Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1397: Seems unconvinced

The dark clouds of the sky cleared.

Even if there are some residues on the edges, it seems like the afterglow of the setting sun, showing a dark red color, and then gradually fades.

The cold, bone-sweeping feeling that enveloped this treasure space was gone at this time.

In a mountain range, you can see that the huge zombie dog demon is lying on the ground weakly at the moment.

And Chu Yan stood on its head.

To be honest, speaking of height, Chu Yan is probably fifty times smaller than this zombie dog demon.

But at this moment standing on the head of the zombie dog demon, Chu Yan's momentum was steady and steady.

The scary zombie dog demon looked into Chu Yan's eyes at this time, and he was all afraid.

The dark shadow in the sky was penetrated and broken by Chu Yan's punch.

And the body of the zombie ogre is also covered with rifts like cracks.

These cracks, criss-cross, almost covered its entire body.

At a glance, the zombie dog demon seemed to be torn apart at any time.

Zombie dog monsters are really scared.

Its life and death are at this moment in Chu Yan's thoughts.

At this time, Chu Yan was really thinking about how to deal with this zombie dog demon.

Originally, according to Chu Yan's idea, it was enough to directly blast the opponent.

After all, this zombie dog demon must also have a valuable corpse core.

And unlike the ordinary zombies, the body of the zombie canine can now be said to be a treasure.

It just looks a little daunting and scary. It is a good choice for alchemy or alchemy.

This is what Chu Yan thought at the beginning.

However, with the constant fight with zombie dog demon, from the beginning of the wolverine escape, to the back you can persist for some time, then to the back evenly matched, and finally to reverse each other.

The decision in Chu Yan's heart is also constantly changing.

Refining this zombie dog demon, at most, can get some materials for alchemy and refining.

However, if a zombie dog demon is left, its freezing and dead gas can make Chu Yan have an extra combat power.

You know, when Kong Yu's body was dying of life, even the elders of Shanhaijiao thought it was extremely difficult.

If you can make the zombie dog demon use it for yourself, then this dead gas will definitely enrich your own means.

And not only is the dead air, the freezing air is also extremely extraordinary.

You know, Chu Yan's body today is extremely condensed, and his blood is more vigorous than his peers.

By virtue of his physical body alone, at this time, he could successfully break up the monk who was in the state of mind.

Such a powerful body, if not relying on the immortal demon body, there is no way to compete with this zombie dog demon.

So now, just to vent their anger, it seems that there are some violent creatures when this zombie dog demon is beheaded.

The old emperor's ability to let the zombie dog demon guard the treasures of the twelve kingdoms is enough to show his recognition of the zombie dog demon's strength.

Chu Yan looked at the zombie dog demon at his feet at this moment.

The goods are shaking.

Feeling the trembling vibration at his feet, His Highness Chu smiled.

The other party is scared, it's better.

Leaping in front of the other person, Chu Yan lifted Zhan Yan into his hand with a wave of his wrist.

At this time, Chu Yan found that when the zombie dog demon saw Zhan Yan, his body shook suddenly.

Not only that, but its body lying on its back began to slump, looking extremely scared.

Seeing this, Chu Yan first understood, and immediately understood.

The man behind the gates of **** was able to engage in wind and rain on Huangquan Road. Obviously, during the heyday, he was a demon who was rampant, and for the dead, it seemed to be the dominant existence.

Although Zhan Yan is a fragment of that weapon, it is definitely a symbol of strength and status.

The zombie dog demon is a dead body, and it is naturally reasonable to be afraid of cutting inflammation.

Thinking of this, Chu Yan suddenly felt a little funny.

I knew this guy was so afraid of cutting inflammation, and then he just slashed down with this huge blade.

But Chu Yan quickly shook his head again.

What he did before was not useless.

Although Zhan Yan can make the other person afraid, but the other person is afraid, that is, Zhan Yan itself, has nothing to do with Chu Yan.

But now, Chu Yan has done it to make the other person afraid of himself.

In this way, if you can subdue the other party, then this zombie dog demon will naturally be more obedient.

After making up his mind, Chu Yan raised his chops and knocked on the other side.

Prevent the blade that cuts the flame to cut off the head of the zombie dog monster at once, when Chu Yan waved down, use the back of the knife.

But even so, when the sword went down, the fire flickered suddenly, and a ten-foot-long wound was torn open from the cheek to the neck of the zombie dog demon.

The wound was like lava, with magma dripping down.

The zombie ogre's body suddenly shivered even more.

Chu Yan could even feel the expression of terrible fear in the eyes of the pair of dogs burning white flames.

"Oh, do you know now?"

Chu Yan hummed, waved Yan Yan, and beat dozens of times.

Suddenly, the head of the zombie dog monster was covered with vertical and horizontal wounds. These wounds were fleshy, and lava was flowing inside.

The zombie dog monster shuddered even more.

The body like a mountain shakes at this moment, and the ground is shaking.

Chu Yan was dissatisfied, and sneered: "I didn't cry after playing so many times, it seemed to be dissatisfied with me."

Suddenly, the white flame in the zombie dog monster's eyes expanded several times.

If this look appeared on a person's face, it would be something like a panic.

So the **** mouth of the zombie dog demon opened at the moment with great humiliation, and made a loud noise.

"Just a moment?

It seems really unconvinced. "

Chu Yan snorted, leapt high, jumped onto the zombie dog demon, waved a chopped inflammation, and ripped open more than a dozen wounds.

Each wound has more than 20 feet.

As far as zombies are concerned, the wounds on their bodies do not feel pain.

But the wound the other person caused to him was to let the zombie dog demon understand that the guy in front of him had the power to frustrate himself.

The zombie canine is obviously not stupid.

Can be captured by the old emperor to guard the treasure here, at least that year was also a monster during the period of wisdom.

After understanding the meaning of the phrase Chu Yan, the zombie dog demon opened his black hole-like mouth and yelled dozens of times in a row.

You are so satisfied, so sincere, can you be satisfied?

"Dare you even cry, it seems you are not convinced of me."

After a moment, His Royal Highness sneered.

"..." There was a sigh of anger, and the heart of the zombie dog demon suddenly surged.

The white flames in the eyes also began to burn and hunt.

But the next moment, the dog's mouth opened up obediently and made a very light sound: "Wang."

"I'm afraid?"

Chu Yan laughed loudly and then slashed again.

This time without using the back of the knife, it was directly cut out with a sharp edge, clicking, and chopping down the thick and long dog tail.

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