Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1385: Fairy reward (on)

The mountain collapsed, monsters attacked, monks appeared, and the village was destroyed.

In just one noon, so many and so many accidents happened, as long as you are a mortal, you can't stand it.

So when Chu Yan looked at this moment, he found that the villagers of Shijie Village, who were paralyzed on the ground, were all in a state of despair and eyeslessness.

Obviously, it is impossible to recover from such an impact without recovering for a long time psychologically and physically.

Among the crowd, the only one who appeared to be slightly normal at this time was the old village chief.

In the words of the old village chief himself: he was also the one who saw the big scene that year.

What's more, the elixir that Chu Yan just stuffed into his mouth was made by Zeng Bi before.

No matter what Master Bitong said, she is also a figure of the elder level of Zongmen.

Moreover, Chu Yan asked her to make elixir, and she did not dare to be sloppy.

Therefore, the elixir not only healed the old village chief's injury in an instant, but also made his aged body recover to a certain extent his vigorous blood.

So the old village chief who came to Chu Yan at this time, although his appearance still looked like an old man, he had a strong and dignified gaze and a strong pace, but he looked like a mature man.

When Chu Yan was still ten feet away, the old village chief stopped moving forward.

When he saw Chu Yan's shot, he naturally knew Chu Yan's identity.

This is a monk! And still a very strong monk.

Although because of his status, the old village chief did not know the difference between the Yuanyuan Realm and the Tianxin Realm.

However, with the comparison of the Zijin Ape and the two monks who killed the sword, naturally he also knew that the strength of Chu Yan could wipe out the entire Shijie Village between his fingers.

At a distance of ten feet, the old village chief kneeled on his knees and respected his head with a hoe: "Meet the fairy."

The immortals are very particular about their status and respect. The old village chief did not dare to call adults or the like, so he used the most secure title.

Chu Yan nodded faintly, showing the demeanor unique to the "fairy".

Now that his memory has been restored, he will naturally not speak to the village head as usual.

This is how Xian Fan has a different reason.

Chu Yan did not speak at this moment, but the old village chief did not remain silent.

After he scratched his head, he expressed his thanks to Chu Yan.

Thanks to Chu Yan for saving his life, but also to Chu Yan for saving the whole village.

After thanking him, the village chief stopped talking.

If they change to other people, they may still take the opportunity to sell miserably. I hope Chu Yan can help and help the village.

But the old village chief did not do so.

Even before the villagers brought the unconscious Chu Yan back, he did not mention it.

The whole thing seems to be that Shijie Village was attacked by monsters and other monks, but Chu Yan just passed by and rescued Shijie Village in danger.

Chu Yan cast a deep glance at the village chief.

He doesn't know Chu Yan's personality, but he understands that big men are very taboo about emotional and moral abduction.

And coma, fainting and amnesia, for the big men, are still heart disease, a disgraceful past.

Which big man is willing to be mentioned about his past stains?

And from their ordinary population?

Therefore, this village chief is very forceful-Chu Yan pondered for a moment.

The village chief did not ask for anything, but Chu Yan knew in his heart that he and Shijie Village had cause and effect.

The conversation between the two monks who just killed Jianmen was not heard by the village chief and the villagers, but Chu Yan was clear.

The Zijin Ape was driven by the two monks in order to force himself to appear, perhaps with the purpose of weighing his strength in it.

In other words, what Shijiu Village suffered today is in fact nothing wrong.

Since this is the case, with Chu Yan's personality, it is naturally impossible to completely pretend to have nothing to do with himself.

Some monks can do it.

But Chu Yan couldn't, which was not in harmony with his heart.

After thinking for a moment with eyes closed, Chu Yan waved toward the village chief.

The air rushed like tide.

The village chief's body shivered instinctively.

He has not been in contact with high-level monks, so his first reaction was that he and the villagers were going to be killed! But soon he realized that he was thinking wrong.

After the air flowed through, there was something more in front of him.

A dozen heavy boxes, seven or eight small bottles, and a few old-looking books.

Seeing these things, the village chief knew that these were rewarded by Chu Yan.

Chu Yan also came to the village head at this time and looked down at the other side: "You originally fell because of your age and old injuries and overwork, but the elixir I gave you has already made you It has returned to the triple point of Zhenwu Realm. "

"Yes, thank you fairy!"

The head of the village had doubts before, and it was even more exciting to hear Chu Yan say so now.

Mie of Zhenwu Realm! In the eyes of the monk, this at best represented a stronger ant.

But for mortals, this is a remarkable achievement! And when the village chief was young, the highest realm was the duality of Zhenwu Realm.

The original realm has fallen and turned into a mortal old man, but now, not only does the blood and blood become magnificent again, but without losing a strong man, the realm has also made a breakthrough.

In other words, his life may be extended by more than ten or twenty years! For a mortal, how could this not excite him.

"Don't be too excited, I haven't finished talking."

Chu Yan said.

The village head quickly reached out and wiped the tears from the eyes because of excitement.

"In the box, there is ordinary gold and silver. It must be enough for you to rebuild the village."

This sentence is actually conservative.

These gold and silver, let alone rebuild Shijie Village, after the construction is completed, these villagers will have more than enough life to worry-free life.

"These bottles are filled with wound and elixir."

Chu Yan said: "If you hurt the medicine, today's injured people can use some to heal; if the medicine is"-" Before, I took one and entered the real world without any major problems. "

As soon as this word came out, the village chief's body shook with excitement.

His greatest wish in his life was to train a warrior for Shijie Village before he died! Even a warrior who is one of the true martial arts can.

However, in such a small town in a remote mountain area, it is not so easy to train a warrior.

In terms of difficulty, it is not much worse than a champion in a poor family for generations.

But now, Chu Yan directly gave them this opportunity.

And more than one opportunity! The thought of this, the village chief's old age all turned red, as if it were a congested pig liver.

As for who to choose to take these elixir, Chu Yan did not manage it. It was left to the village head to do this.

But what made the village head more excited was still behind.

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