Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1405: Don't worry

The rapid improvement requires huge resources to accumulate.

With that thought, a gloom suddenly appeared in everyone's eyes.

The atmosphere at the scene also seemed to be low for a moment.

According to their current state, if they are practicing at the normal speed, they will be promoted to the Diyuan Realm, faster, such as Shen Qing and Jiang Panmeng. Talents with natural blessings will take four or five years; Such as Su Jianyuan and Cao Feng, with their own efforts, it is almost ten years.

As for Furui's relatively weak foundation, the time is doubled. Twenty years may not be enough.

Every step on the fairy road is extremely difficult.

More than 80% of the monks, the last state, finally stopped under the Diyuan Realm.

Until the end of the blood exhaustion, life and death disappeared, but also still condense.

Being able to ascend to the territories is a very small part of it.

It is also because of this difficulty that all the people understand how difficult it is to want to be promoted at a speed far beyond ordinary people's imagination in a few months.

This is no longer a matter of gnashing your teeth and working hard.

And every time you shorten a time, the energy and material resources required will increase in multiples.

The simplest analogy.

The promotion time is shortened from ten to nine years, and it takes 100 words of treasures.

Then shortening from ten years to eight years would require five hundred copies of Tiandidibao! Only one-tenth of the time is needed, and this kind of terror multiplication is needed.

So imagine how short it will be from ten years to half a year, or even three months.

This kind of consumption, even if the broken star building and Xuanyuemen behind the crowd are willing to bear it, they dare not accept it.

Just as the crowd was at a loss, when they silently sighed, Chu Yan slammed a finger and caught everyone's attention.

"If you have resources, don't worry about it, I will find a way."

Chu Yan laughed.

"You ..." Everyone couldn't help but look confused.

They can be sure that Chu Yan can't help but know how much resources they need to be promoted.

But Chu Yan's resolute attitude at this moment made everyone inexplicably have a confidence.

Chu Yan will not lie to them.

But where did he find such a large number of heavenly treasures?

"Just rest assured, leave it to me. I'll get it together for the next few days."

Chu Yan's eyes turned to Zeng Bi, "Things about alchemy will require you to work harder."

Zeng Bi heard a stunned expression, and a surge of excitement erupted in her heart.

The entrustment of the bronze coffin before, at this moment, the important task of refining the elixir is to show Chu Yan's trust in himself.

Chu Yan and the person inside Chu Yan showed great trust in her today! As a matter of fact, Zeng Bi's heart had long been absent from the beginning when she was enslaved by Chu Yan.

When she was first enslaved by Chu Yan, partly because of the great change in status, and partly because Chu Yan was far below her own level.

But Zeng Bi later found that after being enslaved, the other party did not deliberately torture and humiliate himself.

Under normal circumstances, Chu Yan uses an equal attitude to communicate with himself.

Moreover, Chu Yan's attitude towards being upright and not being arrogant toward the bottom has also been confirmed by Zeng Bi's heart.

As for the second realm, Chu Yan's promotion speed made Zeng Bi stunned.

It was only eight months after Chu Yan entered the End of the World, and now he has been promoted to the Triple Realm.

One step further is the state of mind.

Even when it was just a heavy state of mind, it was still lower than Zeng Bi, but the identity of the guru was completely the same as Zeng Biping.

In addition, Zeng Bi was also clear in her heart that her dual state of mind was not necessarily her opponent.

What's more, according to Chu Yan's promotion speed, Zeng Bi really suspected that before he entered the triple state of mind, the other party could catch up with himself.

In terms of cultivation, this guy is really a downright genius, monster, and pervert.

Because of the change of opinion and the correct change of mindset, Master Bitong at this time responded to Chu Yan's trust very much: "I must do my best."

Everyone saw Chu Yan's confidence. Although there was still a doubt in his mind, this question was not a question of whether Chu Yan could do it, but a question of how Chu Yan could do it.

The difference between one is whether it is possible and the other is how to do it.

However, Chu Yan did not disclose the slightest, ensuring sufficient mystery.

Regarding the treasures of the Twelve Kingdoms, Chu Yan had already thought about it.

The credit for being able to kill in the palace of the Black Soul City, everyone at the scene, everyone has a share.

If you have to say who contributed the most, the treasures of the Twelve Kingdoms should actually belong to the one behind the gate of hell.

After all, the old emperor was beheaded and it was the one who took the treasures of the Twelve Kingdoms.

If it was n’t the one behind the gate of hell, let alone the treasures of the Twelve Kingdoms. With the current knowledge of the people, I am afraid that the old emperor would have merged his eyes with the heaven and earth.

Therefore, in Chu Yan's heart, the treasures of the twelve kingdoms should not be swallowed by him alone.

It ’s just that the secret is too big and involves too much. For unnecessary trouble, it is now inconvenient to tell everyone.

Now that everyone needs natural treasures for promotion, the treasures of the twelve kingdoms can naturally come in handy.

And it's still very useful.

Each of them is a treasure from 20,000 years of age. Chu Yan can imagine what Zeng Bi would look like when she saw these resources.

After suffering this time, everyone reunited again, and there was a lot to say.

Unconsciously, several hours passed.

Kong Xian seemed to have prepared for this. When the sky was getting dark, he was ordered to set up a banquet prepared in advance.

The people talked as they ate and didn't disperse until midnight.

In fact, in today's realm, sleep is no longer a must-do.

But in the past few days, because Chu Yan didn't return, everyone's heart was worried every day.

Even if Chu Yan later returned the news through Lingxiyu, but because he didn't return, many people's moods could not be relaxed until many things were not confirmed.

Today Chu Yan returned, and after a period of time, the plan was successfully settled, and the crowd strained for so long that they immediately relaxed.

After this relaxation, Jiuji's exhaustion kept flowing up.

In addition, after drinking a few glasses of spirit wine, even Li Xiu, who has always been known for his steadfast determination, felt a little bit stuck.

The handsome man had already eaten twelve roasted wild cows, and slept on the rockery.

In the end, almost everyone said goodbye stupidly, and went to sleep separately.

Seeing that the people at the table were going seven or eight, Lin Miaoran had a red cheek, and glanced at Chu Yan secretly.

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