Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1399: Weird pool

Staring at this weird pool, no matter how long it took to see it, there would be no clue.

So Chu Yan simply grabbed at the pool.

Reiki formed a vortex in his palm, and the suction was rolling, and the man in the water was immediately sucked out.

Chu Yan looked carefully and could not help but stumble again.

The man in the pool was neither a man nor a woman.

This does not mean that this person is an eunuch.

But this person, more precisely, is like a puppet who has just made a "human" shape.

Both sides are smooth, and you can only determine which side is the front and which is the rear from the direction of your hands and feet.

Chu Yan groaned for a moment, stretched out a finger, and pressed on it.

It feels just like pressing on a person.

Even Chu Yan felt the temperature.

But when Chu Yan took his hand away, the depression on which his finger was pressed was still there, and it didn't bounce up.

That means the body, skin and muscles are inelastic.

It's a weird feeling, which makes people feel a little hairy.

Chu Yan squinted his eyes, no longer care about the person, but walked to the pool and reached into the flowing tan water in the pool.

It is warm and not cold at the start, which is in sharp contrast to the overall temperature in this treasure space.

"What is this doing?"

Chu Yan had no idea.

The rooms in this mountain, and this pool, of course, cannot be built at will, for some reason.

Unfortunately, now the old emperor is dead.

Even if he didn't die, Chu Yan could not know where the other party was going.

The zombie ogre outside was just a watchdog housed by the old emperor. Chu Yan felt that it was impossible to know.

Another person, Chu Yan believed that the other party must know.

But that guy is no longer in the sea.

Thinking of this, Chu Yan could not help but sigh.

The secret of this treasure is too important, not only because of the heavenly treasures in it, but also because of the fact that the treasures of the Twelve Kingdoms are in his hands.

Ziweimen and Emperor Taiqing would not let him go if he was known by others.

As for Chu Yan's friend, it doesn't mean that he doesn't believe everyone.

Even if everyone is tight-lipped, the monk world does not need people to speak, and there are countless ways to obtain the information they need.

So after thinking for a while in his head, he already understood that if he wanted to know the role of the pool, he would have to check it slowly.

In short, this room, this pool, this human figure is extraordinary. It is the most valuable of the twelve national treasures.

Chu Yan threw the human figure back into the pool.

He soon discovered that the human figure drifted slowly, and finally moved to the center of the pool, where he was when he first saw the human figure.

Let the water flow, the human figure floated there quietly and quietly.

This scene immediately made Chu Yan more sure of his own guess.

And at the same time, he also found that the human body, the depression that had just been pressed by himself, gradually flattened as the human body returned to the pool. After a few breaths, the depression was completely gone.


Chu Yan nodded, turned and walked out of the room, and walked back down the path.

Although only he could enter the treasure space, Chu Yan carefully re-settled the bronze gate and set up a magic array nearby.

In this way, even if an accident occurs in the future and an outsider breaks in, you won't find a bronze door here.

When Chu Yan went in, the zombie dog demon waited obediently outside.

At this point Chu Yan came out, the zombie dog demon stepped forward and greeted him.

However, its size is too big, even if it is only a small step, and the chain is dragging its neck, this step at this moment also gives people a feeling of shaking the mountains and rivers.

Seeing Chu Yan's eyes faintly looked at himself, the zombie dog demon suddenly scared an excitement, his body curled up.

"When I'm not here, you keep guarding here, and everyone except me comes in, all enemies, understand."

Chu Yan said.

The zombie demon opened his mouth and made another sound, signalling that he understood.

It's just a pity that its tail was chopped off by Chu Yan.

Otherwise, I'm afraid it will shake out at this time.

After successfully conquering this zombie, I will be able to use the treasures of this space freely. Although a new mystery has appeared, which can make people wonder for a while, the hard work these days, in general, the harvest is quite impressive. satisfied.

If this is the year, the treasures of the twelve kingdoms are in Chu Yan's eyes, at most they are about the same as the family treasures he looted before.

The only difference may be that it is larger in number and makes people look sideways.

But after 20,000 years of collection here, the value of these treasures, except for those weapons that have become waste copper and iron, and the natural treasures, are now worth at least a thousand times, even Tianyazong is impossible. Ignore the existence of this treasure.

Now, this treasure belongs to Chu Yan alone.

Because of this, the existence of this treasure requires even more confidentiality.

Leaving the treasure space, and then returning to the cave from the cage of time and space, this time, just one month after Chu Yan restored his memory.

"It's time to go back."

Although there are still many questions that have not been answered so far, whether it is the smooth start of the Twelve Kingdoms Treasures or some questions that may be faced next, it is enough for Chu Yan to temporarily focus his attention on the issues at hand Come up.

"Well, Hitomi, the treasures of the Twelve Kingdoms, the blood of Ruyi ..." Chu Yan glanced as he packed his things.

At that time in the Black Soul City, Chu Yan broke the blood Ruyi in order to open the ascendant stage.

Since then, Blood Ruyi has given people a feeling of energylessness, still twilight at this time.

Chu Yan knows that this thing is not necessarily a common magic weapon, but if you want to know the specific role, you can only understand it later.

Even if he is curious in his heart now, afraid that it is the current state of blood Ruyi, he can't help tossing.

If it is really a magic weapon that can bring great effects to oneself, and because of his immediate anxiety, he will be forced to drive it and cause it to break completely, and then he can only regret it.

The remaining thing was the eight **** ruler that was held in the hand by that master before.

At that time in the Black Soul City, the Master relied on these eight **** rulers, and one person pressed Lin Miaoran and their group of people too much.

Later, after Chu Yan beheaded the state master, although the Eight God Ruler reached his hand, he had not observed it carefully.

At this time, Chu Yan put it in his hands and looked at it carefully with the effort to be put away.

The Eight-God Ruler looks a bit like a paddle, but it must outperform the Eight-Door Element Ruler in both shape and size.

At this time, thinking of the role of the Eight God Ruler, Chu Yan suddenly whim, five fingers and a song, holding it tightly in his hand

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