Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1377: Landslide

At this moment, the village chief was stunned by Chu Yan.

Because Chu Yan is right.

This is the current situation in Shijie Village, including several nearby villages.

Seeing Chu Yan's intriguing appearance, the village chief asked tentatively, "You seem to be very good at these things. Have you had similar experiences?"

"I think should not be."

Chu Yan shook his head. "These are obvious. I have had similar experiences. It shouldn't matter."


The village chief was stunned again.

Is this person true or false amnesia, is it really the first time he came to Shijie Village, or has he been here before?

For a while, the village chief who was the first wisdom elder in Shijie Village knew that he was a bit ignorant.

In fact, at this time, Chu Yan felt as if something had recovered in his mind.

A feeling of eagerness is constantly brewing in my mind.

But this feeling, at this time, is a bit like a thread clump where no thread ends can be found, and it looks messy.

"As long as the thread is found, all my memory should be restored."

Chu Yan said firmly in his heart.

So he said hello to the village chief and walked towards the village entrance.

There were not many people near the village entrance at this time. Chu Yan planned to find a place to sit quietly for a while and see if he could make the memory recover faster.

Looking at the back of Chu Yan's departure, the village chief couldn't help feeling a little hesitant: "Hey, it seems that it was just my words. Let him remember something, after all, it is also a poor man.

After so long, no news of his companion came.

Well, all his companions have been killed by the bandits.

In this case, if it were me, it would be better not to remember the past, so as not to increase my back. "

After shaking his head, the village chief converged and set aside this emotion temporarily.

After all, presiding over the affairs of the village is what he should do.

In particular, there are many caravans passing near the village recently. Although Shijie Village is not a large village on the periphery of Longji Mountain, but because of his existence as a former warrior, some villagers who can do two tricks with the mountain bandits over the years Still trained by him.

For example, at this time behind the village, there were twenty or so children about ten years old, who were facing the stakes, waving their fists, and made a loud noise in their mouths.

Next to him is a strong middle-aged man who is introducing them to the five realms of the true martial arts realm.

In the eyes of the village chief, these people are the future strength of Shijie Village.

Once people are busy, time will pass very quickly.

Soon, the morning passed and it was noon.

All morning, Chu Yan meditated on a stone outside the village entrance.

The pictures in his mind flashed back faster.

Some faces, showing strange and familiar feelings, appeared in his mind many times.

There are girls who are beautiful and prideful, girls who are thin but delicate like porcelain dolls, and women who are full of gentleness like sisters ... even these also include some pictures that make people red and red.

"These people should be close to me. Well, I can now remember what they look like.

Their names ... um, and my name ... my origin ... um? "

Struggling to sort out the various thoughts in his mind, at this time, Chu Yan suddenly felt something.

He didn't know how to do it, at least from his current point of view.

He just rolled his wrist, and then a bell appeared in his palm.

After the bell appeared in the hands of Chu Yan, he saw that a yellow light appeared on the surface of the bell.

He was wondering where the bell came from, and why it glowed again.

At this time, in his mind, he suddenly realized that this was a warning, indicating that danger was approaching.


Chu Yan opened his eyes wide and said to himself, "I still have this ability?"

As soon as the words fell, he heard a boom from a distance.

This sound shook even the ground.

Chu Yan retracted his gaze on the bell and stood up from the boulder.

At this time, he saw that not only him, but also the nearby villagers, including those caravans who had just arrived and stopped for a while, stopped what they were doing, and looked distantly into the distance.

Throughout Shijie Village, this moment was so quiet that it could be heard.

boom! Again.

The sound was like a flat mine, and a meteorite hit the ground.

The ground tremor was more than twice as severe as it was just now.


In the village, a cry of children suddenly came.

The horses of the caravan who were responsible for pulling the car sizzled, as if they were mad, broke the reins, and after a moment of effort, they disappeared.

The carriage slammed to the ground. Suddenly, it was chaos like a flying chicken.

But everyone's faces were already panicked at this time.

Chu Yan turned around and saw that the village chief was also surrounded by young and middle-aged men in several villages, and hurried toward the village entrance.

The village chief just glanced at Chu Yan who was standing in a prominent place, and then immediately looked in the direction where the voice just came.

That's the direction of Longji Mountain.

I was just afraid that the mountain collapsed just now.

Only after the village chief arrived, the roar suddenly stopped.

Everyone was holding their breath and waiting for the sound to sound again, but they waited for a long time, but there was no movement.

Everyone at the scene looked at each other.

I couldn't help laughing at the thought of the panic and the chaos on the scene.

But the next moment, with the sound of a rocking mountain, the smiles that the crowd just showed immediately freeze on their faces.

This time the roar is not only huge, but also a lot closer than the previous two.

Chu Yan can even see the ups and downs of the ground.

In the village, at this time there was a burst of exclaiming.

The people turned around and looked hurriedly, and immediately saw that there was something in the village that seemed to have just collapsed.

If it was an earthquake, it would never be so rhythmic.

Because of this, everyone was confused and frightened.

"what is the problem?"

When everyone was confused, suddenly, the apex of a mountain peak in the distance broke off and fell down.

At the same time, the loud roar came again.

This mountain is very close to the village, and it is less than thirty miles away.

Below the peak is the only way for Shijie Village to enter Longji Mountain.

At this moment, the mountain peak fell down like a meteorite from the sky. At the same time when a horrible shock came, a large area of ​​trees was crushed like wheat.

In the crackling sound, the broken wood was flying randomly, the smoke was rolling, and it rushed into the mid-air of dozens of feet, like a mighty army.

The vast forest was swallowed in by the smoke and dust, and it was astonishing.

In this scene, all the mortals present were all dumb, and they stood still one by one.

The next moment, the scene that shocked them even more appeared.

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