Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1394: Grab treasure

A whirlpool suddenly appeared in the cage of time and space, accompanied by a harsh squeal.

The next moment, Chu Yan's figure suddenly appeared in the vortex.

At the same time, there was a large horror of freezing air.

There was a layer of frost on the ground and the stone wall in the cage of time and space.

The next moment, the vortex disappeared, Chu Yan's body fell heavily on the ground.

A layer of ice formed on the ground was immediately smashed out like a crack in a cobweb.

puff! A blood arrow erupted from Chu Yan's mouth.

Blood splattered on the ground, forming dense blood spots.

Chu Yan's chest was undulating.

This time, he was unable to stand up for a long time.

But Chu Yan's mouth was raised.

He is laughing.

"Ha, not dead yet."

Chu Yan's eyes flashed with excitement.

This time the zombie ogre was clearly angry.

The frost and dead gas released by it were directly transformed into frost and lightning, and split on Chu Yan's body.

Suddenly the lightning appeared, Chu Yan felt that he saw the appearance of hell.

Countless ghosts and ghosts appeared in front of him.

They are roaring, roaring, crying, cursing, mourning ... When the innocent fish and dragon body helped Chu Yan to recover, Chu Yan could feel that the horrible frost had not regressed, fierce Into his own internal organs.

This time, it was even more dangerous than the first.

For the first time, Chu Yan paid a price. Even without the scaly ichthyosaur, he was still sure to leave the treasure space.

And this time, he really couldn't return even if he had a scaly ichthyosaur.

But Chu Yan was still laughing.

The reason is very simple. If he switched to the previous one, he would be dead when Frost and Lightning fell for the first time.

And now, not only did he not die, but he returned.

That means that at this time, the immortal demon body has already improved its defense ability against freezing gas and dead gas.

In addition, Chu Yan was not completely passively beaten this time.

He smashed the head of the zombie canine into a piece.

This also shows that although this zombie dog demon has absorbed a full 20,000 years of medicinal power and has grown together with those heavenly treasures for more than 20,000 years, it is not invincible.

Another thing is that Chu Yan seized the time this time to see the location of some natural treasures in the mountains.

"Hey ..." Her Royal Highness smiled proudly, then closed her eyes, began to run Qi and blood, and recovered her injury, while planning in her mind for the next entry.

Three days later, the safe and sound Chu Yan entered the treasure space for the fourth time.

Maybe it was the last time I was angered by Chu Yan, or it was because I felt that Chu Yan was too annoying. In any case, this time, after Chu Yan entered the treasure space, the zombie dog demon went to Chu immediately An attack was launched.

Chu Yan's half body was immediately frozen.

But this time, Chu Yan had good luck. The place where he appeared was a little far away from the zombie dog demon, and it was only a short distance from Baoshan, which was full of natural treasures.

At this point, although half of his body was frozen, and his vitality continued to spread, his face was tinged with blue.

But as long as the scaleless ichthyosaur is not excited, it means that it has not reached its limit.

"The world board!"

Chu Yan vomited blood while recruiting this flying magic weapon, and then rushed out of the force, leaping suddenly, before jumping to Baoshan, slamming his fist, slamming the whole arm directly into Baoshan In.

At this time, no matter what he caught, he grasped it suddenly.

At the same time, the scaleless ichthyosaur body glowed, and the second wave of zombie dog demon came.

Chu Yan smiled at the zombie dog demon, then turned his mind back to the cage of time and space.

After returning to the cage of time and space, Chu Yan did not immediately activate the qi and blood to heal, but immediately looked at what he was holding.

Holding in his hand was something shaped like an onion.

But this "scallion" is golden throughout, and it looks more like a golden juice flowing inside.

Chu Yan groaned a little and recognized it immediately.

"No phase golden eagle grass!"

Although I have known for a long time, the heaven and earth treasures in this treasure space are counted in thousands.

But when he really saw him at this time, Chu Yan was unavoidably excited.

He has also seen phaseless golden eagle grass before, but the phaseless golden eagle grass he has seen is at most a century old, not only as thin as a bamboo stick, but also short, and the golden light is the most pointed part, showing a touch of gold Only through careful screening can we see it.

At this moment, the one he was holding in his hand, although it was only a section of the golden eagle grass, but it was also one foot long.

If it is a complete one, I am afraid it is close to three feet.

And it's as thick as an adult's thumb! The color is more like the whole body cast from gold.

Phaseless golden eagle grass is an important material used in forging weapons, and can also be used for alchemy.

But for Chu Yan, there is no difference.

He gave a few sips, like chewing sugar cane, and ate this piece of golden eagle grass.

The golden sap flowing inside has a taste of hundreds and thousands of times, just like the syrup of agar, which makes people have a lot of aftertastes.

Chu Yan knows that Wuxiang Golden Eagle Grass itself has no taste, but countless heavenly treasures have accumulated in a closed space for tens of thousands of years, and they will inevitably affect each other.

Even medicinal powers may merge.

This is the evidence that the taste of Golden Eagle grass has changed.

Immediately after eating, Chu Yan immediately applied the spirit of hunting whales to absorb medicine.

Time flicked and three days passed.

Chu Yan was familiar with driving. After entering the treasure space, he immediately recruited the chess board of the world and rushed towards the nearest Baoshan.

The heaven and earth chessboard is not only a magic weapon prepared by Chu Yan's mother, but also a magic weapon placed on the 12th floor of the Guixu Tower.

The higher the number of layers of the Guixu Tower, the higher the rank of the placed items, whether they are exercises or magic weapons.

Therefore, the speed at which the heaven and earth chess board is deployed is naturally not comparable to ordinary flying magic weapons.

Behind him was the angry roar of the zombie dog monster and the rolling shadow, but Chu Yan completely ignored this. He stepped on the chessboard of the world and speeded up to the extreme, and then rushed through this force.

The last time one arm smashed into Baoshan, this time Chu Yan smashed both arms into it.

Given this opportunity, it is natural to maximize benefits.

After returning to the cage of time and space this time, Chu Yan, as he wished, obtained two natural treasures.

In the following days, Chu Yan would follow his plan, and every time he went in, he would gain something.

Although there are some times, luck is not very good, a little far away from Baoshan, and ended up empty-handed.

But this is only the first time, this will happen.

With the improvement of the immortal demon's defense ability against frost and death gas, when spending 27 days in reality and 81 days in the cage of time and space, Chu Yan resisted the zombie dog demon The first wave of offensives, grabbed and grabbed, and finally took four or five times more treasures than in the past, and returned to time and space.

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