Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1395: Master, I am back

On January 10th of that year.

Another year has passed.

This is the seventh year since the abyss magic prison came out.

In the beginning of this seventh year, he won the first stage victory in the course of the battle against the zombie dog monster.

Different from the previous 26 times.

This time, although the first wave of the zombie ogre's attack froze Chu Yan's body, Chu Yan's exploding blood flew into the frost, and then thundered like a thunder, and fell into the nearest Baoshan Mountain. In the middle, he grabbed several treasures with both hands.

Then, in the second offensive of the zombie dog demon, the scaleless ichthyosaur was excited, and then returned to the cage of time and space safely.

And this time, for so many days, after returning to the cage of time and space for the first time, he did not hurt the vomiting blood.

Although there was a smell of sweetness in the throat, compared to the time before when I returned, I spit out blood arrows, and the tragic state of smoothies mixed with blood was better. I don't know how many times.

In fact, although the experience of more than two dozen battles is long, Chu Yan can feel that the balance of this fierce battle is constantly leaning towards himself.

This time he was able to carry a complete attack of the zombie dog demon, which means that if victory is a door, then he now has one leg and has already stepped into the door.

"There are three more, and at most three, I must step you under your feet."

Chu Yan hesitated, and began to study which treasures were brought back this time.

Also on this day, in the misty rain of the mountains and the misty town, Zhao Tong passed through the path covered with bluestone.

When leaving Longji Mountain, his heart was filled with an urgent desire: to come back and see! More than ten years ago, it was the same misty and rainy weather. He could not stand the bullying of his fellow teachers and brothers. Under the anger, he broke the necks of the brothers who had bullied themselves for several years, and then defected.

After walking for several years, I entered Longji Mountain and never came out again.

But this time, he couldn't tell why, after seeing so many bandits being beheaded and perished, his violent emotion suddenly calmed down.

Even if you know that you will be punished if you return to the teacher's door, you must return.

Even if you die, you have to look back.

At the beginning of the year, if it is rainy, there will always be a chill that penetrates into the bone marrow in the air.

But for a warrior like Zhao Tong, the alternation of cold and summer will not have any impact.

At this moment he was holding a paper umbrella, step by step, walking along the stone road in his memory.

The rain was misty, floating all around, and holding an umbrella was not very useful. Along the way, Zhao Tong's coat and even his face were covered with a layer of water vapor.

Even locals feel uncomfortable in such weather.

But at the moment, Zhao Tong had only memories flowing from his heart.

Walk along the stone road to the end, then turn, and then go forward for a while. Near the edge of the town, Zhao Tong saw the familiar boundary monument and stone gate in his memory.

Although it is a division, but also sees the realm of Zhao Tong, this is only a small martial art with the highest realm, which is Zhenwu Realm.

Don't say that you are in Baoxiang Kingdom, even if you are in Yunaojiang State, you will not have a name.

But for Zhao Tong, there are extraordinary memories here.

It is said that the feeling of being in the hometown is timid, but at this time, there is no such emotion for Zhao Tong, whose mood is very different from the past.

He took a few more steps, raised the paper umbrella at an angle, and looked up.

The next moment, Zhao Tong's body shook and his complexion changed.

White lanterns were hung on the stone gate, and white cloth was wrapped around the nearby posts. The guards at the door were also dressed in white cloth.

"This is ..." Zhao Tong's breathing stalled, and the next moment, he flung open the oil-paper umbrella in his hand, took a big step, and rushed straight toward the front door.

On a quiet afternoon, there were very few pedestrians on the road. The place is quiet, and there was no one passing by throughout the day.

But at this moment, the two guards at the door saw a big man with a scumbag, a burly figure, but a dejected look, and rushed towards this side.

"Stop, who are you, break in ..." "Get away!"

Before the guard's words were finished, he was pushed away by Zhao Tong.

Although he is also a warrior, he is at least dozens of times stronger than the two guards.

At this moment he pushed away the two guards, rushed into the door, and then according to his memory, ran all the way deep.

On this way, many people looked at him stupidly, not knowing where this big-looking man came from.

Zhao Tong can't pay attention to the people around him at this moment.

He didn't even care what these people around were male or female.

What he noticed at this time was that white lanterns and white cloth were everywhere in this little martial arts territory.

This clearly shows that someone has died! And thinking of Master ’s age when he was judged at the time, Zhao Tong ’s heart continued to sink as he moved forward.

Really so cruel.

I managed to see through life and death, and came back here, but I have to face this situation?

Zhao Tong gritted his teeth and hurried forward, his feet splashing large splashes on the ground.

His body was soaked all the way, but he couldn't care less at this time.

Run to the deepest building in front.

The door of the small building was closed tightly.

There was a faint voice heard inside.

Zhao Tong took a deep breath, strode over and pushed open the door.

There was a pot of charcoal burning in the room, and the moment you opened the door, you felt a warmth.

Inside the room, a very thin-skinned old man seemed to be talking to the person opposite him the moment before.

When he saw the old man, Zhao Tong felt a sore nose and his eyes became red instantly.

When the door was pushed open, the old man stopped talking with another person in the house and turned his head towards Zhao Tong, who was coming.

When the old man saw Zhao Tong, he didn't have the slightest look on his face, but just smiled and said, "Xiaotong is back."

The tone was peaceful, as if Zhao Tong was going out to work in the morning, and just returned in the afternoon to please An.

The moment of nagging at this moment even made Zhao Tong seem to have forgotten that he had left here for more than ten years, instead of going out in the morning, and just returned in the afternoon.

The other man in the room was a middle-aged man.

He looked at the old man and then Zhao Tong, his eyes revealing doubts.

Can be invited to this room by the old man, this middle-aged man is obviously very familiar with the old man and this small martial art.

But for a while, he couldn't remember, there was such a character in this little martial art.

However, after a while, the middle-aged person's gaze revealed a hint of sorrow.

His eyes fell on Zhao Tong, and he stopped speaking.

At this time, Zhao Tong stepped into the house step by step.

His footsteps left wet footprints on the ground.

When he came to the thin old man, Zhao Tong threw a bang, kneeling on his knees, and struck his head heavily on the ground.

"Master, I am back."

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