Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1407: Can you afford it

Among the crowds cheering and celebrating around, Uslanma also saw familiar faces.

There are Lin Miaoran, Su Yuqing, Jiang Panmeng, Shen Qing, Kong Xian, Li Xiu, Su Jianyuan and so on.

These faces passed with a blessed smile across her face.

Uzrama in the dream vaguely felt that these people seemed to have seen themselves somewhere.

But for a while, I couldn't remember.

Finally, when seeing a **** exactly like Li Yangyi, Uthrama couldn't help it.

Father-in-law-this is what Uzrama heard of the eunuch.

Then at this moment, the title seemed to collide with some memory in her mind.

As a result, she covered her belly and laughed wildly.

She laughed so much that she could hear her throughout the imperial city, and even the cheers of the people outside the imperial city were suppressed.

The laughter finally stopped, and the wedding ceremony continued.

The whole ceremony looked solemn and messy.

The environment in the dream is constantly changing.

Finally, just below the red candle, Uthrama and Chu Yan wore wedding clothes and sat face to face.

It was just Uslanma in the groom's red robe.

The opposite Chu Yan was wearing a large red skirt with a red hijab on her head.

Usrama didn't know why and felt like laughing again.

This feeling is like a prank that has been brewing for a long time, and finally succeeded.

"Come here and drink this glass of wine. From now on, you are mine."

Uzrama pretended to be heroic, and spoke rudely.

Holding the glass up, the arms of the two people overlapped.

But soon the problem arose.

Without opening the red hijab, Chu Yan could not drink.

"Forget it, don't drink, let's go straight to the house!"

When Uthrama stepped on the chair, she reached out and lifted her red hijab.

Chu Yan in front of her, her hands folded on her knees, looks like a coy.

Uzrama lifted her hijab as she resisted her inner joy.

Wow! Appearing in front of her was a radish.

A flower was engraved on the radish.

"Blossom radish?"

Uzrama froze.

Immediately, with a scream, she gasped and awoke from the dream.

Clapping his chest, his eyes quickly adjusted to the dim surroundings.

After a while, Uslanma realized that she had just had a weird dream.

Although I knew it was a dream, after opening the red hijab, the picture of a huge radish standing in front of himself was too visually striking.

So that as soon as she closed her eyes at that moment, a white fat radish would emerge in her mind.

"Ah! I'm so mad!"

Usrama was so angry that she yanked the cup, wrapped her head, and rolled around on the bed.

……boom! Feng Gang's head hit the ground fiercely.

The ground suddenly shattered.

The real body of the protector exploded in an instant, Feng Gang only felt a buzz in his head, and everything he saw in front of him seemed to be blocked by a layer of snowflakes.

And in his throat, at this moment there was a strong **** taste.

Not far away, Tang Yue shrank into a ball, shivering tremblingly, and looked at the nun standing in front of Feng Gang in horror.

The man's face is sharp, but it is too clear.

So at first glance, he felt that his face was an irregular polygon.

At this moment, because of the anger, the polygonal face became even stranger.

"This is the good news you guys brought me when I was promoted?"

Xiao Longjian's eyes narrowed, and the anger in his eyes was anxious to turn into a monstrous flame.

During the seven months of retreat, he finally achieved a full success from the triple realm of the Diyuan Realm, and was promoted to the current heavy state of mind.

Overnight, Yumen Longmen.

Under the heart of the sky, there are all ants.

This time, he finally got rid of the ants and became a teacher.

Qi Longjian's mood was originally extremely good.

But immediately, it hit the head.

Ziweimen's disciples were promoted, but for some reason they stopped recently.

The so-called disciple promotion is not the promotion of the realm, but the promotion of the rank.

Ji Longjian was originally a Ziweimen sixth-class disciple. This time she was promoted to the heavenly state of mind, and naturally she should be promoted to a fifth-class disciple.

The fifth-class disciple means that they can get more privileges of Ziweimen, have more cultivation resources, and at the same time-they can command more subordinates.

Cultivation resources and various privileges are naturally worthwhile.

But having more subordinates is the most important thing in Xun Longjian's heart.

Think about it, everyone was originally a disciple of Diyuan Jingyuan, and he is a triple perfection, so why are he on an equal footing with those of Xiaocheng and Dacheng?

Well now, I finally became a guru.

In an instant, he became a superior.

Finally, you can see the trio of "small tadpoles" in the Yuanyuan realm, nodding their heads and knees at themselves, and said hello.

But now, just when I was so beautiful and ready to go for promotion, the promotion ceremony was suspended.

That is to say, even though he is in the state of mind now, at Ziweimen, he can only continue to be a sixth-class disciple.

When the Diyuan Realm was three times complete, he was on an equal footing with those of the three Xiaocheng and Dacheng disciples.

Now that I am a teacher, I have to sit on an equal footing with those guys.

At this moment, Xun Longjian had the feeling that he was an emperor, but he still had to sit at a table with a beggar to eat the cruel and cold.

He's going crazy! However, he did not dare to show this emotion at will.

In his heart, he still admired and was afraid of Ziweimen.

And Xiaolong Jian vaguely felt that this timeout must be something very unusual in Ziweimen.

The upper level of Ziwei Gate gave him a feeling of turbulence.

But anyway, the flames in his heart had made him extra irritable.

Just today, I learned bad news from Tang Yan and Feng Gang again.

The water spirit could not be brought back, and He Yonghuan fell even more.

"He Yonghuan that waste!"

In the palace, an angry roar came from the dragon sword.

The roar was like a substance, forming waves, spreading violently in all directions.

Kaka Kaka—the ground and walls cracked suddenly.

Feng Gang at his feet flew into the air all of a sudden and fell out of a distance of five or five feet.

Tang Yan's face turned pale, and he thumped, kneeling on the ground, shivering.

"Miscellaneous accounts! Miscellaneous accounts! Do you know who I'm working for! I'm working for the King of Heaven! This matter was originally entrusted to you and was intended to cultivate you.

now what! now what! You **** guys, not only failed my painstaking efforts, but also messed up for me! How can you tell me to the King of Heaven! If the King of Heaven is to blame, can you afford it! what?

Tell me aloud! "

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