture on the ground: "North King, are you this person?"

On the bank of the river, there is delicate sandy land. At this moment, there is a light rain of Lili. After the fine sand is wetted, it is more convenient to paint on it.

After a few moments, Chu Yan's face appeared in front of them.

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