Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1382: Ha, big monkey

boom! Chu Yan felt like a thunder sounded in his head at this moment.

At the same time, it is the relaxation of the whole body.

In my mind, it seemed as if there was a long scroll, which unfolded slowly at this moment.

On the long scroll, every scene and every picture is a personal experience.

The air around him, at this moment, because of his complete recovery, a fresh smell came out.

Only at this time, everyone around them didn't find it because of the nervous mood.

At this time, Chu Yan's mid-air, with a muffled sound, exploded a dazzling blood flower.

Accompanied by wailing and exclaiming all around.

Chu Yan frowned, glanced in that direction, and the next moment, he got up and leapt.

At this moment, there seemed to be a flash of lightning, tearing the void, and rushing towards the exploding blood flower.

... and at this moment, at the distant mountain peaks, looking forward with anticipation, watching the two people who were here and there, suddenly a mischievous look appeared simultaneously.

"No ..." the Xiu muttered to himself, "Suddenly, was it blown?"

He turned and looked at the nun next to him in doubt.

At the moment, the female repairer is also full of wrong face, her eyes are wide, her eyes are full of disbelief.

They just saw an old man rushing towards the purple golden ape.

Because of preconceived reasons and the unwavering look of the village head, they firmly believed that the village head was the person they were looking for.

But now, the old village chief has not even been able to get close to the purple golden ape, and was blasted directly by the sound of the monster's roar, and in the midst of the air, a large blood mist filled with terror.

"This, how did this happen, we got it wrong?"

The completely different scene from the expectations made the Nun Xi become uncertain at this time, so that her speech was stuttering.

The male Xiu also became hesitant at once: "Would we like to look for it nearby?"

"Wait! What's that!"

As soon as the male Xiu's voice fell, the female Xiu straightened his neck sharply, pointed forward, and exclaimed.


As the male Xiu just turned his head, the direction of the village in front of him suddenly heard a roar.

This sound is not the sound of the purple ape trampled on the ground, but more like someone pounding a big drum.

The sound trembled the eardrum.

The next moment, the masculine saw a ball of blood blooming in the air in front of him, which was much larger than before.

At the same time, he also saw the painful sorrow of the purple ape, like a hill, taking a few steps back, and then fell down.

When it fell down, it was still waving its right arm.

The place that was supposed to be the right hand was bare at the moment, and the blood was spurting out of the wound as if it didn't need money.

In the mid-air ahead, the blood flower blooming slowly, just like a squirming blood cloud, stagnated for a moment in the mid-air, turned into a rain of blood, and smashed from the mid-air.

The villagers' sorrow stopped abruptly.

Everyone looked at Midair with a stupid expression.

At that moment, with the eyes of their mortals, it was naturally impossible to see what had happened just in the short span of time.

It wasn't until the thick blood rain fell on the ground and hit their faces that they all reacted: the huge monster was knocked to the ground! The village head and village head are amazing! The ecstatic mood filled their heart and lungs instantly.

Everyone's eyes suddenly looked around, looking for the direction of the village chief.

Soon they saw that the village chief was being slowly dropped to the ground by himself.

And that person was the young man who lost his memory yesterday.


"village head!"

The villagers shouted, rushing over regardless of the blood that fell like a pouring rain.

After taking a few steps forward, they suddenly stopped and stopped.

Because they were alarmed to find that a layer of pale blue light, like an inverted bowl, covered the young man with amnesia and the village chief in it.

The blood rain poured down, staining the ground red, but the area covered by the light was not affected in the slightest.

The blue light, like the essence, swayed all the blood and water falling on it.

At this time, the villagers saw the young man with amnesia as if he had stuffed something into the village chief's mouth.

A moment later, a shocking scene appeared.

The whole body was blood, looking like a **** village chief. At this moment, the whole body's blood had penetrated into the body.

As if his body, at this moment it seemed to have become a dry sponge, and the blood that should have belonged to him should be re-inhaled through the skin.

Not only that, the wounds on the village chief were healing at a rate that was visible to the naked eye at this moment.

And a moment later, the village head woke up! Although the villagers at the scene had limited knowledge, they were not stupid.

Seeing this scene, they have all reacted.

If there are monks and immortals in this world, then this one is definitely one! It was he who rescued the village chief! With a splash, the village chief's son kneeled first.

Next, other villagers also kneeled towards Chu Yan.

"Please ask the immortal, save our village!"

Everyone kept hoeing towards Chu Yan.

At this moment, the village chief looked at Chu Yan with a hint of doubt.

Although there are still some nagging, but the feeling from the body, and everything you see before, have already explained that yesterday the young man picked up by the villagers turned out to be a monk.

But isn't the opponent a triple warrior in Zhenwu Realm?

My own guess, is there such a big gap with reality?

Although I guessed wrong, the village chief really wanted to laugh at this moment.

He even thought that if he could be more outrageous, it would be better.

Taking a breath, the head of the village opened his mouth and wanted to speak. Please Chu Yan shot, kill the monster and rescue the villagers.

At this moment, the ground shuddered, and at the same time came the angry roar of the Purple Golden Ape.

The monster stood up, and the sharp pain in the wound completely inspired its ferociousness.

It wants to make this monk hurt himself and pay the price of life! The next moment, a huge shadow fell over Chu Yan's head.

The purple ape leaped high and fell heavily.

It will use its own body to crush the **** monk and all these humans into flesh.

The talent of the Zijin Ape makes its body at this moment seem to be plated with a dark gold color.

This not only makes its body extremely hard, but also instantly increases its weight tenfold! The ground had not yet landed, and the void began to shatter.

The ground was trembling madly, crumbling and tearing.

A feeling of destruction and the end of the world, this moment directly hit everyone's heads.

When the sun is blocked by the body of the purple ape, the world seems to be on the verge of collapse.

Almost everyone at the scene felt that the whole body's blood coagulated and the soul came out through the body, becoming the feeling of a lonely wild ghost in the universe.

"Ha, big monkey."

But at this time, the village chief heard Chu Yan sneer.

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