Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1387: Chuyan News

On December 13th of that year, it was also on the day that Chu Yan restored his memory and beheaded the two golden moods of the Purple Golden Monkey and the sword.

The atmosphere of a courtyard in the king's palace on Baoxiang looked a little dull.

And this atmosphere has been going on for more than half a month.

At this moment in the yard, Su Yuqing and Jiang Panmeng were talking about something.

Li Xiu sat on the rock, looking forward, as if thinking about his mind.

Su Jian leaned under a tree not far away, and rubbed the hilt of Fengjian in his hand.

The wind sword has broken down in the battle of Sansheng Mountain, and now only this hilt is left as a memorial.

As for the ice sword and fire sword, even the hilt has been lost.

There were several others, either sitting or standing, and inside the courtyard house.

Looking at the appearance of these men and women in the courtyard, Zeng Bi standing at the entrance of the courtyard, could not help sighing silently.

These people were sent to themselves in a huge bronze coffin when the Sansheng Mountain collapsed.

This matter has now passed for more than twenty days.

But even at this time, Zeng Bi still remembered that the moment she opened the coffin, she was shocked and surprised.

Almost everyone in the coffin was seriously injured, more severely, with a pale complexion and anger.

Thanks to her timely treatment, she was cured.

After thinking about it, Zeng Bi couldn't help doubting that she didn't follow into Sansheng Mountain at that time. The ban was on the one hand, and on the other hand, it might be a plan for Chu Yan.

Although the actual contact time between Zeng Bi and Chu Yan is not long, Master Bitong is also an innumerable existence in the school.

After several things, she can naturally feel that Chu Yan is a person who will consider various possible problems and figure out how to deal with them before doing things.

From this point of view, it would be difficult for Zeng Bi to wait outside in advance, and it is difficult to say whether Chu Yan had anticipated any accidents in advance, so he made arrangements first.

However, Chu Yan's prior preparations saved everyone present, even sugar monsters and handsome monsters.

After that, their group went to Baoxiang Shangguo under the arrangement of Kong Xian and lived in the palace.

After a brief recovery, Kong Xian was also busy.

The reason is simple: this time the trial of Sansheng Mountain, a big problem occurred.

But no matter how busy he is, he will come over at least every two days to tell everyone about the current situation.

The collapse of Sansheng Mountain led to the fall of many monks.

It is no exaggeration to say that at that time the monks in the Black Soul City were almost wiped out.

Teams such as Lin Miaoran, Kong Xian, and Su Yuqing who have not lost any of them can be said to be a miracle among miracles.

As for the fallen monks, none of them are elites of the patriarchal ancestors or families.

Their fall will naturally lead to the damage of Zongmen and family strength.

Although what happened in the Three Sacred Mountains was unknown to the outside world, and no one dared to blamed Tianyazong for being unfavorable, which led to this accident, but the resentments from these gates and families in Xinjiang, But it does exist.

Normal people lose money for a long time, and they will be depressed for a long time, not to mention the talents of their ancestors or the family who have spared no effort to train, and they die with a click, and there is no hope to find the bones.

Therefore, during this time, both Tianyazong and Baoxiang Shangguo must appease the ancestral gates and families of various Xinjiang nations.

As the prince of the kingdom of treasure, Kong Xian was a king with a different name, but he still needed to deal with some matters.

These busy things, on the one hand, have caused him to be stunned recently, but on the other hand, they have allowed him to know many insiders that others don't know.

For example, Tian Yazong made a series of measures for this, and also the news that the opening of the Road to Killing Spirit will be delayed for several months.

But in fact, these news were not the most concerned by Kong Xian and the people in the courtyard at this time.

The thing they care most about is the whereabouts of Chu Yan.

From the day they woke up, they didn't get any information about Chu Yan.

According to Zeng Bi, only that coffin flew out that day.

Under the coffin, although there was a mark of Chu Yan, there was no indication of his whereabouts in the mark.

The whereabouts of Chu Yan seems to be a mystery.

Kong Xian secretly sent someone to look for it.

But for more than ten days, there was still no audio.

Lin Miaoran also uses the rhinoceros jade constantly, hoping to get a response from Chu Yan.

But every time I was careful, it seemed like the sea was sinking.

Chu Yan may have fallen—this idea has passed with the passage of time. Even though everyone is trying not to think about it, it is still expanding uncontrollably.

In addition, when Pu Yangyi saw Chu Yan in the Black Soul City, he said that his life was locked, and his life was short.

The atmosphere in the yard these days is becoming more and more depressing.

Shortly after noon.

The sun is the heyday of the day and the warmest period of the winter.

But when Zeng Bi stood at the gate of the courtyard and looked up, she still felt the sun above her head, pale and dazzling, making her heart cold and clear.

According to the truth, Zeng Bi was supposed to hate Chu Yan.

Because this person humiliated himself and even regarded himself as a slave.

But after a long time, Chu Yan's behavior, as well as the rules of life, were unknowingly approved by her.

This person seems to have a natural leadership temperament, but also has the quality that people will trust unconsciously.

So this hatred, unknowingly, became very pale, almost disappeared.

Even Zeng Bi felt that Chu Yan must have known his inner emotions and thoughts.

Otherwise, under the circumstances at that time, if he did not trust himself, how could he hand over the seriously injured people to himself.

This feeling of being trusted is really exciting and exciting.

Whenever I think about it, Zeng Bi will feel sad.

She hoped that Chu Yan could see at this time that she did not live up to the expectations of the other party.

She rescued everyone, and their group was the only team that was not damaged during the trip to Sansheng Mountain.

My heart was thinking so, outside the courtyard, there was a sound of near footsteps suddenly.

Not only was Zeng Bi's heart moving, but everyone in the yard also looked up and gathered her eyes.

The next moment everyone saw Kong Xian walking in.

The last time Kong Xian came over was two days ago. According to the convention, even if he is busy today, he will come to tell everyone some new news.

Looking at the expectant eyes of the people in the yard, Kong Xian felt his heart flutter.

He gritted his teeth, then shook his head silently.

The eyes of everyone in the yard dimmed immediately.

There is still no word of Chu Yan ... the sour emotions in the hearts of everyone became stronger.

When the courtyard was extremely depressed and quiet, there was a loud noise in the house, and it was the sound of something falling to the ground.

The next moment, in a shuddering footsteps, Lin Miaoran shivered his shoulders, his face a little excited, and hurried out of the room.

In her hands, she raised the rhinoceros.

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