Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1403: confusing

"That guy left this mark at the time, on the one hand, he showed his identity to Zeng Bi, then on the other hand, is it possible that it was a message left to me?"

Suddenly, Chu Yan's heartbeat suddenly jumped.

He put his finger on the mark.

The coffin was cold, but when Chu Yan's fingers touched the mark, she felt a scalding heat.

Suddenly, he felt a vast picture in his mind.

The golden light that gushes and swallows is vast, like the ocean.

And in the depths of this golden ocean, a palm continued to expand and stretched out.

This palm is also golden, with numerous runes inscribed on it.

Each of these runes reveals an unparalleled sacred taste.

It is as if this palm was employed in the ministry to educate the world.

All souls in the world, when they see this palm, worship and dedicate themselves.

And just as this palm was about to break out of this golden ocean, a **** light, like a sword, slashed out the sky.

The golden ocean splits into two in an instant.

The sacred palms and the **** light exploded together, and finally exploded into a golden red chaos.

In the chaos, although you can't see anything, you can still feel the horrible destruction of the collapse of the world.

The screen ends here.

Chu Yan trembled, opened her eyes, and found that everyone around her was looking at herself, and she was curious.

"what happened?

What do you feel "

Lin Miaoran asked curiously.

Judging from the performance of Chu Yan just now, this mark is obviously not as simple as it seems.

Zeng Bi was also very grateful at the moment, instead of throwing the coffin in the dense forest, she brought it back.

Now it seems that it is of great use.

"I know how the Sansheng Mountain was exploded, but who shot it is still unknown."

After Chu Yan groaned a little, he described the picture he had just seen to everyone.

After listening, everyone looked at each other.

"Blasting Sansheng Mountain and destroying Black Soul City, this guy is so terrible, really, really ..." After a few words, Li Xiu found that for a while, he could not think of any suitable words to describe him The mood is up.

"Very strong, a presence that is strong enough to crush Tianxin easily."

Lin Miaoran said at this time.

Upon hearing this, everyone couldn't help horrifying.

Lin Miaoran looked at Chu Yan, saw Chu Yan nodded toward himself, and made a positive answer.

"Probably, it's better than Zifu."

Chu Yan raised another level in Lin Miaoran's description.

Cold sweat dripped from everyone's foreheads.

If it is more powerful than Zifujing, wouldn't it be-Real Fairyland?

For them, True Wonderland is completely legendary.

There are rumors that in the End of the World, there are monks in True Wonderland.

But no one has ever heard of it.

At that time, when everyone was still in the condensed state, although the heavenly state of mind felt out of reach, it was still at least visible.

And Real Wonderland, it was really only heard, but never seen.

"Is it Tianyazong's true wonderland?"

Zeng Bi said at the moment.

"It's hard to say, but if the true wonderland of Tianyazong was shot, what did the old emperor do?"

Jiang Panmeng asked.

The thought of being able to get out of the hands of the real wonderland could not help but feel unreal.

For a while, various moods came to the hearts of everyone, not to mention how complicated it was.

At this time, Chu Yan had another thought in her heart.

"If it was shot in True Wonderland, then the old emperor would not be dealt with, but the one behind the gates of hell, but why is this even going to blast the Three Holy Mountains and the Black Soul City so that All the monks fell.

This method is a bit more like-dying. "

Chu Yan's heart could not help but have such an idea.

Thinking about this, he turned to look at Kong Xian.

During the discussion before, Kong Xian kept silent.

In fact, the information held by Kong Xian is the most important and most immediate in this case.

Because of this time, Kong Xian, because of his identity, has been helping the royal family and the End of the World to deal with and digest the concussion on the trip to the Sansheng Mountain.

Seeing everyone's attention turned to himself, Kong Xian smiled bitterly: "This matter is actually more complicated than expected.

I originally thought that I could learn more about it.

But the result is that I seem to have learned some information that others do not know, but if I think about it carefully, I will find that this information has nothing to do with the overall situation. "

After speaking, Kong Xian explained in detail.

Although he is very busy every day and has been doing things, it is only in the last few days that he has been a little more relaxed.

But according to Kong Xian, it's like the inside story of this matter, it's like the scenery inside a door.

People outside the door, although you can see some scenes in the door, but this scene is just what the people inside the door want you to see.

The real situation is confusing, and whatever situation is possible.

"Someone is deliberately hiding the truth."

After listening to Kong Xian's narration, Usrama responded immediately.

Born in the royal family, this upper-level person throws out some information to guide the lower-level person to think in the direction they want. She really should not be too skilled.

"These are all visible on the surface."

Kong Xian nodded and said.

Chu Yan frowned suddenly: "Do you mean, there is some secret news?"

In the eyes of Kong Xian, there was a smug look of pride, saying proudly: "After all, it is the first king with a different surname in the history of Bao Xiang.

However, after saying this, Kong Xian did not immediately tell the information he had, but looked around with great vigilance, then walked to a willow tree in the yard, and reached into the tree hole. .

The next moment, everyone in the yard felt that the scene in front of them seemed to have changed, but it was difficult to tell exactly what had changed.

However, there were two people at the scene, they could see it.

Chu Yan and Su Yuqing almost shared the same voice: "Choosing the sound and watching the sky array!"

"Well, this way you can ensure that in this treasure of the kingdom, people will never be seen and heard what I will say next."

Kong Xian laughed: "There are only two places in the entire palace, and this array is supplemented."

Everyone heard the words and couldn't help moving.

Kong Xian was so cautious, what did he know?

Although the matrix method was turned on to block all possible external snooping, Kong Xian walked around before and after the crowd, but subconsciously lowered his voice, saying, "I heard that a prince of Ziweimen has fallen recently."

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