Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1381: Just a mortal

The earth was crumbling, and looking around, there were broken walls everywhere.

The familiar villagers had dust and fear on their faces.

Under the collapsed house in the distance, blood was flowing out.

Whimpering and crying, with the roar of that sound, kept coming into the ear.

This is the scene everyone sees and hears at this moment.

Just then, a figure suddenly stood up.

The noon sun fell from the highest point of the sky.

The crowd squinted and looked at it, only to feel that the figure was familiar, and at this time it also brought a trace of sadness and desolation.

At the next moment, everyone saw that they stood up from the crowd, step by step at this moment, and walked towards the giant monster with perseverance. They were the head of Shijie Village.

Many villagers do not remember how old the village head is this year.

In many people's impressions, when they were young, the village head was the village head, and it always seems to be what they are now.

But if you recall it carefully, decades ago, the village head's back didn't seem to be so hump now, and when walking, it was far stronger than it is now.

In these decades, everyone in the village knew that when the village chief was young, he was once a warrior and a warrior who had fought against bandits in Longji Mountain.

It's just that Shijie Village has not been attacked by mountain bandits for so many years, so the village chief has never had the opportunity to show his hands in front of the villagers.

Although occasionally there are juniors who are not sensible and want to talk to the village chief in the name of asking for advice, but the village chief always smiles and refuses, saying that the elders bully the younger ones to be gossip.

There are also words such as "to bully the small is a taboo in the practice world".

In short, a village chief who claims to be a warrior has never seen him shoot for so many years.

In the early years, people were naturally unconvinced.

But later, the village chief did work for the village.

Even some young people in the village have extraordinary skills because of some verbal instructions. Although no warrior has appeared, everyone in the village sees the changes.

So the village head gradually became respected by the villagers and became the most intelligent elder in the village.

Moreover, a group of teenagers in Shijie Village have now started to learn martial arts around the age of ten under the instructions of the village chief and the guidance of the extraordinary villagers.

According to the village chief, in the next 20 years, there will definitely be warriors in Zhenwu Realm.

By that time, life in the village will be better.

A village chief who claimed to be a warrior, was recognized and respected by the villagers for his wisdom and vision.

As for the fact that he always said that he was a warrior, if it wasn't for the village chief who kept talking about it from time to time, I am afraid many people have forgotten it.

Nowadays, the fact that the village head is a warrior has become a good joke for the villagers.

No one cares if the village chief is a real warrior, and even if he is a warrior, what do you expect him to do?

But just today, the village was attacked by a horrible monster and all the villagers were facing death. When no one dared to resist, the old village chief stood up.

Although older, his bones are far less strong than before.

But the warrior is not only to cultivate himself, but also to protect the soil and water under his feet.

In the eyes of everyone's panic and doubt, the village chief walked step by step to where it should be his home.

The blue-bricked house was recently smashed into ruins by a purple ape.

The village chief searched in that ruin, then turned his back to the crowd, and bent down.


The villagers who saw this scene could not help but make a sound of doubt.

Including the village chief's son, at this moment yelled softly in the distance: "Dad, what are you doing, come back soon!"

In the minds of all people, at this time, they couldn't help but have the idea that the village chief is old, and today he is so excited that he is crazy.

But at this moment, the village chief's waist sank suddenly.

The next moment, his thin back, suddenly burst out a golden iron horse, the momentum of iron and blood came! In the blast, a smell of blood and fire mixed out from his body.

With a loud shout, the village chief's arm reached into the rubble and then yanked it up.

Click! Huh! A long black gold knife was suddenly pulled out of the ruins by him.

When he turned again, the village head always smiled with a serious and decisive look.

In those eyes, there was a sharp edge.

In the body under the coarse gown, there seemed to be endless power coming out.

Villagers not far away can now feel the change in the village chief.

The eyes of the crowd could not help but widen and widen.

Even the village chief's son couldn't help taking a breath at this moment, and murmured, "When does my family have this knife?"

"The village chief ..." "The village chief is really a warrior ..." "The village chief did not lie ..." "He is a warrior ..." The voice began to spread among the crowd.

For a while, the fact that the village chief was a warrior was even more shocking than the attack by monsters.

Although everyone knows that even the strongest warrior cannot be the opponent of this huge monster, let alone an elderly village chief.

But at this moment, the decisiveness and resolute demeanor displayed by the village head seemed to form a wall in the villagers' hearts that could protect them.

Although there are thousands of dangers ahead, I will always guard you.

Holding the black gold knife, the village head froze, took a step, started accelerating, accelerated, and rushed towards the purple gold ape.

The speed kept accelerating, the air in front of him was oppressed, and there was a burst of blasts, as if an explosion was brewing.

Accelerating to the extreme, the head of the village leaped high, and the long knife in his hand was raised to the top, facing the ape demon and beheaded.

With a loud drink, it was clearly introduced into everyone's ears at the moment.

"Raging blood!"

One is a purple ape that looks like a mountain and has a mouth like a black hole; the other is an elderly man who is thin and thin and has white hair.

But at this moment, the old man was angry and rushing towards the crown, and the picture of welcoming the Purple Golden Ape was to see those villagers and the caravan who had stayed on the scene, in their minds, solidified into an eternal picture.

Looking up, squinting, watching the scene in front of me.

This picture, knowingly dying, but still bravely moving forward, suddenly collided and merged with a certain memory in Chu Yan's mind.

"What if you don't go back?"

"Then I won't go back."

"Some things are not right, only willing or unwilling."

"My name is Tang Qiuyun, and I am a Ningmai Sanxiu."

"Chu Yan, you go away! What they want to catch is me, you go!"

"My teacher is the bravest person I have ever met and a role model for my life, so I will not fall here."

"She is my companion, and I will not let you take her natural constitution."

"Before Chu Yan returns, give it to me here, Shura!"

Countless voices, men and women, sounded in his mind.

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