Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1378: Kaizhi Demon

Clicking—clicking—the broken mountain peak in the distance, a faint sound came at the moment.

The roar behind the cusp fell, but it did not affect the sound of this cracking.

At the same time, it can be seen with the naked eye that the peak of the mountain has been lost, and a crack is now emerging.

This crack, from top to bottom, almost tore the bare mountain peak in half.

At noon, the sunlight leaked out of the gap just right.

This scene made Chu Yan feel a little familiar.

He couldn't help turning his head and looked at the people around him.

What is different from him is that at the scene, whether it is a villager in Shijie Village, a warrior in a caravan, or even a monk in a condensed vein, at this moment, he is foolishly looking at the cracking mountain in the distance.

And something called fear, at this moment, is constantly brewing and expanding in their eyes.

Click! boom! The next moment, the crack suddenly widened.

The mountain, which was divided into two halves, also lost its balance at this moment. With the hanging hearts of the crowd at the scene, it collapsed.

The shock this time was ten times stronger than the previous roars! The ground was also tearing open at this moment.

The long and narrow crack, like the beast's mouth suddenly opened, stretched from the foot of the mountain in the direction of Shijie Village.

The ground shook like a wave, making everyone unable to stand at all.

In an instant, many people fell to the ground, like a gourd.


I don't know who shouted.

But before the voice fell, a roar came from the place where the mountain had just collapsed.

Roar! Violent, brutal, **** and angry, the emotion contained in this roar instantly shook everyone's heart.

Even the only Ningjingjing monk in the caravan, after hearing this roar, turned pale, shivered, and made a sound, and fell on the road.

If it wasn't for the person next to him to reach out in time, he was afraid that he would fall directly into the large crack that cracked on the ground.

The old village chief was almost overwhelmed by the shock.

At this time relying on the support of a few villagers, barely did not fall.

But his bloodless face, as well as his undulating chest, showed his inner confusion.

"What exactly is going on!"

The crowd was extremely frightened, at this time their legs were bursting, and for a moment, they forgot to escape.

At this time, an extremely tall and burly figure appeared in the position of the collapsed peak, replacing the original peak.

It's a monkey that is five or six stories tall, full of explosive muscles, and purple-gold coat color all over the body! As soon as the ape appeared, the light of the sun in the sky seemed to be blocked by it.

The coercion of terror, even at a distance of dozens of miles, was still rolling towards the crowd like a mighty tide at this time.

Neither the villagers nor the warriors in the caravan at the scene have ever seen such a scene.

All of a sudden, they were paralyzed.

The village chief even groaned in his throat, rolled his eyes, and was stunned.

For a while, everyone in Shijie Village went up and down, except Chu Yan, everyone else collapsed to the ground, like mud.

Not only was his face pale, but he was filled with appalling expression.

The trembling Ningmaijing monk stared like an egg, staring at the purple ape, breathing fast, and kept saying, "Monster! Kaizhi Damon! Kaizhi Damon! We are dead! We are dead! "

At this time, the purple ape's eyes were full of evil spirits, and they looked towards Shijie Village.

His eyes were scarlet like blood, and his mouth was like a cave. At the moment, he opened his mouth and roared again.

The terrifying sound waves even smashed the clouds in the sky, and the void was distorted.

Then he jumped sharply and jumped to the ground.

There was a loud bang, and the ground was again undulating.

The woods at the foot of the mountain, at this time, even collapsed in at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And this extremely tall purple golden ape, after jumping, went straight to the direction of Shijie Village.

The villagers at the scene were so scared that they crawled up and down and ran into the village frantically.

The village head woke up at this moment, and with the help of several villagers, he hurried to the village.

But just taking two steps, he turned his head subconsciously, and looked at the big stone where Chu Yan was before.

Seeing that Chu Yan was still standing on the stone, looking at the purple ape, the village chief suddenly shook his hands, stomped his feet, and shouted at the villagers next to him: "Why is this young man frightened! Go and get him Pull it down! Or you will die! "

At this moment, Chu Yan looked at the purple golden apes that were getting closer and closer like a hill.

The breath of terror, blood, tragic, and violent, is like a giant metal wave, layer by layer, stacked on top of one another, making people breathless, as if their bodies were to be shattered, crushed, knocked on the bones, and destroyed.

Next to the big rock at the foot of Chu Yan was the monk in the condensed veins.

At this moment, the monk in the condensed state, holding his hands in his hands, was trying to get up hard.

However, the coercion brought by the Zijin Ape made him so scared that his legs were stubborn. After several attempts, he couldn't even stand up.

At the command of the village chief, the villager who rushed over and wanted to pull away Chu Yan, saw the monk at this moment, hurriedly dragged the other up, and shouted, "Aren't you a monk! Go and kill this monster!" ! "

"What a monster!"

Monk Ningmaijing was crying at this moment, "This is a monster! It is a monster! And it is also a monster in the wisdom period, which is comparable to the existence of Diyuanjing! With one breath, it can kill me countless times. Times! How can I kill it! "

At this moment Master Ningmaijing was so frightened that he cried out.

At this time, the purple apes were less than ten miles away from Shijie Village.

Every step it took, it was a hundred feet away.

Running forward at this time, each foot left a terrible footprint on the ground.

Countless cracks continue to spread all around, as if the earth had to completely collapse under its feet.

The villager had already called Chu Yan at this time, and ran towards the village with the monk.

Although everyone knows that in front of such a huge and horrible monster, Shijie Village is really fragile and paperless.

Moreover, the monsters are worth thousands of steps in one step. It is impossible to escape if they want to escape.

But at this time, the instinct for survival still made everyone go crazy and ran forward, even if it was one more breathing time.

Rumble! In the roar of terror, for a moment, the purple ape rushed to Shijie Village.

In front of it at this time, there were about two dozen carriages.

These carriages were brought by the caravan in the morning.

Because the horses that had pulled the carriages had escaped, these carriages were left in place at this moment.

Each of these carriages was loaded with twenty people, and there was no problem.

But at the moment at the feet of the purple ape, it was as small as a toy in the hands of a child.

One foot collapsed, and suddenly, eight or eight carriages were crushed, and the goods inside were trampled into the ground.

A huge ditch of gully also cracked on the ground instantly, spreading from the feet of the purple apes to the village.

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