Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1369: Method right

The sunset lit the sky red.

The gangsters have also become a hit.

If it is usual, this is the most lively time in Sanwangzhai.

Killing pigs and shed their hair and drinking, all kinds of rude abuses and jokes are more lively than the hustle and bustle of the market.

Today, however, Sanwangzhai is so quiet that it is strange and weird.

Zhao Tong was sitting in front of the wooden house that originally belonged to the cottage.

Several feet behind, the wooden door closed tightly.

The man and woman brought back by him today are inside.

Except for the three of them, at this time the entire Three Kings Village could not find any living person.

More specifically, even the dead and corpses except the three of them could not be found.

Zhao Tong was sitting on the steps outside the house at the moment. He didn't want to stand up, but the previous picture was so shocking that he was so frightened that his legs were weak and he couldn't stand up.

About half an hour ago, the young girl in a veil and a purple dress pulled out the narrow blade.

The next moment, the entire Three Kings Village seemed to become a purgatory on earth.

Also at this time, he saw what was called "manipulation".

At the same time, he also knows that this girl is not only a monk, but also a terrible land. With one heavy vein, they can easily destroy their entire Three Kings Village.

The monks in the Ningmai Realm, when they touch the monks in the Yuanyuan Realm, are like eggs touching stones.

If monk Ningmaijing treats these mountain bandits as ants, then the monk of Yuanyuanjing looks at them as dust.

It didn't take long for that girl to slaughter Sanwangzhai up and down, except Zhao Tong.

She didn't open up to Zhao Tongwang. In her words, she needed a messenger.

So under the orders of Chu Yier, Zhao Tong moved the corpses of the bandits together and raised them high.

It is not difficult to remove the body.

Except for Song Gang and the torn apart master in the beginning, the other mountain bandits all died with a clean sweep and wiped their necks.

Almost every mountain bandit's face was still frozen with terror and confusion before the death.

In the presence of the monks in the Diyuan Realm, they really couldn't do anything to resist and escape, only death.

After tidying the corpses neatly, Zhao Tong saw Chu Yaner taking out a stone mill.

The stone mill is not large. Compared with the stone mill used by Zhao Tong to grind the surface, it is several times smaller and looks more like a plaything.

But it is this stone mill that grinds the more than two hundred corpses cleanly, leaving no bone residue.

And what makes Zhao Tong most incredible is that the corpses of Shi Mo's grinding disappeared, and no drop of blood was seen.

After the last body was ground clean and disappeared in the stone mill, the three cottages became empty.

It can be said that today, Sanshanzhai is cleaner than ever.

"The monk's means! This is the magic weapon of the monk!"

After seeing Chu Yier's methods, Zhao Tong suddenly had a wonderful feeling, as if he was not so afraid of death.

Today I can see monks exerting powerful skills, and they can also see monks' magical magic, and if they die, they will also die in the hands of monks in the earthland.

Speaking of it, it seems that people can feel glory.

With this strange thought and thought, Zhao Tong sat and waited on the steps outside the house, as Chu Yaner instructed.

Chu Yaner brought the stone mill that had grinded more than 200 people, and the half-dead man in Zhao Tong's eyes, entered the house, closed the door, and didn't know what to do.

After about an hour, the door behind Zhao Tong opened.

At this time, it didn't take long for the sky to darken.

Instinctively, Zhao Tong turned around and turned around to see Chu Yaner carrying Chu Yan.

Chu'er's face was slightly paler than before, but her eyes flashed with joy.

Obviously, after using human blood to replace the blood of monsters and monsters, and then running Tianma to exchange blood, the situation of Chu Yan has improved significantly compared with before.

Although there is still some distance to wake up Chu Yan, at least this time, the method and direction are correct.

The first time Zhao Tong opened the door, he turned around and knelt on the ground, facing Chu Yier, his head bowed, and he didn't dare to lift it.

Because of this, he did not see Chu Yan'er's face and eyes.

"I'm going to a nearby bandit. It's better to be bigger than you. Go now."

Chu Ronger ordered without telling the other party if he knew where the other bandits were.

The main reason she left Zhao Tong's life was to move the body only second, and more importantly, to let the other party lead the way.

There are bandits and even hidden evil practices in Longji Mountain. She knows these things.

But the exact location is not clear, only a rough range is known.

If in the past, let her find it slowly, there will be no problem at all, just how much time is consumed.

She can find it slowly, but the Chu Yan on her back cannot wait! At that time, she found the scene of Chu Yan from a ruin, and at this moment, she still vividly remembered it.

If you did not rely on your familiarity with Chu Yan, and judged by your flesh, Chu Yier could hardly believe that the flesh-shaped human figure would be Chu Yan.

And what worries Chu Chuer most is the lack of blood in Chu Yan's body.

Although the body is far beyond the meditation of ordinary monks, even under severe injuries, physical injuries can heal at an alarming rate.

But Chu Yaner can still feel that the vitality of Chu Yan's body has fallen to an alarming level.

It was as if there was a large invisible spoon that nearly emptied his flesh.

This deficit has even affected the spirit of Chu Yan.

And this is what most worried Chu Chuer.

This is also the case. After finding Chu Yan, she hasn't rested and tried everything to help Chu Yan recover.

The only thing that made Chu Yier lucky was that Chu Yan's physical condition did not get worse, but if he could not get timely treatment, he would not wake up.

If you do not wake up for a long time, there may be no major problems depending on the body, but the soul will be affected, at least it will become extremely weak! In this case, Chu Yier naturally did not want to let it happen.

As for the treatment method, the simplest and most straightforward is to inject blood into his deficient body.

Drinking blood was the worst, and the best way Chu Chuer could think of was the magic of exchanging blood.

Shortly after the death of the living beings, he seized his blood, and then induced the demon to exchange blood. He used the blood of the living beings as a bridge and assistance to Chu Yan.

The advantage of this is that Chu Yan can recover as quickly as possible.

But when things are good, there are disadvantages.

For Chu Yan's injury, it is a good thing, but for Chu Yier, she has to bear a great burden.

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