Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1404: Three to six months

"King Ziwei Gate?"

Yun Nixian's face suddenly revealed an incredible look.

Among the crowd at this time, only Chu Yan, Kong Xian, and Yun Nixian had the status of disciples of the End of the World.

So when Kong Xian made this remark, the first person to respond at the scene was Chu Yan and Yun Nixian.

Yun Nishang exclaimed, and Chu Yan's face also showed a look of surprise. Suddenly, everyone around him understood that Kong Xian's news about the fall of the King of Heaven was probably no small matter.

"That Ziwei door?"

Zeng Bi also had an intersection with Ziweimen's disciples, so after a little recall at this time, she remembered it.

After Chu Yan was surprised, he quickly returned to God and immediately asked, "When is it going to happen?"

At this time he finally understood why Kong Xian started the formation, so cautious.

Because this news is indeed terrible.

It can even be said that knowing this news may bring disaster to yourself, even if Kong Xian is a different-named king of Baoxiang Kingdom.

After hearing Chu Yan's question at this time, Kong Xian immediately answered, "In the last thirty to forty days."

"How accurate is the message?"

Chu Yan asked again.

"At least 80%."

Kong Xian lowered his voice and said quickly: "This news has not been fully confirmed yet, but judging from some of Ziweimen's current actions, it is likely to be true.

And at this time, do n’t you think it ’s too coincidental? "

Chu Yan also groaned at the moment.

If the news of Kong Xian is true, then the time of the fall of Ziweimen, the Heavenly King, almost coincides with the time of the fall of Sansheng Mountain.

Chu Yan does things and never believes in coincidence.

And just from the message from the imprint, if it is really a king of Ziweimen, it will be more convincing.

Because Chu Yan now knows that the four heavenly kings of Ziweimen are all strong in the Purple House.

However, there is still a problem with this reasoning.

That is, a strong man in the purple house, who killed the gate behind Hell?

Or did other accidents happen?

Unfortunately, there is no way to answer this question for the time being.

"The news of Ziweimen."

Chu murmured.

Kong Xian could not get the accurate news on the board, and Chu Yan thought at this time that he had two dark whistle in the Ziwei door.

Those two whistle disciples may have a lower level, but perhaps as Ziweimen's disciples, they can also probe some more internal news.

"It seems necessary to contact them again."

Chu Yan's heart made a decision.

The news of the fall of Ziweimen Heavenly King is too great, so it is not appropriate to discuss too much until you get more accurate information and what can be done on it.

However, this matter can be used as a clue about the memory of everyone.

"I've been watching this very carefully recently."

At this point, Kong Xian smiled bitterly and looked at Chu Yan: "But you also know that such things, if you stare too closely, will be discovered, but if you relax, you may never catch them again. I have a clue. "

"Try your best, I will follow up later."

Knowing that Kong Xian was telling the truth, Chu Yan comforted.

So this matter, come to an end for the time being, and then Chu Yan inquired about the road of cutting spirits.

In fact, compared with the news that the Northern Heaven King fell, Tianyazong's arrangement on the road of cutting spirits has a closer relationship with everyone on the scene.

They entered Sansheng Mountain at that time in order to obtain the qualification to cut the spirit road.

"For the time being, Tianyazong has not made a more specific decision."

This time it was Yun Nishang.

Outside news, Kong Xian will be more convenient to rely on his own identity.

However, once it reaches some specific decisions of Tianyazong, Yun Nishang will be more convenient.

After all, her teacher and status are there, and naturally, she can learn something from her teacher.

"However, as far as I know, the opening of the Road of Killing Spirit will not be affected by the incident of Sansheng Mountain."

In the next sentence, Yun Nishang let everyone's hanging heart relax.

"It's just how to do it now. I listen to the teacher's statement and I still need to discuss it with the upper level.

After all, this incident of Sansheng Mountain has rarely happened in the past.

It may be necessary to stabilize the things in Sansheng Mountain before starting the Road of Killing.

With the quota, you will definitely have no problems. "

Yun Nishang's last sentence was decisive, "So in this period of time, don't have any relaxation, try your best to improve yourself, because you can only become a disciple of Tianyazong after you finish the path of cutting spirits."

Hearing Yun Nishang's words, everyone at the scene showed a calm look.

They naturally understand that the principle of travelling a hundred miles can not be considered a success if you do not complete the last step and do not become a winner completely.

"In terms of time, is there an approximate deadline?"

Chu Yan asked at this time.

"It's January."

Yun Nixian lowered her head and calculated, then said, "It's not sure, but it may take about three to six months based on what the teacher told me."

"I think it's about the same time."

Kong Xian also said.

Seeing everyone looking at him, Kong Xian explained: "According to the arrangement of the dynasty, things that need to be comforted and so on should also be completed within three or five months.

That being the case, the next step should be to cut the soul.

However, due to the loss of a large number of elite monks and families, other people may be added as candidates. "

Upon hearing Kong Xian's words, Chu Yan's heart moved slightly.

However, he was about to think about it further. When grasping this feeling, Kong Xian already continued: "But just as Master Yun said just now, your qualifications to participate in the Road of Killing Spirit is definitely no problem.

In the next few months, what needs to be done is to raise the realm as soon as possible. "

Although Kong Xian's remarks didn't sound very pleasing, it was a fact.

Everyone at the scene, except Lin Miaoran and Su Yuqing, was in the original state of the land, and everyone else was still in a state of condense.

It is not impossible to embark on the spirit-cutting road in this realm. When Chu Yan stepped on the spirit-cutting road, there were also some monks who were condensed in the vein.

But in the end, there was almost no condensed veins.

In other words, even if there are more Ningmai Realms, the final outcome will be nothing more than the annihilation of the entire army.

This time, the people died nine times in Sansheng Mountain, not only to embark on the path of cutting the spirit, they wanted to finish the path of cutting the spirit.

But as soon as three months, and at the latest six months, the ascension from the present condensate to the realm of the earth requires more than the monk's own efforts.

What is needed is a massive amount of resources that is almost desperate.

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