Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1391: Almost

Chu Yan found at this time that the mountain he had just stepped on was actually alive.

More precisely, it is not a mountain.

It's a monster.

A huge monster, and the huge monsters around the mountains.

This monster looks like a dog monster, with a grayish body color, revealing an extremely ruthless and cruel taste.

There was a slight movement at this time, and the horrible frosty gas spewed out around.

The void seemed to freeze all of a sudden.

Even Chu Yan felt cold through the body.

At this time, if I changed to another monk, I was afraid that it would be frozen into an ice dumpling immediately and fell from the air.

This feeling also made Chu Yan faintly guess that when he held the eyeball before, he felt cold. What happened?

The dog demon is too huge, it can be called a head like a mountain, a mouth like a black hole, and in the huge eyes, the gray-white ghost fire is burning.

Obviously, this dog demon is not a living creature.

Can be captured by the old emperor to guard the treasure here, naturally also concocted.

At this point, the dog monster is also a zombie.

It's just that this zombie dog demon is much stronger than the spirit demon and the master of state.

The most intuitive point of view is the mysterious ear bell hanging on the waist by Chu Yan. At this time, it seemed as if it was soaked with blood.

This is a "extremely dangerous" reminder.

But Chu Yan still glanced at the dog demon at this time.

The place where he settled before was the brain of this dog demon.

Now I want to come, it is the living breath of myself that awakened the dog demon.

At this time, the distance is far, and you can almost see the full picture of the dog demon.

This dog demon has no trace of life, and in front of it, it gives a feeling of being close to the abyss.

That kind of fear, rising from the deepest part of the soul, couldn't wait to hold his head and scream and run away.

Even though Chu Yan, a monk of many heavenly minds, has been beheaded, at this time in front of this dog demon, he feels that his breathing is not smooth.

At this time Chu Yan also noticed a detail.

There was a dark metal ring on the dog monster's neck.

And this metal ring is connected by a thick chain.

The other end of the chain was immersed in the gray mist deep in the void.

When Chu Yan came here before, he was immediately attracted by the treasures piled up into the mountains.

The chain was behind his original position, and he was far away before he could see that it was a chain. If he had been so close before, he would only think that it was a bridge across.

So I didn't notice it at that time, and it was justified.

At this moment Chu Yan was watching the dog demon distantly, and suddenly his heart beat.

An unprecedented pressure, as if the surging Kuroshio, was crushing towards me in an instant.

Chu Yan immediately looked up and looked towards the dog demon.

The dog monster's body is still in place.

But at this moment, a dark shadow bullied himself from the dog demon.

The dog demon is as big as a mountain, and this dark shadow can only be bigger.

Suddenly, it was like swallowing the tengu, covering the sky and covering the words of Chu.

A desperate mood filled the hearts of Chu Yan instantly.

This feeling is unprecedented and menacing. It does not give people any chance to respond.

By the time Chu Yan's response came, Hei Ying had oppressed him.

Immediately, Chu Yan felt that he was starting to condense ice crystals.

These ice crystals are more like ice thorns that cannot be seen with a handle, piercing themselves.

The flesh and bones, the internal organs, and the internal organs were not only frostbite, but also sifted.

Chu Yan's whole body was painful and he opened his mouth.

What spurted out at this time was not cold blood, but extremely cold **** smoothies! Chu Yan's pupils suddenly shrank.

At this time, even a fool realized that there was something wrong with the dog demon.

I counted so many things that I didn't count into this treasure, but there was still a killing trick.

Accidentally, I got the word.

Chu Yan's blood gas moves, and he wants to fight against this frozen breath.

However, this terrible freezing air is extremely overbearing and beyond the imagination of Chu Yan.

In the midst of it, it seems as if there is an invisible demon's hand, which is constantly dragging Chu Yan into the abyss.

At this moment, Chu Yan even felt that the head of the dog demon was close at hand, condescending and staring at himself.

Those gray-white eyes seemed to be two rounds of gray-white, unwarm sun, waiting for their own destruction.

"No, this freezing gas is too weird. If you stay here, you will lose your life. You must go out first!"

Since Chu Yan embarked on the fairy road, I haven't seen how many lives and deaths he has encountered.

Therefore, at this time, he was in a near-desperate situation and still kept calm and came up with a countermeasure.

As soon as I was thinking, I was about to leave this space, and when I went back to do some calculations, Suddenly, Chu Yan saw his chest and a light of platinum and gold appeared.

The next moment, a pattern resembling fish and fish, and dragon and dragon, flew out of his chest, twisted about a foot in front of him, and then shattered, turning it into shiny powder.

Chu Yan suddenly hesitated: "What is this?"

But at the moment when the pattern was broken, Chu Yan felt suddenly that the stinging and coldness in the whole body disappeared at this instant.

Although there is still a thick layer of ice on his body, and this layer of ice has a tendency to become thicker, at this moment, Chu Yan truly feels that he is on the verge of dying, and he has regained it. newborn! The surging blood filled the body in an instant.

Chu Yan didn't hesitate at this moment. With a moment of thought, he returned to the cave from this void filled with treasures.

The moment he returned to the cave, Chu Yan's eyes suddenly became dark, and then his throat became sweet, and he spit out a blood arrow.

The spit of blood was chilly, and it was mixed with ordinary smoothies.

Chu Yan's half body was still covered with a thick layer of frost at this time.

This made him look as if he had just been shaved from the snowdrift.

After spitting out this blood, Chu Yan felt that the feeling of stuffiness in his chest was much relieved.

But at this moment, he didn't care the least, and immediately meditated with his knees, moving his body's aura and blood, dissipating the frozen gas that was still invading his veins and internal organs.

The frozen air was wrapped in an extremely cold taste, but at the same time, Chu Yan felt a dead breath from the frozen air.

The reason why he knew it was dead air, or when he went to Wan Yao's burial ground, he had personally experienced it from the two brothers of Kong Ci.

As the blood gas in the body restarted, the frost covering Chu Yan's body gradually melted and then disappeared.

After half an hour, Chu Yan opened his eyes.

Recalling at this moment, Chu Yan couldn't help but sigh: "I ca n’t come back anymore. This dog demon has a powerful attack and weird actions. It doesn't seem to have been caught by the old emperor, but was caught After that, the zombie monster was refined.

And it ’s been 20,000 years with so many Tiancaibao treasures. Even ... just breathing the breath and medicinal power of those heavenly earth treasures. For a zombie, 20,000 years is enough. Let it reborn.

But Chu Yan was more concerned at the moment, but not how to deal with the zombie dog demon.

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