Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1367: It's all here

Zhao Tong led the horse in front.

The moment the Zhaimen opened, despite the hustle and bustle, the oncoming scene was as usual.

But at this moment, he had a feeling that he was being splashed with ice in the head in the summer.

Through the whole body, there is a bone cold.

But at this time, he couldn't say anything.

Zhao Tong can even imagine that the monk behind him is absolutely confident that she will frustrate herself before she speaks the first word.

The bandit village has been like a festival every day because of its rich harvest every day.

Although each mountain bandit looks extraordinarily ugly and kind, but the beaming look on his face, even a fool can see it at a glance.

If it wasn't for the Chu Chu'er and Chu Yan who were in trouble, Zhao Tong and their passers-by would return with a full load this time.

The car that was pushed back was filled with gold and silver treasures, as well as the most scarce injuries in this mountain.

As far as monks are concerned, it is naturally worthless to mention.

But for the vast majority of warriors and mortals present, it was something that related to their lives and lives.

After the car was pushed into the Zhaimen, a mountain bandit came forward to help unload the cargo.

Chu Tonger did not stop Zhao Tong, Zhao Tong naturally did not dare to loose the reins easily.

With a bitter face, he continued to walk inside the cottage.

In fact, from the moment Chu Chuer entered the gate of Sanwangzhai, she had already attracted everyone's attention.

Since it is a knife licking blood, and doing mountain bandits who kill people and goods, the number of women in Three Kings Village is naturally extremely scarce.

The number of female bandits in Sanwangzhai 200 is not more than five fingers.

And these female mountain bandits are fierce and fierce, they really want to kill people, often more fierce than the male mountain bandits.

Therefore, their gender has long been ignored by other mountain bandits.

But Chu Linger and these female mountain bandits are the most essential difference.

She was originally a princess of the county and had a good temperament and looks.

After becoming a monk, the daily aura works, the hair is washed away, and the aging is getting older, the whole person is now a glorious country.

This youthful beauty, a thin layer of veil, could not be concealed.

At this time, Chu Xi'er entered Sanwangzhai, almost like a hot sun rising violently in the darkness with no fingers.

Even the blind can breathe the sweetness and sweetness of her body.

As for Chu Yan, who was motionless on his horse at this time, it was ignored by everyone.

Chu Yier's identity is based on the thinking of the mountain bandits. It is naturally simple and straightforward: Zhao Tong came down and hijacked with the batch of living creatures. It was just such a beautiful girl with such a good figure that Zhao Tong was cheap.

Some bandits nearby, at the moment see Chu Chuer, could not help but drool.

When these people look at their jealous eyes, Zhao Tong can actually feel it.

He really can't tell now.

The more these people think according to their thinking, the more scalp Zhao Zhao becomes.

What the **** are you thinking about! This man on horseback is a monk! If you look at her and look at me with this kind of look, you just think that I die fast enough! Zhao Tongzheng was chilling from his back. Suddenly, there was a crackle, and the sound of something breaking broke down from not far from him.

Zhao Tong looked up and saw a broken wine jar.

Seeing the figure standing next to the wine jar again, Zhao Tong's gaze was fixed: it was Song Gang, the second master of Sanwangzhai who did not deal with himself.

Song Gang, the head of the second, had only one eye, and the blind eye was stabbed by a warrior in the opposing caravan when he hijacked the caravan once.

Song Gang lost an eyeball in that battle.

The warrior who stabbed him was dug out of the flesh and blood, leaving only a piece of skin, and he died in pain.

He lost an eye and did not need to cover his eyes with something like a blindfold, so Song Gang looked more timid and horrified than other bandits with complete features.

It can be seen that he had already drank a lot of alcohol before Zhao Tong returned.

At this moment he was drinking wine, his face, including his exposed chest, all red.

The wine jar that just fell to the ground was obviously directed at Zhao Tong.

If this happened in the past, Zhao Tong would have to give Song Gang some color.

Even if the realm is lower than the other side, in an environment such as a mountain bandit, if someone provokes and you do not respond, then your status can no longer be maintained.

But today is different from the past, behind Zhao Tong, there is a character he can't afford to mess with.

He gave Song Gang a cold look, and he was about to walk beside him.

Song Gang naturally did not let him leave so easily.

Moreover, Zhao Tong's uncharacteristically weak display also contributed to his arrogance.

A gigantic step was taken and stopped in front of Zhao Tong. Song Gang pointed at Chu Xier on horseback and grinned grinning: "Zhao San is the master, what a matter, today I got a little beauty, so I can't wait to get the cave , So anxious not to say hello to the brothers? "

Between words, he deliberately bite the three-headed three-character character especially.

Before waiting for Zhao Tong's response, Song Gang immediately shouted, "In your heart, you look down on our brothers who were born to you!"

The bandits' minds are almost all gluttonous. At this time, many people drank alcohol, coupled with the jealousy that Zhao Tong got the beauty, and Song Gang's verbal challenge at this time, various factors. Together, suddenly, Zhao Tong felt that many people around him looked at their eyes and changed.

And don't look at Sanwangzhai, there are more than 200 people in total, in fact, they are also full of mountains.

Zhao Tong has his own henchmen and lines, and Song Gang also has it.

As soon as Song Gang stepped out, his subordinates immediately sneered at it.

The atmosphere inside the cottage suddenly became tense.

Zhao Tong and others who had just recovered from Dafeng suddenly seemed to be traitors who wanted to betray a bandit for a woman.

Song Gang talked so loudly that the star hair fluttered and his chest hair trembled. Seeing that Zhao Tong did not respond as usual, although he felt a little strange, but the spirit of wine was up, so he didn't think about it.

He took another sip of spirits, Song Gang strode towards Zhao Tong, and his mouth was still cursing: "Why, Zhao Tong, you are not convinced?

If you think I'm not right, pull this little lady's skin down now and let your brothers open your eyes. What kind of skin is this little lady's skin you look at! "

Zhao Tong's face was now green.

If possible, he really wanted to step Song Gang under his feet and scold him loudly: **** your mother, if you want to die, go and die yourself, don't drag Laozi into the water! Actually speaking well to a monk, Zhao Tong was extremely worried at this moment that Chu Yier would be angry with herself.

Just at this time, Zhao Tong felt a fragrant wind blowing behind him.

At the same time, Chu'er's voice sounded behind her head, with a groaning smile: "Are you all here in the cottage?"

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