Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1416: No sign

What Chu Yan gave to the crowd was to let them cultivate all kinds of materials needed by themselves.

In addition, there were some medicinal materials, and Chu Yan handed them over to Zeng Bi, asking her to make elixir.

Master Bitong is also full of fire these days.

It can be said that since she set foot on the fairy road, her enthusiasm for refining alchemy has never appeared as fiery as now.

After giving all the things needed for cultivation to the crowd, Chu Yan stated his plan to go out next.

As for the specific situation, he did not tell.

The main reason is still not to distract everyone, but to let everyone focus on cultivation and promotion.

"As for your weapon magic, I will find a way."

When talking, Chu Yan also specifically mentioned this matter.

In the battle of Black Soul City, almost everyone's weapon magic weapon was destroyed.

From this we can see that the battle was fierce.

We must think of the time when we can safely finish the path of cutting the spirit. There is no magic weapon in the realm, then it is naturally impossible.

However, Chu Yan already had plans for this.

For him, in fact, what is lacking now is not the materials, but the time.

But Chu Yan also had two preparations.

If the time is too late, he will go back to Tianyazong and donate some treasures to Zongmen for success.

Then use merit to exchange for magic weapons and give them to everyone.

The advantage of this is that it is convenient and fast, and as long as you have enough merit points, even powerful magic weapons can be exchanged.

But the disadvantage is that these magic weapons are not as easy and familiar as everyone used before.

Therefore, after referring to the opinions of everyone, Chu Yan still hoped that time would catch up with him. He personally shot and built magic weapons for everyone.

Anyway, he is not the first time to build a magic weapon. His experience is absolutely sufficient. He also has as many mountains as there are materials, not only of high quality but also sufficient quantity.

And here they also have very talented Mingwen division, one is Su Yuqing, the other is him.

At that time, according to the forging of magic weapons, the corresponding inscriptions are engraved on them. The effect is naturally stronger than the inscriptions on the converted magic weapons.

Because of time constraints, Chu Yan did not continue to stay in Wangfu after distributing these things.

Kong Xian still has many things to deal with, and there is no way to accompany Chu Yan.

Yun Nixian originally had this intention, but who knew that before she set off, she was called by her teacher, and she had no choice but to give up.

So after meeting with the crowd for about half a month, Chu Yan separated from the crowd again and embarked on a journey alone.

Because this time there was uncertainty about the goal, Chu Yan didn't even bring sugar candy and handsome.

Handsomely the map given by his father is detailed enough.

According to Chu Yan's estimation, although the area was drawn with the Central Tang Dynasty as the center, it is actually a long way from the Middle Tang Dynasty.

Precisely speaking, the distance between Yun'aojiang State and the evil rainforest is closer than that of the Central Tang Dynasty.

However, Chu Yan was in Baoxiang Shangguo at this time.

All the way through the teleportation array from Ayutthaya and flying on the way, Chu Yan estimates that in twenty or thirty days, it should be enough to reach the evil rain forest.

Chu Yan was also secretly fortunate at this time. Although it was less than a year since he came to Baoxiang Shangguo, his realm and strength had improved significantly.

Otherwise, when he was still in the kingdom of Yunao, he went to the evil rain forest. It is estimated that there is no half a year and there is no way to go the whole journey.

This is the same as when he first traveled from Yun Ao Jiang State to Bao Xiang's Kingdom.

Chu Yan remembered that long journey.

This time traveling alone, Chu Yan is also low-key enough.

The biggest reliance on losing the gate of **** is one of the reasons.

Another reason is that Chu Yan is unclear for the time being. The Sansheng Mountain collapsed and Ziweimen Heavenly King fell. How deeply involved in this? Has Ziweimen doubted himself?

After all, in Chu Yan's last memory, they were there in the palace.

And in the Black Soul City, there are thousands of monks, watching them ascending the ascent stage.

Although there was no news from Kong Xian and Yun Nishang, all the clues related to them seemed to be cut off.

But Chu Yan, who has always been cautious and accustomed, did not take it lightly.

At this sensitive time, it is better to keep a low profile.

So he did not use the world chess board, but chose to drive a spirit boat without the family and sect gate logo, all the way forward.

However, because of an appointment with Tang Mao and Feng Gang, Chu Yan did not go straight to the evil rain forest immediately after leaving the palace, but first went toward the sea.

The End of the World is located on the islands of the End of the World, and it will be more convenient to work with Tang Ye and Feng Gang's plans.

After spending three days on the road, and wandering aimlessly for two days offshore, on the morning of February 10th, Chu Yan was summoned by Tang Yan and Feng Gang.

Their plans have been arranged, and the place where they act is a coordinate.

As long as Chu Yan arrives at that location before the thirteenth day, he can do ambush.

Chu Yan calculated the time.

Everything is not much different from what he planned.

If he had been waiting for the news of the two in the palace, at this time, he would rush to the place marked by the coordinates, and there would be some time in time.

Because according to the coordinates, Chu Yan recalled the map in his mind.

The coordinates refer to the northwest direction of Tianyazong, a reef full of reefs, and it is easy for passing ships to touch the reef and sink in the dangerous sea area.

There are many underwater currents there, and there are reefs and vortices everywhere, coupled with the opening of new waterways, few ships will pass by now.

I don't know what reason Tang Tang and Feng Gang used to lie to the dragon sword.

After receiving the two people's news, Chu Yan turned the boat and headed towards the sea where the coordinates were.

But he didn't go straight.

Because of the current time, he turned a corner and flew towards the sea.

The purpose of this is naturally to beware of Tang Yan and Feng Gang.

Although the performance of these two people can be seen as flawless, it is no exaggeration to be cautious about Chu Dadian's recent work.

However, even with such caution, Chu Yan was attacked without any warning when the spirit boat was galloping across the sea at noon.

The first is that the myrtle bells become red and hot in a flash.

The next moment, Chu Yan saw the void in all directions, and shot out the thickness of adult arms, not knowing the length of the chain.

These chains, in an instant, were woven into a net of heaven and earth, trapping the spirit boat he was riding in.

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