Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1379: Sword kill gate

Shijie Village is not large, there are dozens of households, and the total population is about 200.

At this moment, the purple golden ape collapsed, the ground collapsed, and the gap exploded, almost dividing the whole village in half.

Large pieces of dirt and rock, like waves, rushed out all the way.

The houses in the village suddenly shook and collapsed.

For a moment, the sound of wailing, one after another.

After Zijin Ape came here, I didn't know why, but didn't plan to leave.

In the horrified eyes of the villagers, it walked around the village.

In those horrible pupils, anger and impatience constantly appeared.

That looks like something you're looking for, and something you're waiting for.

Every turn, every step on the ground, there was a loud noise similar to a landslide.

boom! boom! The ground was undulating, and numerous cracks, like layers of cobwebs, kept spreading.

Many people are so scared that they have no body at this moment. Even if they cry, they can't cry any more. Open their mouths and tears in their eyes, as if they were demented.

After walking around the village for more than ten laps, the Zijin Ape seemed to be unable to bear it, and raised his head with a roar, raised his arm and waved it violently.

Wow! A row of roofs were all lifted out, shattered in the air, the tiles were crushed, flying everywhere.

The villagers hiding inside the house hugged each other, shaking their heads, and dared not raise their heads.

The purple ape's nostrils were pursed one by one, and after taking a few breaths, he took a step to the side, then raised his arm and slammed down.

Bang! The immense power was like the hammer of a god, hitting the ground fiercely.

Everyone in the village felt that their heart was pounding, and the roar came, shaking their blood and fainting almost on the spot.

The deafening roar caused dizziness for almost everyone, and Venus was unpredictable and uncomfortable.

When they turned to look over, they saw a cloud of dust, the largest building in the village, the shrine in Shijie Village, and it turned into powder under the fist of the purple ape.

It is not known whether any villagers hid in the shrine in the chaos before.

If there were, these people were afraid of the whole body, and at this moment they became flesh and blood, mixed with the shrine, and could not be found.

Fear, despair, at this time, like a heavy dark cloud, filled the hearts of everyone at the scene.

Whether it is a villager or a caravan, there is only one thought at this time: we are finished! This monster is going to kill everyone.

At this time, no one thought about running away.

It is absolutely impossible to run away.

And what if you take the lead and get the attention of the purple ape?

At this moment, everyone was surrounded by frightened emotions. No one noticed that Chu Yan, who was dragged back by the villagers, squatted on the ground at the moment, pinching his brows, and whispered softly in his mouth: "This thing It doesn't seem to be very powerful? "

Chu Yan didn't know why he felt this way at this time.

The monster looked so huge and terrifying that it scared all the villagers at the scene, even the monk in the caravan, who was paralyzed.

But why do you instinctively feel that this thing is really bad?

This is not arrogance but contempt from the deepest part of the soul.

At this moment, Chu Yan was constantly thinking about this question. At this moment, he felt as if he was in a state of half dream and awake, and the images constantly appearing in his mind seemed to be awakening his voice.

Gradually, when everyone didn't see it, Chu Yan's drooping face slowly evoked an arc.

After a moment, he exhaled, "Ha, a monkey-shaped ant."

……boom! boom! Fully five or six storeys high, like a boulder-like purple golden ape, now in the village, vandalizing.

The entire Shijie Village, at a glance at this moment, looks like a ruin after the last days.

At this time, two figures, a man and a woman, appeared above the peak that had been broken by the Purple Golden Monkey before Longji Mountain.

At the feet of the two men, they stepped on a flying sword, hovering in the air, showing a sharp edge like a sword, which made people look timid at first glance.

The thin-skinned man glanced forward at Shijie Village and said, "Are you sure this method really works?"

"That guy, even if not in that village, it's nearby."

The woman sneered.

Although the monk was not afraid of the heat and heat, the costume of the female monk at the moment looked really strange.

Obviously she is a woman, but she wears a dress that is usually worn by men.

Not only that, she also wore a thick plush scarf around her neck, which made people feel that this match was strange.

Looking at the roaring purple gold ape, Nu Xiu snorted and continued: "Jian Nantian died when he died. The inheritance of the sword mound was taken away.

Even the mortal ants understand the principle that fat and water do not flow outsiders' fields.

He'd better, he died outside, and the inheritance got into the hands of others.

If it wasn't for the fact that Zongmen left him with a blood mark, we wouldn't even want to find out where this inheritance fell. "

Hearing the woman's words, the male Xiu's face showed a gloomy look: "Jian Nantian, originally in the Zongmen, was just a little-known man, but later he didn't know what **** was gone. It was actually inherited from the sword.

All that was buried in the sword mound was the magic weapon that countless swords used in hundreds of thousands of years.

Even with the passage of time, those magic weapons have lost their original glory, but it is not difficult to get a trace of those great sword repairs from that year.

It was through these traditions that Jian Nantian was promoted from a small figure to the realm of Master Tianxin.

Even more hateful, was also incurred by His Majesty the Emperor Taiqing.

But what did you say, Shimei? "

"Germany does not match, he will suffer."

The female Xiu hummed.

"Yes, that's the sentence."

The male repairer gritted his teeth and said, "What kind of destiny do you have for Jiannan Tian, ​​and where is it worthy of the inheritance of Jian Tzu, sure enough, now he has been killed.

But rest assured, when I get back the sword mound, I will remember you by then, and I will give you a joss stick every year. "

With that said, the male Xiu couldn't help but laughed.

"The guy who got the sword mound is 80% likely in the village in front, and 20% more likely, within 30 miles of the village.

It took us so long, and it took so much effort to get here, this time, but this guy must not be allowed to run away. "

The woman closed her eyes and said coldly.

"Rest assured, I will never let this guy run away."

The male Xiu smiled, "But speaking, if I were to go straight to one by one, I would never be as careful as Shimei you."

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