Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1417: a lot of information

These chains, layer upon layer, are intertwined with each other. Throughout the sky, for a moment, they gave Chu Yan a feeling that there is no way to heaven and no door to the ground.

His gaze swept away, and suddenly, his eyes burst into bursts.

On the surface of these chains, a strong force can be felt, and they are constantly shaking.

The chain itself also gives a very strong sense of oppression.

As if these chains, each of them weighed so much, swept violently at this moment, you can suppress the mountains and rivers, and block time and space.

Light and time, at this moment in this area, have been solidified into an iron plate and cannot move.

"This is not a magic weapon, it is a magical power!"

Suddenly, Chu Yan responded.

Huh! At the same time, another chain, clapping loudly, sounded like breaking through the void and pouring down, falling directly from the top of Chu Yan's head, as fast as lightning.

Chu Yan also responded extremely quickly, immediately stood up and jumped from the spiritual boat.

Click! The chain directly pierced the soul boat.

Immediately after that, several chains appeared in the void around.

Either sideways, or upright, or obliquely, alas, it penetrated the spiritual boat and fixed it in mid-air.

At a glance at this moment, the large nets woven by these chains were like a fishing net that blocked dozens of miles.

And the soul boat is a fish trapped in it.

The horrific power generated by the chain was shaking from the sky to the ground at this moment, and even the seawater flowing below it seemed to be frozen at this moment.

The seawater in the distance is still surging, and the seawater in the tens of miles is as calm as a mirror.

"So powerful magical power, who is it?

Did Tang Yan and Feng Gang really betray me?

Or is there a hidden evil practice near here?

But this should not be possible. Tang Yan and Feng Gang didn't even know where I was at the moment.

Even if someone came to follow the messenger, why did they not do it the last time.

If it is evil, the possibility is even more remote.

It's only a few days away from Tianyazong. Which evil repair is crazy and dare to kill here? "

Suddenly, Chu Yan's thoughts flashed through his mind.

His brain is moving fast, and Chu Yan's hands are not slow.

With palms in hand, Zhan Yan was in his hand, swiping violently towards the chains around him.

"Irritated sword!"

boom! With a violent breath, Dao Mang rolled up in anger, spreading fiercely, as if in the midair, tearing a shocking scarlet blood mouth.

Chains around, swept by Daoman, immediately shivered.

The sound penetrated through the sky, as if it were raining in summer.

Suddenly, the surrounding space seemed to be shattered and cracks appeared.

The frozen sea, like a smooth mirror, was shaken out at this moment, like ripples like scales.

"Xingxuan nine changes!"

Chu Yan's counterattack was like a raging wind and waves, wave after wave, without stopping.

Raise your right hand, starlight gathers at your fingertips, and in an instant, the light is vast like the sea.

With the arm slamming, the infinite starlight rushed out, causing the chain to tremble and tremble like a golden snake.

The kind of tremor, the kind of spasm, seemed to collapse completely and explode the next moment.

At this time, Chu Yan's move, whether it is the extremely angry sword meaning, or the Xuan Xuan nine changes, have a teacher.

He did so because it was not known who was attacking himself.

In such circumstances, he is reluctant to reveal his secrets.

If you can't kill the opponent and show all your hole cards, the biggest possibility is to arouse the opponent's greater intention to kill.

Under the continuous and violent impact, the big chain of chains that was blocked and leaked around all of a sudden appeared a tendency to collapse.

When Chu Yan found a gap, he jumped out immediately.

This big net interwoven with chains is like a net of heaven and earth. As long as you can rush out, the chance of getting out will be greatly increased.

At this moment Chu Yan was secretly glad.

The person who sneaked in on himself, although performing magical powers, was not very powerful.

Otherwise, you can't rely on the magic, you can shock this magical power, or even open a gap.

"Thousands of miles away!"

When she displayed her body, Chu Yan rushed out of the air more than ten miles away in an instant.

Seeing that the gap between the pull of the chain was getting closer and closer, only a short distance away, at this moment, Chu Yan's ear suddenly heard a cold hum.

"Being attacked by the blue sky Huangquan Suo, not only did not panic, but they could also fight back. It is indeed a disciple who helped the Broken Star Tower win the state election."

The sound came very abruptly, without warning, so clear that Chu Yan felt like he was in his ears.

What's more, the message in this discourse was huge. For a moment, Chu Yan was shocked.

"The Broken Star Tower, the state religion election, is it the master of which patriarch of Yun Aojiang?"

As soon as Chu Yan's mind was moving rapidly, the sound re-emerged.

"Give me down!"

A cold hum came, and the next moment, Chu Yan suddenly felt a large shadow and cast it from his head.

He looked up, and suddenly his gaze was suddenly fixed.

Above the sky, a large seal on one side reveals a towering sky like Taikoo, and it has grown sharply at this moment, like a mountain, suppressing him.

The void in all directions collapsed at this moment.

The airflow and space collapsed.

Even the light was shattered.

Seen in front of Chu Yan, strange and distant, all are flecks of light, the world seems to be turned upside down, into a chaos.

boom! The next moment, Chu Yan felt that his body was hit hard, and his eyes suddenly turned black, and then Venus was in chaos, and he didn't know which direction to shoot out.

Even if his body is extremely condensed, at this moment, the back is also extremely painful, and the internal organs are uncomfortable as if they were screwed by an invisible hand.

Mouth, nose, and throat, and between breathing, is even more intense and sweet.

Chu Yan did not know how long this process lasted, but his consciousness told him that it should be just a short moment of effort.

Just then, the voice rang from above him: "This is it."

At the same time, Chu Yan felt that his back neck was grabbed by someone, and then he threw heavily.

boom! There was another muffled sound.

However, compared to the heavy hit just now, the feeling of falling down is completely unnecessary for Chu Yan.

His head was still dizzy, and there were countless crazy bees in his head.

In between, Chu Yan felt that his shoulders, waist, and legs were cold, and then tightened. It seemed to be bound by something.


Trapped me, it seems not to kill me. "

Chu Yan immediately said to himself, "Calm down, calm down first."

Judging from the fact that the other party can perform magical powers and sneak attack on himself instantly, this enemy, realm and strength, should be far superior to himself.

Taking a deep breath, Chu Yan calmed down his mood.

With the movement of the aura and blood in his body, the severe pain in his brain was also quickly relieved, and the blurred vision gradually returned to clarity.

The vague figure not far away gradually appeared to Chu Yan's eyes.

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