Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1384: Triple Success

The entire void, suddenly shaken, twisted, and assassinated by the sword, suddenly became a blur and chaos, constantly peeling and ruining, full of a sense of desolation and despair in the last days.

The female Xiu Leng murmured: "Different regions of the Yuan Dynasty, dare to provoke the power of the heavenly heart ..." But what happened today seems to be intentional against her.

As soon as the female repairer's voice fell, she was suddenly distorted in the void, and suddenly stopped.

The six swordsman piercings that pierced into the void also stopped turning at this moment.

Jianmang is constantly shaking, as if fighting against a force.

There seemed to be a sound of prying steel plates.

The female Xiu opened her eyes wide at this moment and was surprised to see that there was a monster in the chaos before her eyes.

The monster has six arms, and each one grabbed a sword.

Jianmang wants to struggle, to show the power that he should have.

But at this moment, not only can't move forward even more, there is a tendency to be countered by the other party.

A wave of terror is constantly coming in the void.

Click! Just then, there was a crackling sound in the female ears.

At the same time, she felt a sting in her heart like a needle.

Suddenly, a terrified look appeared in her eyes: "My magic weapon-" "Your magic weapon, give it back to you!"

Haha's laughter came from the front along with this sentence.

Suddenly, the hurricane rolled wildly, and the years were shaking.

An absurd, deep, power suddenly burst out of chaos.

Crackling! The void in the surroundings was shattered like a glass at this moment.

Nu Xiu's extremely shocked eyes saw Chu Yan's three heads and six arms, her body covered with a pair of armors burning with flames, and was looking at her.

And her magical powers, the six sword-mansions, were grasped by each other's six hands at this moment.

"You—" In this scene, Nun Xiu had never seen her. She was shocked. For a moment, she was speechless.

"Back to you!"

With a violent drink, Chu Yan's arms came like a volcanic eruption, the power of horrible blood, directly rendering the silver swordsman into a bright red color, and then flung it back.

Huh! Scared by blood, she pierced through the body of the Nun Xiu, flew her away more than ten miles, and nailed it directly to the ground.

In a flash, blood spewed out of her wound like spring water.

"The magical powers ... were totally suppressed ..." In the eyes of Nun Xiu, there was an incredible look.

And that masculine man was scared silly as soon as Chu Yan crushed his flying sword magic weapon.

The confrontation between Nu Xiu and Chu Yan is nothing but electric light flint, and it is too late for him to react.

At this moment, there is only one thought in Nan Xiu's mind: "No wonder Jian Nantian will die in his hands ..." Originally he could think of something more, but unfortunately, Chu Yan did not intend to give him this opportunity.

Stepping forward, Chu Yan collapsed.

boom! The horrible waves coming from the air were enough to smash steel and smash mountains, and in an instant, poured into the male body through the void.

The man's body suddenly rose into the air, and there was a crackling all over the body, as if the sound of firecrackers exploded.

After a while, when the male Xiu fell to the ground, all his bones, muscles and internal organs were broken into flesh and blood slurry, and at this moment kept flowing out of a piece of skin.

And when Chu Yan walked to the nun, the nun also lost her breath the moment before.

The six sword awns that were shot back were even more powerful than her own release.

At the moment when Jianman's body penetrated through the body, she broke the tendons in her whole body.

Coupled with the spurt of blood in the wound, in just a few blinks, all the blood in her body was drained.

In this case, it would be strange to not die.

Chu Yan looked for a bit on these two people. Except for the two storage bags, there was nothing valuable.

He had already recovered his memory at this time, so from the words just said by the other two, he knew that they had come from Jian Nantian.

It's just that they did not take revenge for Jian Nantian, but for the inheritance of Jian Nan Tian's Jian Tzu.

Break the prohibition of the storage bag directly, Chu Yan looked inside and found a piece of metal with a black paint, **** together.

The metal plate was engraved with a sword.

Although it is just a pattern of a sword, at this moment, it makes people feel that the sharp spirits are coming on, and the neck can't help falling cold.

On the back of the sign, the words "Sword Kills the Door" were written.

"In that case, is Jian Nantian and these two people the origin of the sword?"

Chu Yan thought to himself: "When I was in Jianzhu, I really saw someone who wanted to contact Jiannantian.

Well, yes, if Jian Nantian came from the sword to kill the door, in general, Zong Men will set a life card for the disciples in the door.

Once a disciple falls out, the life card will show up.

It seems that the person who killed the sword at that time found that the life card belonging to Jian Nantian appeared different, so he wanted to contact him for confirmation.

However, the purpose of these two men was to come for Jian Nantian's Jian Tzu.

And in order to attract me, I even drove a purple ape to attack the village. "

Thinking of this, Chu Yan turned and looked.

Just now, he almost killed this man, a woman and two monks in an extremely powerful posture, so even though the female Xiu Shi displayed magical powers, the damage to the scene was actually very limited.

But at this moment Chu Yan discovered that his realm had actually improved.

When entering Sansheng Mountain before, it was the three major achievements of Diyuan Realm.

Now, it has reached the triple perfection of Diyuan Realm.

No wonder it became extremely easy to deal with the two monks who had regained their minds.

In other words, if he were to go any further, he would be in the state of mind, and he would be a guru! A long time ago, the heavenly state of mind was like a galaxy in the sky before Chu Yan.

But now, he is only one level away from the state of mind.

Chu Yan's heart suddenly couldn't help but a moment of excitement.

But excitement turned to excitement, and Chu Yan's heart was clear. Don't look at the gap, but this gap is not so easy to climb up.

As the saying goes in the monk world: under the heart of the sky, the ants in the realm have actually shown from the side that it is not a simple matter to promote from the realm of the earth to the state of heaven.

Not to exaggerate, it is difficult, it is a life of nine deaths.

Discovering the ascension of the realm, Chu Yan could not help but be a little bit dreamy.

But soon, he turned his attention back to reality.

My last memory was in Sansheng Mountain, I saw the old emperor, and when I woke up again, I found myself in a completely strange village.

How long was my coma and amnesia, what happened to Sansheng Mountain, how did you appear here, how is Lin Miaoran and others now ... etc. etc., a series of questions, at this moment, after the calmness of the Chu words, it was like a tide. Suddenly, Chu Yan could not help but have a headache.

"At that time, I was still attentive. The old emperor obviously had some special means."

Chu Yan patted his head.

Since many problems are currently very confusing, if you don't know where to start first, then the most stupid method is better: start with the problem at hand.

Having made up his mind, Chu Yan looked up at the people in Shijie Village facing forward.

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