Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1390: What the hell

The eyeball that contains the power of three lives has three swirling swirls.

And in this eyeball, there are also swirls.

But there is only one swirl in this eyeball.

And unlike the silver of those three swirls, the swirls in this eyeball are black.

A black vortex, looking at this moment, reminded Chu Yan of the black chaos in the center of Sansheng Mountain.

"This vortex ..." After Chu Yan groaned slightly, he put his fingers on it and crossed into a hint of aura.

I don't know why, this swirl gave him a familiar feeling.

So Chu Yan also relied on his instinct and tried it out.

The next moment, he felt a violent pull from his body.

"It really is--" It feels a lot like when I first entered the echo ring.

There was a roar in his ears, and the next moment, Chu Yan found himself standing in a mountain.

Around the mountain, there was a gray mist, and at a glance it was not clear what was hidden inside.

Looking around, as if between the heavens and the earth, only this mountain exists, and the others covered by the gray mist are inaccessible areas.

"It really is."

Chu Yan nodded.

Not only are the feelings similar when entering, but the scenes seen after entering are also very similar.

There is a similar gray fog in the echo ring.

That's actually the barrier of this space.

Chu Yan looked around, and after a while, he determined his guess from the pearly jealousy of the surroundings.

"Here is where the treasures of the Twelve Kingdoms are hidden."

Although expected, Chu Yan was shocked by what he saw when he saw him.

Normally, things like treasure must be buried in a secret place.

When the Dengxian Order was opened before, everyone saw the towering sky, and naturally thought that the treasures of the Twelve Kingdoms were hidden in the palace in the air.

It is natural to think so.

But who would have expected that the treasures of the Twelve Kingdoms were hidden in a huge space.

And this space is even more unexpected, hidden in the eyes of the old emperor! In this case, I am afraid that the Sansheng Mountain was hollowed out and broken into bricks and tiles by the Black Soul City. I am afraid that there is no trace of the treasure.

Who would have thought that the treasure was in the old emperor?

However, after knowing this at this moment, I recalled it myself. In fact, some details of the old emperor at that time were manifested.

Chu Yan remembered that at the time in the palace, after seeing the old emperor making some actions, the strange fruits that had grown for more than 20,000 years appeared in his hands.

Now if you think about the pictures at that time, you will find that every time the old emperor makes the action of rubbing his eyes, then something will be added to his hands.

However, at that time, I did not even think that this space was hidden in the opponent's eyes, so I did not consider it at all.

After all, what Chu Yan has seen so far is a storage bag, a storage ring, an arm ring, and an echo ring on his left ear.

The practice of the old emperor seems to be quite special.

In Chu Yan's opinion now, he did not replace his eyeballs with storage magic weapons, nor did he hide the storage magic weapons in his eyes.

It is more like turning your own eyes into a storage magic weapon.

Or combine your eyeballs and storage magic into one! This method is the first time Chu Yan has seen it.

This is the first point that makes Chu Yan feel amazing.

The second point is that the treasures of the Twelve Kingdoms are too much.

There is a word to describe that there are many things, which is called pile up into mountains.

But now the various treasures in front of Chu Yan are no longer piled up into mountains, but into mountains.

Dufeng is a mountain, and mountains are called ridges.

Chu Yan was standing on a treasure mountain at the moment, and what he saw in front of him was a rolling hill.

And if you look closely, you will find that these mountains are piled up with various natural treasures, magical potions and exotic fruits.

Because of the accumulation time, some of these treasures are integrated into one.

So now, a spectacular scene like a mountain is formed.

After realizing this, His Highness Chu could not help but stay.

This kind of absent-mindedness is very rare in Chu Yan.

"It's really scary."

Chu Yan muttered.

But soon, this shocking mood was completely replaced by joy and excitement! Since setting foot on the fairy road, Chu Yan has been lacking various resources, so he has to rack his brains and exert every means to maximize his limited combat power.

But now, such problems do not exist.

There are so many incredible treasures here! And more importantly, they all start at the end of 20,000 years! Even if some Chu Yan do n’t know how to use it, they can definitely be sold for a very high price! Bartering things and changing to the materials you want is just as easy.

Compared to the various treasures that really piled up into mountains, Chu Yan could not help but take a deep breath: "This is called treasure-" Compared with here, the storage bags obtained from other monks, and some family treasure houses, Those can only be called mosquito legs, not to mention at all.

However, Chu Yan also knows that the most valuable of these treasures is the ancient treasures of those years.

As for the magic weapons, weapons and the like accumulated here, let alone 20,000 years, 2,000 years is enough to make them lose their spirituality, become ordinary objects, and even waste copper and iron.

But even if those scrap copper and rotten iron are removed, the number of various exotic flowers and plants left is still astonishing.

The treasures of the Twelve Kingdoms were piled in the eyeballs. Until this time, Chu Yan had a feeling of making a fortune himself.

After all, this visual impact is a magical artifact and a treasure house, which is totally incomparable.

Chu Yan was immersed in such emotions, and suddenly felt the ground moving under his feet.

Even though the mood is ups and downs today, Chu Yan has never lost even a hint of vigilance about the surrounding environment.

At this moment the ground moved, and he immediately reacted.


As soon as Chu Yan's thoughts came to his mind, the ground under his feet shook even harder, so much that he couldn't stand.

Not only was the mountain trembling, but the void around it started to twist at this moment, and even came the roar when the steel bars were twisted.

"There is something wrong with this mountain!"

Immediately, Chu Yan responded.

He did not hesitate, and with a flick of his wrist, he summoned the heaven and earth board.

This huge treasure space can accommodate the mountains, showing how huge it is.

So at this time, Chu Yan can fly freely even if he summons the world board.

What's more important at this moment is that doing so can help Chu Yan find out what's wrong with this mountain as soon as possible.

Stepping on the board of heaven and earth, before the void twisted into a fold, he quickly flew out ten miles, and Chu Yan turned and looked over.

At this moment, Chu Yan paused.

The next moment, he exhaled, "What ... what the hell?"

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