Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1386: Fairy reward (below)

"The three books are a book of exercises and two martial arts."

As soon as Chu Yanhua had finished speaking, he saw the village chief's eyes roll, click, and fell to the ground.


Chu Yan could not help but wonder.

The village chief paused on the ground for a while before calming down, while stroking his chest, he quickly apologized to Chu Yan.

But when I was talking, I was still panting, the excitement, excitement, and incredible in my eyes were beyond words.

Gongfa! Martial arts! The fairy rewarded these two things! Gold and silver can be spent, and elixir will be used up.

The exercises and martial arts can be passed down! The inheritance of these two words does not mean ordinary meaning.

With this method and martial arts, the future of Shijie Village will be very different.

If properly developed, after several generations of efforts, it is possible to eventually become a family.

But family and village are not two completely different concepts.

Thinking of this, the head of the village felt his heart and couldn't help jumping, as if it were a fierce drum beat, and even the temples burst out, as if the brain was bleeding at any time.

Gold and silver, elixir, and exercises were all collected by Chu Yan from the treasures of other families.

To him today, these things seem too much of a **** and have no effect.

However, for the villagers of Shijie Village, it is a huge opportunity.

Chu Yan can also take this as an expression of gratitude and compensation to the villagers of Shijie Village.

In fact, if you really want to give it, Chu Yan has hundreds of times more gold, silver, elixir and exercises.

But if he did that, it would not be a chance for the villagers of Shijie Village, but a disaster.

A triple martial arts soldier in Zhenwu Realm, a group of mortal villagers, suddenly fell into the sky and made a fortune, which naturally brought many parties.

These people must not be able to keep those treasures.

Now Chu Yan's gift is just right.

On the one hand, it can help Shijie Village to rebuild in a short time, on the other hand, it also opens up a new road for Shijie Village.

But that alone is not enough.

Not to mention, just the elixir and martial arts skills can attract some outside thoughts.

Chu Yan's gaze fell on the nun in the crowd.

The realm of this monk is actually not high in today's Chu Yan.

Ningmai was a great achievement, but it was just the extent to which Xianlu had just started.

But it was more than enough to let this person come to guard Shijie Village for a short time.

Shijie Village is so remote here, a condensed environment, enough to keep the place safe for decades.

Decades later, if Shijie Village made good use of the rewards of this time to develop into a family scale, then even if there is no guardianship of Ningmai, there will not be much problem.

After all, things like today are afraid that they won't happen once in a thousand years.

After making up this idea, Chu Yan reached out and took a volley shot, and the Ningmai Jingshi was caught directly in his hands.

Monk Ningmaijing just saw Chu Yan's shot all the way.

As a person who officially embarked on the immortal road, among so many people at the scene not long ago, only he saw that the two monks who killed the sword were masters of the heavenly heart.

Because of this, he can feel more than anyone else how unpredictable the Chu Yan who was beheading two Heavenly Heart Masters at this instant.

Caught by Chu Yan, the monk Ningmaijing didn't dare to move.

Chu Yan also has no nonsense.

A dark red light emerged from his palm, and he patted it against the Ningmaijing monk's chest.

At that moment, the monk Ningmai had only one thought: "It's over, I'm going to die! But I didn't do anything!"

But the next moment, he felt a warm current, flowing from his chest toward the limbs and bones.

Suddenly, he felt extremely comfortable, and when he practiced, the aura was moving more vividly in his body.

Opening the eyes again, this Ningmaijing monk's eyes were full of surprise.

Because he could feel that Chu Yan's palm was not his life, but some hidden injuries in his body were removed.

These dark injuries are caused by incorrect cultivation methods, or they are left behind when fighting people.

But at this moment, under the palm of Chu Yan, all the hidden injuries were cleared.

This feeling seems to be reborn.

Suddenly, Master Ningmaijing breathed quickly.

"Don't be too happy."

Chu Yan glanced at the other side, "This is an opportunity, but it is also a seal."

Monk Ningmai blinked puzzledly, then looked down.

Suddenly, he saw a red mark like a cobweb on his chest.

This imprint is the size of a slap, but it is all up, and at first glance, it feels a bit scary.

But Ningmaijing Monk was very calm at this time.

Because he had seen the strength of Chu Yan, he clearly understood that if the other party really wanted to kill him, one finger would be enough.

So he immediately said, "What does the teacher say, even if the villain is foolish, he will not hesitate!"

He didn't know the realm of Chu Yan, but when he saw that Chu Yan beheaded and killed two heavenly minds, he naturally thought that Chu Yan was a heavenly mind.

Chu Yan didn't break through each other, and he also felt that the monk in this condensed state turned quickly, so he said, "I want you to guard Shijie Village here for thirty years. Go and stay as you like.

Before that, if you didn't do what I meant, the seal would dry up the blood in your body in an instant.

If you do, then today, thirty years later, the power contained in this seal will be incorporated into your body, allowing you to cultivate further. "

"The villain will never disappoint the teacher!"

Monk Ningmaijing didn't hesitate, and said aloud, "I would like to make a vow of heart and obey the law of the Master."

Very good, another very compelling-Chu Yan thought.

For the monks, the demon vow is the most binding oath.

Since the other party was so active, Chu Yan naturally did not stop.

After the other party took the oath, Chu Yan let the other party down.

After the monks of Ningmaijing landed on the ground, the expression on his face was still happy.

Looking at his look, it seems that he can be driven by monks of this level of Chu Yan. It is still a great glory.

Next, Chu Yan had nothing more to ask about this village.

It ’s good to be conscientious about things like cause and effect.

So he didn't say anything, as soon as he turned his wrist, the heaven and earth board stepped on his feet.

The next moment, Chu Yan took control of the heaven and earth chessboard, rising in the eyes of the villagers' astonishment and admiration, and flew towards the distance.

After flying to the sky, Chu Yan settled down. The first thing was to take out the rhinoceros jade.

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