Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1362: He can't die now

In the valley, flowing water, cool raindrops fell from the air.

Confronting the figure, after a moment, it suddenly staggered.

Doraemon—hot blood was sprayed out and stained the nearby grass.

The original figure was hit hard, and after shaking it twice, he fell to the ground.

Another figure seemed to know the opponent's power, stepped forward and waved his arm.

A long sword appeared in the hands.

This is not Zhao Weixing, or the weapon that the girl who is now called Tang Lixing is good at.

However, with the determination at this moment, the power exerted is not necessarily smaller than that quaint spiritual implement.

Huh! Liman flashed, like a lightning that fell from the sky.

Tang Pingxing was on the floor, and Bei Tianwang was lying on the ground.

The long sword hole penetrated the king of North Heaven and nailed him to the ground.

The horrible wave generated by the surgery shook the internal organs of the North King at this moment, so that the surface of his torso appeared a ripple like a ripple.

He was severely hit, and his realm plummeted. At this time, he received another fatal blow. Suddenly, blood poured out of his mouth like money.

And the vitality of the North Heaven King also dissipated madly at this moment.

Tang Lianxing stared at the North King below him.

There was an inexplicable complex look in her eyes.

There is decency, there is hate, and there is sorrow.

Bei Tianwang raised his hand and wanted to catch Tang Lixing.

Tang Pingxing did not dodge.

She knew that with the power of the other party, let alone threaten her, it was extremely difficult to touch her.

But a moment later, the fingers of Bei Tianwang pinched Tang Lixing's skirt.

Suddenly, a few bloodstains were left on the skirt corner.

"You ... killed me ... because ... hate me ... I ... understand ..." Bei Tianwang spoke hard at this time.

Surprisingly, he did not blame Tang Lixing.

A sorrowful rush to Tang Lixing's heart.

She turned her head to prevent the other party from seeing the tears appearing in the corner of her eyes, and her voice tried to maintain the coldness and calmness of the past.

"I don't hate you, kill you, or hate you."

Upon hearing this, a look of doubt suddenly appeared in the eyes of the King of Heaven.

Without asking the other party, Tang Lixing continued to take the initiative: "Because I don't want that person to die."

"You and him ... I know ... you want ... to help him ... why ..." Bei Tianwang asked puzzled.

"I don't want to help him, and I have nothing to do with him."

Tang Qingyue slowly got up, "I killed you because you know who he is, and I know, I might be able to borrow his hand to get rid of my fate."

Bei Tianwang's eyes showed a doubtful look.

But at the next moment, he seemed to want to understand the meaning of Tang Lianxing's words. His body shivered immediately, and the eyes that had already begun to loosen in his eyes, at this moment, a look of panic and anger bloomed.

"It seems you already understand."

Tang Lianxing nodded and reached out and slowly held the hilt of the sword. "Your death is not because of who you are, but because I found an existence that can fight that person.

I know this hope is very slim, but even if it's just a shimmer of fire, I have to try it.

Because Mitsui Hitomi reminds me, my surname is Tang. "

Bei Tianwang gasped, his throat swollen and swollen.

Seeing what he looked like, he seemed to want to say something.


Tang Lixing did not intend to give him a chance to speak again.

In a low voice, Tang Lianxing held back his tears and pulled out the sword.

Hey! The blood water immediately sprayed out from the King of the Heavenly King, drawing a long arc in the mid-air.

Bei Tianwang's body jerked violently twice, and then he didn't move.

At the same time, a large stream of pure aura dissipated from the surface of his body.

The surrounding environment is suddenly nourished and full of vitality at this moment.

The grasslands that started to turn yellow due to seasonal changes immediately became lush and vibrant again.

The flowing water in the stream also rushed more turbulently, and the water droplets splashing on the side of the rock also heard the sound of tinkling.

Watching the North Heaven King's body dissipate a little, turning into the surging heaven and earth aura, nourishing this area, Tang Lianxing understands that this area will become a new cave heaven and earth for a long time.

Perhaps in the future, because of this aura's responsibility, some wild beasts will be able to reborn and become big demon.

Or maybe there is a monk passing by here, and here the establishment of sectarianism, thousands of years later, became a country's well-known big school.

But this has nothing to do with her anymore.

What she does is important to her.

And all these changes are due to the sealed memory that was awakened.

That memory was sealed by the Emperor Taiqing himself.

If it weren't for Hitomi San, perhaps Tang Lixing would not remember this past life in his life.

Many people don't understand how useful memory is before a child is three years old.

It is nothing more than crying and hungry.

What can a child of that age know?

For this kind of problem, Tang Lixing only needs a reply to solve this problem.

Her surname is Tang.

These three words are the answer.

"I need the power to change destiny."

Allowing drizzle to fall on her body, Tang Lianxing looked at the distance that should have been the direction of Sansheng Mountain and muttered to himself, "So, you must not die ..." The voice dropped, and she covered her chest, With a bang, a blood arrow spurted out.

There was a sudden darkness, Venus was turbulent, and her legs were weak.

Tang Lianxing hurriedly assisted the stone wall beside him, so he did not faint.

Although the King of Heaven was seriously injured, after all, he was originally a strong man in the Purple House.

It is absolutely impossible for him to kill the other party without any injuries.

By now, she has reached the limit.

But Tang Lianxing understood that she must not rest now, let alone pass out.

The news of the fall of the North King will be thrown into the pot of Ziweimen like a burning iron.

The speed of news spread is amazing, and the news of the death of one of the four great kings is enough to cause various unpredictable consequences.

Moreover, the fall of the Zifujing strongman is definitely a matter of thorough investigation for the entire End of the World.

So she must now be ready for everything.

In particular, this trip to the Sansheng Mountain was, to a certain extent, the man named Taiqing Emperor specially prepared for himself.

"I can't fall, I still have a lot of work to do ..." He took a few breaths, felt an elixir in his mouth, closed his eyes and calmed down, and Tang Lixing staggered out of the valley. go with.

The body was in the rain and fog, and it went farther and farther, and it became more hazy. Soon after, it disappeared into a mist.

The collapse and shock of Sansheng Mountain lasted for a full seven days before it gradually subsided.

At this time, in a mountain range seven or eight thousand miles away from Sansheng Mountain, the figure of Chu Yan appeared in a pool of water hit by a waterfall.

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