Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1396: Are you afraid

I felt that my limit was approaching, so I prepared my disciples and family in advance.

What I just talked to the middle-aged people around me was some explanation of what happened behind me.

"Actually, a few days ago, I expected you to come back."

The old man said with a smile.

Although the old man now looks thinner and older than the master in his memory, what Zhao Tong saw at this time from the old man's eyes was contentment and love.

It seems that more than ten years ago, killing a few bullies who bullied themselves, and then betraying the door of the teacher, did not leave any shadow in the old man's heart.

"Master ..." Zhao Tong muttered, but couldn't say more.

At this time, in his heart, he suddenly thanked the monk who had killed Longjishan Bandit, but he just let go of his monk.

Had it not been for her, she would not have been awakened.

Had it not been for her, she would never have seen Master's last face.

In the midst, the line of destiny brought him back here again.

"When you come back this time, don't leave."

The old man asked cheerfully.

"Not going."

Zhao Tong nodded.

Originally because of burning and looting, the face full of suffocation turned out to be unprecedentedly peaceful and calm.

An attitude that has never been before is also spreading slowly in Zhao Tong's body.

Three days later, the old man died suddenly.

In front of the old man's spiritual hall, Zhao Tong took out the exercises given to him by Chu Yier.

On a seemingly unusual winter afternoon this year, the insignificant small martial artist named Shiyan School welcomed a disciple who had left the country and began to work hard to pass on some things in the flood of history. Glow out its own glow of fire.

And also on this day, in the treasure space, Chu Yan knocked the zombie dog demon to the ground for the first time.

The body of a zombie canine is as big as a mountain.

Compared with Chu Yan, it is like a stone on the mountain.

But at this moment, this stone not only turned the whole mountain to the ground, but also shattered the mountain, with large cracks appearing on the body.

"Spray again, spray again!"

His Royal Highness laughed happily. His body shook, and the frost that originally covered her body was all broken and peeled.

Chu Yan stepped forward, inspired by the blood sacrifice Dafa, huge arms like towering giant wood, slammed the dog ears of the zombie dog demon, and slammed his head on the ground.

The ground was shaking violently, and the mountains in the distance were buzzing and shaking.

The chains that tied the zombie ogre were also stretched straight.

After smashing the other person's head to the ground, Chu Yan felt that it was not enough, raising his arms and punching again.

The fist resembled a fire, a meteor, rubbed a spark, and punched the dog's head in anger, sinking in.

The broken canine teeth, Fei shot out more than a dozen, fell around Chu Yan.

Each of these canine teeth is almost two or three stories tall.

In Chu Yan's opinion, they are all forged good materials.

In fact, after living with these heavenly treasures for more than 20,000 years, the zombie dog demon itself has become a huge heavenly treasure.

Otherwise, its freezing and dead gas could not have caused so much damage to Chu Yan at the beginning, and its body could not have been bombed so much by Chu Yan. open.

The head was covered with cobweb-like cracks.

Inside the crack, you can see the ocher red light seeping out.

But as the light passed, these cracks were recovering at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

However, after being continuously hit hard, the zombie dog demon obviously also suffered a lot of damage.

He growled and shook his head, trying to get up from the ground.

As the head fluttered left and right, the thick chain made a loud noise.

The sky of the entire treasure space is covered by dense black clouds at this moment.

Black clouds resemble angry dragons, spinning and twisting in the sky, thundering, fierce and mighty, so that people cannot breathe.

Looking at the slowly rising dog's head-in fact, from Chu Yan's point of view, it was a rolling hill.

"You don't seem convinced?"

The words fell, Chu Yan stepped on the board of heaven and earth, rushed up instantly, and once again fell.

The fist inspired by the Blood Sacrifice Dafa seemed to be a meteorite falling to the ground, with a bang, and once again smashed the dog head just raised into the ground.

A loud noise shook the ground.

The zombie canine's body, lying on the ground at this moment, could not get up for a long time.

Its head was recessed in half a foot, and horrible cracks could even let people see the muscles in the skull.

The zombie dog demon couldn't get up, Chu Yan looked up again and looked at the dark clouds that accumulated in the air.

The dark cloud condensed in mid-air looked at this moment like a dog demon.

It's just that the dog demon black cloud, surrounded by a dense **** thunder, was obviously extremely angry at this time.

"Can't think of it?"

Looking at Heiyun, Chu Yan smiled.

The next moment, he screamed, driving the heaven and earth chessboard, and headed directly for the dark clouds in the sky.

The past dozens of times have been passively beaten.

This time, take the initiative! The dark shadow condensed in mid-air, at this moment, was obviously enraged by Chu Yan.

At this moment, the sky seemed to have opened a big mouth, the black tide poured down, and the world seemed to be swallowed up in an instant.

Frost and dead gas are stronger than ever.

The blood-colored thunderbolt and lightning, like countless blades and swords, violently collided and rolled down towards Chu Yan.

Chu Yan laughed loudly, never evaded, and did not use any defensive measures, and greeted him directly.

Instantly, he was swallowed by the Kuroshio.

Frost spreads around at a terrifying speed.

A few moments later, an iceberg stood high in this area.

The icebergs are thousands of feet high, covered with thick frost and snow. Not only is it extremely cold, but it also exudes a taste of Xiao Su, dead silence, and despair, as if this is a restricted area of ​​life.

There is only pain and misery here.

The iceberg took shape, but the dark clouds in the sky did not spread.

Because at this time, a crack appeared suddenly in the iceberg.

The next moment, the crack started down from the peak and fell straight like lightning.

Click! Click! The crackling sound is endless.

boom! The iceberg burst from the middle and split in half.

The Chu Yan sealed in the iceberg was unscathed, and his eyes were shining brightly, looking into the air: "Are you not afraid?"

The dark clouds in the midst of the air were still slowly creeping and could not see any emotion.

But Chu Yan ignored it.

Immediately after the voice fell, his arms rose again.

Not only that, the blood waves of Pentium, scorching like magma, also swelled and condensed on his arm.

Fierce, powerful, and devastating, all kinds of breath, condensed into mad dragons and fierce tigers at this moment, with the boiling blood flooding the world, burning, and with Chu Yan's punch, the black clouds in the sky were torn and dispersed.

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