Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1398: Most valuable treasure

The black tail slammed into the ground, shattering the ground.

The zombie ogre was curled up all at once.

The pain is naturally not painful, but the fear of this moment almost scared the zombie dog demon to death.

This cruel guy still fought against me! "I'm afraid?"

When the sword went down, he accepted it as soon as he saw it, and Chu Yan walked back to the head of the zombie dog demon and asked it.

At that time, it was a monster in the wisdom period. Now it has survived in this space for 20,000 years. Even if it becomes a zombie, its brain is as hard as a stone, but the basic human words are still understandable.

The zombie ogre slowly moved his huge head towards Chu Yan.

Imagine a dog's head that is as high as several floors, and it's still like a zombie's head. Instead, if you see this scene as a normal person, you will be scared to death.

But Chu Yan looked at each other with a sneer.

Stopping about five or six feet away from Chu Yan, the zombie dog demon opened his mouth.

The throat was dark, like a horrible, bottomless cave.

Canine teeth staggered in the mouth, revealing the taste of slaughter.

If the zombie dog demon looks forward at this moment, he can definitely swallow Chu Yan.

However, if it does so, if it is swallowed, it will naturally not have to say what kind of ending it will face.

The zombie canine has a mind, so it doesn't do that.

His mouth was wide and he looked like a man, but there was a very light and light voice in his throat: "Wang!"

After yelling, as if thinking of something, he hurried three more times.

After calling again this time, it waited nervously for Chu Yan's response.

Chu Yan didn't take care of it immediately, but instead carried Yan Yan and looked at the zombie dog demon with a sneer.

Chu Yan didn't say anything, so the zombie dog demon didn't dare to close his mouth casually.

At this time, while squinting, while staring, he tilted his head and looked at Chu Yan—with his mouth open, blocking his sight and not seeing with his head tilted.

After a long time, Chu Yan nodded: "Yes, I'll let you go for the time being."

Hearing this sentence, the zombie dog demon's body finally lost his weight.

"But you don't want to go back with that tail."

Chu Yan points to the distance.

Before being beaten up to this guy, his Highness Chu naturally could not let the other party pay nothing.

The zombie canine twisted his ass.

Looking at it, it was originally intended to shake its tail subconsciously.

But after shaking it, I found that my tail had fallen.

The appearance of the zombie dog demon at this moment, Chu Yan looked a little funny.

But his face didn't show it.

After examining the zombie dog demon for a moment, Chu Yan asked: "Since you have been guarding the treasure here for so long, do you know what is the most valuable thing here?"

Chu Yan originally asked casually.

The treasures here pile up into a mountain.

The number is huge, and there are many types. I am afraid that the old emperor is brought over now, and he does not remember what he was stuffing in.

But after Chu Yan asked, he found that the zombie dog demon nodded.

His Royal Highness was stunned, but immediately responded, with a faint tone: "Show me."

The zombie ogre carefully moved forward and stopped in front of a small hill of treasure.

It couldn't go any further. When it came here, the chain on its neck had stretched to the extreme, and it couldn't be extended.

A slanting glance at the chain gave Chu Yan no control.

Although this zombie dog demon has been subdued, Chu Yan has no plans to release the other party for the time being.

Chu Yan still guards the treasure in this space for the arrangement of the zombie dog demon.

"You mean, here?"

Looking at the mountain peak, Chu Yan sneered and pulled out the cut inflammation again, "The treasures in this mountain have all melted together. Are you going to let me find it myself?"

The zombie canine's neck flinched back, and he shook his head desperately.

He desperately widened his eyes and looked towards the mountain's belly.

Chu Yan drove the heaven and earth chessboard, flew into the air, and then followed the sight of the zombie dog demon.

When robbing the treasure before, although Chu Yan had knocked on several peaks, the mountain was not touched by him.

After observing for a while, Chu Yan discovered it.

There is even a door on the mountainside of Baoshan.

The door was a bronze door, about as tall as a story.

Because the age is too old, the surface of the bronze door has become mottled. If it weren't for the zombie dog demon pointing here at this moment, Chu Yan estimated that this bronze door would not be found in a short time.

He stepped on the chessboard and landed in front of the bronze facade. As soon as Chu Yan reached out, he pushed the door down.

He wasn't afraid of the formation here.

The reason is very simple. After so many years, the heaven and earth treasures here are fused together. Even if there is a matrix method behind this bronze door, the materials of the matrix method are now fused with other materials and lost. The original effect.

After the bronze door was pushed down, there was a colorful and colorful martyr.

Soon, Chu Yan heard the sound of flowing water from the depths of the martyrdom.

"Is there water in this mountain?"

Chu Yan froze slightly.

According to the environment here, even if there is water, it must not be ordinary water.

Chu Yan went straight into it.

The martyrdom is not long, but it is irregular, wide for a while and narrow for a while, and the colors around it often change.

These are actually the reason why Tiancaidibao has been accumulated for too long and merged into one.

After less than ten feet of distance, Chu Yan came to a place like a room.

The room is not large. It should have been boxy, with only two feet in length and width, but in some places it now bulges, so it looks a bit small.

In the center of the room, there is a square pool built.

This pool occupies about half the size of the room.

And that gurgling sound came from this pool.

Chu Yan stepped forward, glanced into the pool, and immediately frowned.

There is water in the pool.

But the water was tan and looked strange.

As for why there is a gurgling sound, it is because the water keeps flowing in this pool.

And the reason that Chu Yan frowned at this moment was that there was a person floating in the pool.

This man was undressed, lying on the water, his head was so bright that he could not tell whether it was a man or a woman.

Inside Baoshan, there is a room.

In the room, there is no running water that has not dried up for ten thousand years.

There was a person in the living water.

This person is unknown.

And this person has been soaking for 20,000 years without rotten.

More importantly, the scene in front of me is the answer given by the zombie dog demon to Chu Yan's "the most valuable thing here."

Is this answer the most valuable? Chu Yan is not clear yet.

But the scene in front is the most weird thing, and it's not overdone.

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