Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1393: I have a lot of strength


After a while, Chu Yan made his judgment.

Although at that time was in an extreme crisis, Chu Yan could still see that when this scaleless ichthyosaur appeared, the white-gold light was extremely eye-catching, and it was almost empty.

And this fish-like, dragon-like dragon pattern also gives a very sacred, full of life.

But at this moment, the pattern in the throne of bones seems to be weak, as if it is a serious illness in life, and it is in recuperation.

"Sick of a serious illness and in recuperation?"

Thinking of this, Chu Yan could not help but hesitate.

Recalling the innocent ichthyosaur body that changed the feeling for himself, Chu Yan's eyes gradually became clear.

"The simplest thing to say is that when my life is in crisis, the physique of the scaly ichthyosaur will restore me to the peak in an instant, but the price it brings is its own weakness. . "

Chu Yan's eyes were slightly condensed, looking at the pattern that was slightly swaying at this time, and the light was obviously dimmed: "If this is the case, in principle, you should be able to recover."

I had a big loss in front of the zombie dog demon. Although there were reasons to be caught off guard, he also admitted that the attack of the zombie dog demon was also difficult to resist.

That horrible frost and death gas made people feel as if they had fallen directly on Huangquan Road, and they would never be born.

With this zombie dog demon, Chu Yan wants to use all kinds of natural treasures in that space, it is naturally difficult to climb into the sky.

In order to truly possess those 20,000-year-old treasures, this zombie dog monster must cross the threshold.

After having suffered a big loss last time, Chu Yan already had countermeasures in his heart at this time.

"It's better than looking at who has the most energy consumption."

His Royal Highness hummed quietly.

The zombie dog demon is terrible, which can bring almost life-threatening damage to Chu Yan.

But as long as it can resist the erosion of freezing air and dead air, then this zombie dog demon will naturally not pose a threat to Chu Yan.

If you change to another monk, you will be helpless at this time.

Even if I think of a solution, I will be distressed because I cannot implement it.

Chu Yan has no such problem.

His body is the solution to this problem.

All that is needed is the cooperation of time and zombie dog demon.

"I want to show you how powerful the immortal demon body is."

Chu Yan grasped the cold eyeball, and when he was moved, he had already come to the cage of time and space of Guixu Tower.

The greatest ability of the immortal demon body is that it can continuously enhance Chu Yan's defense against certain attacks.

Take now, because of a zombie dog demon attack, at this moment, Chu Yan's defense ability against that freezing air and dead gas must be stronger than when he entered the space last time.

Then Chu Yan's next thing to do is very simple: keep entering the space and let the zombie dog demon attack himself, until his body can fully withstand the erosion of the frost and death gas.

Since this is to be done, it is natural to consume a lot of time without accident.

Because Chu Yan had to wait until the innocent fish and dragon body recovered before he could go to the zombie dog demon.

Otherwise, you're on your own.

If time is needed, the cage of time and space can make Chu Yan more than twice as much time.

"I don't have any fear of fighting attrition."

The recovery of the scaly ichthyosaur is faster than Chu Yan imagined.

After spending three days in the cage of time and space, the scaleless ichthyosaur returned to its former brilliant white and golden light.

At this time, only one day has passed in the real world.

So Chu Yan once again entered the space of eyeballs.

After entering, he directly provoked the zombie canine.

"Xingxuan nine changes!"

With a bang, the surging starlight hit the zombie dog demon and exploded a bright galaxy.

The mountain-like zombie dog demon suddenly shook violently, and seemed to be enraged by Chu Yan.

As before, the shadows swept across the world and slammed into the face of Chu Yan.

The freezing air froze Chu Yan again.

Frozen ice coagulated into countless dense needles, piercing the muscles and internal organs of Chu Yan.

Death gas also spread quickly in his body, corroding every muscle and every bone of Chu Yan's body.

All of a sudden, Chu Yan was covered with frost for most of his body.

The blood oozed out of the pores, and in a blink of an eye, soaked under the frost and turned red.

Chu Yan felt his soul, at this moment it seemed to be continuously pulled by a black vortex, until it was pulled into the bottomless abyss.

But at this moment, white and golden light on his chest shone.

The strength released by the scaleless ichthyosaur body allows Chu Yan's frozen blood to recover instantly.

The eyes that had become dim at this moment re-brightened like the stars.

Chu Yan had been prepared for a long time, without any hesitation. At the moment when his blood was recovering, his mind turned sharply, or he would drag himself back into reality.

When leaving the space, Chu Yan vaguely seemed to hear the angry roar of the zombie dog demon.

"Just call it, you'll hit your dog's head by then."

Returning to the cage of time and space, Chu Yan laughed, and then his chest was undulating, and he spit out a **** water with frost.

Although the resistance to frost and dead gas this time has been improved compared to the previous one, but this increase is slowly increasing, and it is impossible to have immediate changes every time, so Chu Yan still suffered a certain degree of injury .

However, anyway, I also have to wait for the innocent ichthyosaur body to recover, so while waiting, Chu Yan will contact Lin Miaoran while practicing, and understand some situations intermittently.

Soon, three more days passed in the cage of time and space.

Chu Yan immediately entered the treasure space.

This time, as he did the first time, he appeared on the forehead of the zombie canine.

His Royal Highness immediately raised his arm high: "Blood offering Dafa!"

Instantly skyrocketing, like a **** mad dragon-like arm, containing a mighty force, slammed into the head of a zombie dog monster.

This is enough to punch the power of the monk in the sky, and suddenly the zombie dog monster's huge body trembled.

The forehead was sunken for a while.

Roar! The next moment, as if the thunderous roar of thunder, shook the entire space.

Huge shadows covered the sky like clouds rolling in.

Two times before, the shadows were half-empty and half-solid, but this time, the dark clouds not only seemed to be substantive, but also seemed to ignore the hidden evil spirits, boiling, tumbling, and erupting into a loud shout.

Deep in the clouds like black ink, blood is faintly visible at this moment.

Feeling the suffocating pressure around him, Her Royal Highness Chu looked at her fists, and then looked at the dark clouds and blood, and mumbled, "It seems like you have a bit more strength?"

boom! The next moment, an icicle, like lightning, was torn directly from the dark cloud and smashed above Chu Yan's head.

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