Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1406: Uslanma's Dream

At midnight, the yard became quiet.

The courtyard that Kong Xian arranged for everyone is not only large in size, but also has a lot of space in it, and there is a formation method, so even if everyone has a small building to live alone, and there is a spiritual gathering in the small building, it will not It feels cramped.

Every small building is separated by at least 20-30 feet.

Kong Xian originally prepared a small building for Chu Yan.

However, since this is the case tonight, Chu Yan naturally left with Lin Miaoran.

At this moment the moon hung high above the treetops, revealing a cold taste.

At this time, in the small building where Lin Miaoran was, there was a questioning groan: "This method ..." "It's a bit interesting."

Chu Yan commented.

Just now, they just practiced the Dragon and Phoenix Supreme Mind together.

This practice is Cui Derong, the head of the sunset gate, before Chu Yan.

Just looking at the name also makes people know how to cultivate this mentality.

The original of the mind, that is, the piece of jade inscription with the content of the mind, was later given to Uslanma by Chu Yan, but the content was naturally written down by him long ago.

However, although I got it at that time, I never had the chance to try and cultivate.

With this opportunity, Chu Yan naturally will not let go.

But of course, with His Highness Chu's temperament, there are more ideas for studying exercises.

However, it turns out that there are indeed many mysteries in the exercises that were collected by the head of the setting sun as treasures.

Among the monks, Chu Yan and Lin Miaoran both existed as geniuses. After a little research, they entered the stage of practice directly.

As they practiced, the two soon felt that an aura of coldness and warmth constantly shuttled and moved within them.

Although this aura's hot and cold changes seem irregular, every change makes people feel just right.

When practicing, it is even more exciting and exhausting.

And during the cultivation process, the auras gathered because of the gathering of spirits formed a vortex around the two, and continued to penetrate into the veins of the two.

According to Chu Yan's estimation, when practicing the Dragon and Phoenix Supreme Mind, the reiki runs for a week and at least three or four times faster than when he cultivates alone.

In addition, the absorption of Reiki must also be more vigorous. With each breath, you can feel that the Lingchao has turned into Qiongyeyu, nourishing and condensing your body, and enriching your own Dantian Qihai.

Entering the state of cultivation again, after a while, Lin Miaoran quietly opened his eyes and looked towards Chu Yan in front of him.

She bit her lips lightly.

In the conversation tonight, she could feel that there were some words that Chu Yan didn't say.

As far as Lin Miaoran is concerned, she did not care about Chu Yan concealing others, but also hiding something from her.

She just felt that Chu Yan was carrying too much.

And what he can do is to make him soothe some emotions without having to have such great pressure every moment.

After making up his mind, Lin Miaoran's two hands wrapped around Chu Yan's neck.

The movement of the spiritual tide suddenly became surging.

... In another small building not far away, Uzrama lay on her side with her head under her arm.

Before Chu Yan returned, she did have more than twenty days and never slept.

For monks, fixed daily meditation practice is actually more effective for physical rest than sleep.

However, because of the return of Chu Yan tonight, the tense mood was relieved, and after drinking a few glasses of spirit wine, my head was a little dazed, and when I came back, I could not help lying down.

At this moment she frowned slightly, apparently the quality of her sleep was not very good.

She is dreaming.

In fact, Uzrama's mind was very heavy during this time.

On the one hand, because Chu Yan did not return, on the other hand, Lin Miaoran.

She knew the relationship between Chu Yan and Lin Miaoran.

Because of this, she will pay more attention to the scale between Lin Miaoran.

Not too close, not too far.

Uslanma didn't want to be underestimated.

This time in the battle in Black Soul City, she saw Lin Miaoran's strength and responsibility.

There is something in her heart that admires Lin Miaoran.

Later, it was normal to think about it, after all, Lin Miaoran was the woman that Chu Yan liked.

So it must be excellent.

How about yourself?

Uthrama doesn't even know what status she has in Chu Yan's heart.

Sometimes, Uthrama feels that in Chu Yan's heart, she may not be as important as the girl named Shen Qing.

Uslanma believed her vision.

The girl named Shen Qing, although she has always been respectful and respectful to Chu Yan, and the relationship between them is still apprenticeship.

But Shen Qing absolutely likes Chu Yan.

And teachers and students, even thinking about it, even Uzrama himself thought, wow, it was really exciting.

So Uthrama believes that even if Chu Yan has no extra thoughts on Shen Qing now, but this is now, who can guarantee what will happen in the future.

Shen Qing's love for Chu Yan can be seen by people with good eyes.

In addition to Shen Qing, there is that cloud neon dress.

This is also very clear to Usila Ma, the princess of Yun Ao Jiang Country, that year, she directly chose Chu Yan as a horse.

And Chu Yan was able to enter Tianyazong. In addition to Chu Yan's own ability, the qualification for cutting the spiritual road at that time was obtained by Yun Nishang for him.

His Royal Highness, not only is very beautiful, but the pleasant voice, just listening to her speech, is very intoxicating.

And Su Yuqing, who was born with a gentle elder sister temperament.

Uslanma didn't even want to admit that if she was a man, she would also like Su Yuqing.

Who doesn't want to have a sister who has no reservations about herself.

What's more, Uslanma had heard that before Chu Yan set foot on Xianlu, she knew Su Yuqing.

Chu Yan didn't enter Xuanyue Gate. The most frustrated time was that Su Yuqing had been encouraging him.

In addition, there is Jiang Panmeng.

And ... and even Li Yangyi, this guy who always makes people feel shocked at first glance, this Li Ming is obviously a man, but today Uzrama feels a bit wrong.

Now I really feel that I am so stressed ... The spirit wine that I drank tonight seems to amplify this emotion.

With such a trance, Usrama had a rare dream at the moment.

In the dream, it is the imperial capital of the Persian county.

This day is the day of her big wedding.

The entire Emperor Capital is full of joy today.

The wedding car stretched for dozens of miles. Among them, the most luxuriously dressed white elephant was the costumed Chu language.

The team soon arrived in the imperial city.

With embarrassment and shyness, Usrama walked out slowly with the help of two maids.

The two maids looked like Furui and Su Xinyu.

But in the dream, Uthrama didn't feel any surprise.

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