Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1363: younger sister

The waterfall roared, fell from a cliff that was one hundred feet high, and looked far away, like a white horse.

In the deafening noise, the water sprayed white mist under the mountain.

The sun came over, refracting a colorful rainbow.

The water pond below the waterfall is huge, and when it is far away, the waves caused by the water surface are almost negligible.

And because there is living water flowing at all times, the bottom of the pond and the stones near the shore are washed cold and smooth, and the water surface is clear.

At this time, Chu Yan's upper body was leaning on the rocks on the shore, and her lower body was soaked in water, her eyes closed, and she seemed to be asleep.

The original robes were gone, and now they are gone.

However, because of the extra condensed flesh and blood, no wounds were seen on his body at this time.

However, between the eyebrows of Chu Yan, at this time, a touch of tiredness rarely appeared.

He felt like a very tired person at this moment, and fell into a deep sleep.

Time passed by.

On the other side of the pool, there was a crackling sound, as if something had fallen into the water.

A moment later, there was a slight faint ripple on the calm water.

If it were not known in advance and deliberately sought, you would not notice the slight shaking of the water surface.

The gently swaying trajectory of the water slowly approached the past toward Chu Yan who was lethargic at this moment.

But Chu Yan remained motionless, as if he didn't notice it at all.

Ripples stopped about two feet away from Chu Yan.

The water surface never changed, as calm as a mirror, and the blue sky and white clouds reflected in it.

At this moment, looking at it, there was a quiet and peaceful smell everywhere.

But at this moment, it seemed to be determined that Chu Yan had not noticed his appearance, and the water surface exploded suddenly.

A body like a mirror, a water snake that can reflect the surrounding environment, suddenly jumped from the water.

This water snake has the thickness of an adult arm. It stands taller than an adult. At this moment, it broke the water surface, opened its mouth and opened its mouth toward Chu Yan.

Its mouth is open, the size of a washbasin, there are countless folds, and dense canine teeth.

Even a steel bar can be easily snapped.

The speed of the water snake was as fast as lightning. It came straight to Chu Yan. The open mouth of the snake could swallow Chu Yan in one breath.

But just when it was less than two feet away from Chu Yan, in the void, it seemed like a wall of lightning intertwined.

No it! The water snake was immediately entangled by the current.

The interweaving lightning, the power that exploded in an instant, and even the sleep within a few feet of it all exploded.

The water snake was also ejected from a distance at the next moment.

By the time it hit the ground, it had become a dead snake with a fleshy body and a smoke.

Shekou was still wide open, her eyes turned white, protruding, and she looked immaculate.

It seemed that the moment before death, it was still wondering what kind of change had occurred.

The blasting pond water soon returned to its calm.

And Chu Yan, who was soaked in half of his body in the pond, didn't move from beginning to end, as if he didn't know everything that happened around him.

The pond water once again returned to its original appearance.

Half an hour later, there were brisk footsteps in the nearby woods.

At the same time there was the voice of a young girl humming softly.

No one knows what to sing, but just the tune and that pleasant voice are enough to make people fascinated and intoxicated.

After a moment, a slender woman wearing a goose yellow dress and a veil came out of the woods.

The veil on the face is just a thin layer, a little closer, so you can see the outline of the woman.

It can be seen that women are not very young and may be less than twenty years old.

At this age, today's people can be mothers, but in the world of monks, they are still young girls.

She was walking on the white calf, jumping towards Chu Yan.

It seemed that her mood was excellent.

A moment later, when I walked closer and saw the water snake that was already cooked at this moment, the girl tilted her head and looked at it, and smiled with a smile: "Although the formation method of this girl is not so clever, it is not yours. The beast can touch it, and if you deserve it, you dare to hit my brother's attention. "

After speaking, she was not afraid of the horrible water snake, kicked it into the lake, and walked beside Chu Yan.

When looking at Chu Yan, a tender look completely different from the girl's eyes appeared.

At the same time, in the eyes, there are complex feelings of attachment, missing, and so on.

"Bad brother."

After a moment, she gave a coquettish sound, and reached out and patted her gently on Chu Yan's arm.

Even through the veil, she could see that a blush appeared on her cheeks.

But at this moment, Chu Yan was still asleep, and had no reaction to her actions.

The girl sighed and moved her fingertips.

A rainbow-like light floated from under Chu Yan, holding his body, and placed him on a flat, moist stone beside him.

The girl sat down beside the stone.

After carefully examining Chu Yan for a moment, she stretched out her hands and held the other's veins and wrists. After a close inspection, the expression in the girl's eyes gradually became serious.

"Strange, why is there no sign of improvement?"

She mumbled to herself, then twisted her body and untied a small bamboo basket from her waist.

This bamboo basket looks as big as two palms placed side by side, but it is obviously a storage magic weapon, because at this moment, after the girl opened it, it suddenly poured out something far beyond the capacity of the bamboo basket.

The still beating heart, the slightly twitching liver and gallbladder, and the dazzling dandelion, each with more than one, if you really want to install it, I am afraid you can fill a large tank.

The strong smell of blood immediately filled the scene.

The flesh is fresh, apparently just after being dug out from the body.

"It's the monster beast and heart of the beast. It's not so easy to find the monsters in the wisdom period here."

The girl frowned anxiously.

From some perspectives, this action is somewhat similar to Chu Yan.

"Try it first, and then think of other ways. In theory, my method should be fine."

After the girl groaned for a moment, her arm waved slightly, and a small grinding disc suddenly appeared beside the pile of internal organs.

Then her arm waved continuously.

Those monsters and hearts suddenly flew up and landed on the grinding disc.

At this moment, the grinding disc does not need to be pushed by people, but whirls.

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