Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1368: Are you ready

The other party's tone was light and smiling, but at this moment, Zhao Tong felt scalp and his hands and feet became cold.

After a while, he dared to nod: "Yeah ... it's all here."

After answering, his heart became more and more dazed.

On the way, the other party didn't ask a word about the situation of Sanwangzhai, or even said a word to him.

At this point, there is no such thing as a question, what do you want to do?

Zhao Tong's expressions all fell into Song Gang's eyes at the moment.

Seeing that Zhao Tong was in front of a woman at this time, she was trembling like a quail. Suddenly, many mountain bandits gave birth to contempt.

Song Gang intends to make a fuss about this matter.

It is best to use this matter to rub Zhao Tong's prestige fiercely and let him lose a lot of time, that would be wonderful.

With this in mind, Song Gang took another two steps forward and looked at Chu Xier with one eye.

Although it is impossible to see the specific appearance of the other person, but from the other person's body and exposed white skin, it must be an absolute beauty.

As soon as he thought this, Song Gang felt his breathing was a bit quicker, and he became more jealous and resentful of Zhao Tong's luck today.

"Zhao San is the master. The brothers all want to see what kind of skin this little lady hides, but you are pushing here for three obstacles. Why, don't you look at the brothers in the cottage?

And I see that you just listened to this little maiden's speech, but turned a blind eye to the brothers around you. I don't believe what kind of woman can make us so enchanted. "

Before talking, Song Gang bypassed Zhao Tong, walked to the horse, and looked at Chu Chuer immediately.

Chu Yan'er still looked around curiously. His eyes were as cool as stars, clear as mountains, and looking forward to life, making Song Gang feel like he was scratched by a cat's paw.

"Okay, you little girl, let you strip your clothes and dance in front of everyone!"

Song Gang swallowed and was about to open his mouth again. At this time, he glanced inadvertently and saw Chu Yan lying on the horse's back.

"Well, there is a man!"

Song Gang was shocked. "I didn't expect Zhao San to have such a hobby. He liked not only women but also men."

When Song Gang made these remarks, he turned his head to look at Zhao Tong, and at the same time reached out and grabbed at Chu Yan on the horse.

His purpose was simple, and he wanted to pull Chu Yan off the horse.

But at this moment, he heard a faint word on the horse's back: "Go away."

The voice was not loud, but it was clear and passed to the ears of all the bandits at the scene.

Suddenly, the original noisy cottage suddenly quieted down.

Everyone's eyes came together.

The expression, the expression, seemed to be waiting for a good show.

Song Gang's motion was paused, then he turned his head and looked at Chu Xier on horseback, smiling with a smile: "What did you just say?

I didn't hear you clearly, you say it again? "

At this moment, no one noticed that Zhao Tong, who was holding the horse in front, was shaking like a sieve, and his face turned from white to green, as if to be scared to death.

Chu Yaner glanced down and raised his hand.

Song Gang only saw the other arm move, and then he was surprised to find that he was getting higher and higher.

Not only that, he also saw a headless body standing on the ground below, beside the horse.

The clothes he wore were exactly the same as him.

"How is this going?"

Song Gang had this idea in his head, and as soon as he saw it, he knew nothing.

At the same time, the corpse on the ground slammed a hot spring of blood from the cavity. After shaking it a few times, it slammed and fell to the ground.

Blood instantly formed a stream on the ground.

The thick **** smell permeated the scene.

There was an instant silence around him.

If everyone looked at this scene with a mood of relaxation and good show before, then everyone just feels that the air is frozen.

Zhao Tong shuddered and turned around.

Seeing the corpse close at hand, Zhao Tong suddenly softened his knees and fell directly to the ground.

Zhao Tong has killed more than two digits. What kind of body has never been seen.

But at this moment, just a headless corpse scared him into a stand.

The reason is simply that Chu Yier shot.

At this time, the third sentence of Chu Yier after entering the cottage also faintly said: "Your dirty hands are worthy to touch my brother?"

"what happened!"

At this time, a loud drink broke the silence of the scene.

A tall, burly man stepped out of the largest wooden house not far away.

Accompanying him appeared a taste of yellow sand and blood.

As he stepped forward, he immediately saw the dead body lying on the ground, and at this time, the dead head just fell from the midair.


The man broke out a sorrowful roar.

In his eyes, the evil spirit and the killing intention condensed instantly, pointing to Chu Xier on the horse's back: "Who are you!"

"Who are you again?"

Chu Yier shot a distant palm toward the other side.

Hey! The head of Sanwangzhai, the five-strong warrior in Zhenwu Realm, was immediately torn apart, blood and viscera were splashed on the wall, all over the floor.

"Oh, sorry, I'm not interested to know."

Chu Yier clapped her hands.

This scene made Zhao Tong and all the bandits completely lose their thinking ability.

Among the cottages, the two most powerful warriors were simply killed by the other with a wave of their hands.

Especially the big head that has just been torn up, but there have been rumors that the big head has a feeling, and it is likely that within five years, he can board the Ningmai and become a monk, leading the whole cottage to prosperity.

But now, he has become a piece by piece, sprinkled on the ground, I am afraid it is not so simple.

At the moment, the bandits at the scene were all staring at each other.

It was in their eyes that Chu Linger reached out and took out a weapon like a sword and not a sword from the sleeve.

It is said to be a long sword, but it only has one side of the blade, and the sword has a curved arc.

Speaking of a knife, it is much narrower than a normal knife.

In addition, this weapon is longer than ordinary swords. If it is erected, I am afraid that it will be as high as Chu Yier.

Obviously, she also has the magic weapon of storage.

At this moment, the soldier's blade was drawn out, and in a moment, the vitality, light, and air between heaven and earth seemed to take the initiative to approach the front edge, and actively wanted to be halved by all.

The bandits watching this scene in the cottage, one by one, only felt that the whole body's blood became cold.

"Ready to die."

After the veil, Chu Tonger licked his tongue gently at the corner of his mouth.

The next moment, Hanguang and Blood Mang, rolled up a huge wave in the whole bandit village.

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