Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1370: Flare and Chu

The normal use of the magical blood transfusion method is to exchange the sufficient vitality in the other person's body into his own body to help him cut his hair and wash his bones and reborn.

Now Chu Chuer crosses the collected blood and his own blood into Chu Yan's body.

I didn't get anything, but I lost a lot because of it.

But she did not hesitate and hesitate.

On the contrary, she also gave a feeling of joy.

At this moment, after hearing the questions asked by Chu Yier, Zhao Tong thought about it, and after thinking about Chu Yier's thoughts again, he asked, "Excuse me, Master, is the number of bandits you need? As many as possible, the stronger the bandits are, the better? "

He originally wanted to please Chu Chuer.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he asked, Chu Yueer frowned suddenly.

Suddenly, Zhao Tong felt a horrible coercion and came suddenly.

With a bang, he was so scared that he rushed his head to the ground, and his head hit the wooden floor in front of him in a big hole.

"I asked you, or did you ask me?"

Chu Yaner's cold voice came.

At this moment, Zhao Tong felt like he was going to pee, and his whole body shook like a sieve, stuttering: "Subordinates, subordinates dare not ..." As soon as the words fell, Zhao Tong felt a strong wind coming.

The next moment, his eyes were dark and his body was completely out of control. He flew up and crashed into a chariot full of cargo not far behind him.

And his body, undecided, and smashed a wall more than ten feet away before stopping.

It was clear that Chu Yier didn't spend much effort, but this strength was enough for Zhao Tong of Zhenwu Realm to accept.

At least five bones were broken in his whole body, and blood was continuously flowing out of his mouth and nose.

Every movement of the body was painful as if to fall apart.

But at this time, he did not dare to lie on the ground and pretend to be dead.

Gritting his teeth and bearing the pain, he got out of the hole in the wall, and then kneeled back in front of Chu Aoer.

This time, he didn't dare to talk any more, and said directly: "Qingfengzhai and Erlonggang are the two largest cottages in Longji Mountain. There are more than 500 people in Qingfengzhai, and there are two monks in the condensed context; There were more than three hundred people, nearly four hundred, and there were two Ningmai before, but once again, one died, and now there is only one left. "

"It's so unpromising to be a bandit, why are you still strife?"

Chu Yaner scorned his lips.

But this time, Zhao Tong's answer made her very satisfied, so she didn't punish the other party again.

Zhao Tong originally wanted to take a few horses to hurry, but as soon as he turned around, he saw that Chu Yier didn't know how to do it. When he turned his wrist, suddenly, a white jade plate appeared on her. Under your feet.

Zhao Tong Zhengwu spontaneously shivered, and suddenly saw Chu Yier grabbing at him.

By the time Zhao Tong reacted again, he had been hung under the jade plate and emptied.

Seeing that the bandit and the tree were getting farther and farther away from him, Zhao Tong felt his heart and his throat had to be mentioned.

"Say direction."

At this time, Chu Xi'er's impatient voice came from the jade plate.

"To the south, maybe more than two hundred miles ..." Before Zhao finished talking, Yu Pan froze and rushed forward at an amazing speed.

After the Yupan flew out for more than ten miles, the remaining half of Zhao Tong's speech came weakly from below the Yupan.

"... is the site of Erlonggang ..." A distance of more than two hundred miles arrived in less than half an hour.

When Zhao Tong came to Erlonggang before, he took a mountain road. Although this time he flew in midair, because of being at a high altitude, the movement of the mountains and rivers can be seen more vividly. Therefore, he found Erlonggang even more than expected smoothly.

And at this time, the moon and stars are already in the sky, and the night is falling, so in this quiet and dark mountain range, even a torch can be clearly seen, let alone a cottage with hundreds of people.

At this time, the Erlonggang cottage was as bright as daylight. It was very lively and didn't know what the bandits were doing.

Jade brand fell down less than a mile from the cottage.

During the landing, a few noises came from the woods.

Zhao Tong was about to remind Chu Yier that this might be a dark whistle outside Erzhanggang, and at this time there were two pops in his ears.

After a while, a slight **** smell came from the air.

You don't need to know what the end of that dark whistle is.

After landing, Chu Yan'er told Zhao Dao: "You go with me. After this is over, go to Qingfeng Village."

The other party's tone is calm, as if talking about something as simple as eating and drinking.

In fact, this is to kill a bandit with three or four hundred people and a monk sitting in the town.

If in the past, Zhao Tong would never dare to think.

But this time, he just nodded, oh, and then dared not say a word.

Coming out of the woods, Chu Aoer walked in front of him, surrounded by a floating jade plate in the middle of the air, lying on top of the plate, Chu Yan still unconscious.

Behind her, carefully followed Zhao Tong.

The guards of Erlonggang soon found the Chu Chuer who was approaching, and at the same time issued a warning signal, he pulled a bow and set up.

Chu Yaner was not worried about the other side's warning.

Huh! A long arrow shot from a distance.

But when there were still two feet away from Chu Yier, the long arrow suddenly turned his direction, and then shot back ten times faster.

Because the speed is too fast, even when the arrow body moves across the sky, it even wipes out the flame, and the arrow burns red and hot.

With a bang, the mountain bandit who sneaked into Chu'er fell down on his back. His forehead was pierced, the wound was blackened, and his brain was permeated with arrows.

When it was twenty feet away from the bandit village, Chu Yaner again pulled out the long narrow blade from the long sleeve.

Then she strode straight forward and fell off with one stroke.

boom! The door of the Erlonggang bandits was torn open like a piece of paper.

In a burst of scolding and shouting, Chu Linger walked in without hurry.

Zhao Tong did not follow up very cleverly, but stopped in a place 30 feet away from the bandit and waited quietly.

Next, he heard the worst cry of his life.

It's just that this shout came fast and heard fast.

Almost immediately, it stopped suddenly.

It was as if someone was yelling and roaring loudly, but when he made his voice, he was choked by his throat, and he couldn't make any more noise.

"Hoo--" In the cool night breeze, Zhao Tong exhaled, looking at the fire still bright, but fell into a strange and quiet bandit, sorted out his mood, and walked in.

Stepping into the torn door, Zhao Tong saw Chu Yaner, standing with a knife, under a bright, hunting flame.

Surrounded by vertical and horizontal, lying on the body.

This scene is a bit scary, but it has an indescribable sense of beauty.

The corpses were still warm, in fact, just a few moments ago, they were still alive.

At this moment, the flickering of the fire flashed the misgivings and fears on their faces.

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