Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1425: To wear a rainbow eagle

"Treasures, blissful places ..." Chu Yan recalled all the information that had been drawn from the monsoon pond's mind before, facing the sea with a slight sigh.

"Before going to the evil rain forest, should you just go around?"

What Chu Yan was hesitant about at this time was that there was some uncertainty on this issue.

The situation of the evil brutal rain forest has not yet been understood.

According to Chu Yan's temperament, it is natural to make more preparations for situations that you do not understand to prevent accidents.

This is also the biggest reason why he was able to walk on Xian Road until now.

Although it is really necessary to be reckless when it is time to be reckless, but more often, you should be down-to-earth and keep the rhythm in your own hands.

Especially now that the biggest reliance on the gates of **** has been lost, Chu Yan's actions must be more careful and careful.

With a sigh, Chu Yan was silent for another moment.

Then he made a decision.

Don't clean up all the treasure trove of monsoon ponds.

According to the information currently available, there are 32 treasure houses in the monsoon pond.

A small number are supervised, and most are unsupervised.

On the way to the evil rain forest, take a little detour, and you can pass by several treasure houses without delaying too long.

The resources available to me are not too many at present.

To be on the safe side, Chu Yan decided to take some treasures along the way to defend himself.

Yes, His Royal Highness Chu is in his heart at this moment, and naturally uses the word "take".

These thirty-two treasure houses are now surnamed Chu.

After making up his mind, Chu Yan estimated the time and distance in his heart, and then took out a new boat.

The spiritual boat that was driven before was destroyed by the magical power of the monsoon pond, poked like a large sieve, and crashed into the sea.

Chu Yan has no shortage of this thing, so he didn't go fishing.

Moreover, a spirit boat was destroyed by the monsoon pond, but he will get more from the treasure house of the monsoon pond.

In addition, His Royal Highness Chu, who now carries with her, no less than five ships.

At this moment, the ship he had taken out had the family emblem on it.

After Chu Yan erased it, he drove the Lingzhou towards the coordinates agreed with Feng Gang and Tang Yue.

The original plan was to arrive about half a day in advance.

However, after the ambush by the monsoon pond, it can be said as a lesson or inspiration. Chu Yan has obviously accelerated the speed at this moment, and has not considered the loss of the spiritual boat.

So he was a full day and a half ahead of time. On February 12th, he had reached the agreed coordinates before noon.

Looking at the surging sea water and the star-studded reefs, Chu Yan's gaze swept away, and soon he had an idea in his mind.

After collecting the boat, His Royal Highness Chu began to get busy.

A flash of time, a day and a half, quickly passed.

At noon on February 13th.

Because of a rain in the morning, the sky was as blue as water.

At this moment, Haitian seemed to be connected together, giving a feeling of boundlessness, freshness and thoroughness.

But the dragon sword flying in mid-air was a little displeased.

He was about to abandon Feng Gang and Tang Jun's spirit boat flying too slowly.

As a guru, from the very first moment of successful promotion, Chen Longjian began to pay special attention to his image.

A guru naturally needs to look like a guru.

Now that he is in the state of heaven, he has to wave his hand away from the ants who used to be in the past.

Therefore, at this time, Jianlong Sword did not take the boat with Feng Gang and Tang Yuan.

The spirit boat was no longer worthy of him in his eyes.

Moreover, in the same boat as Feng Gang and Tang Mao in the Diyuan Realm— 啧啧, thinking of it this way, Master 阕 felt that it was really detrimental to his identity.

So at this time he was driving, after being promoted to the state of heaven, Ziweimen rewarded him with a flying magic weapon-a pair of wings that stepped on his feet and exceeded two feet in length.

This is the benefit of joining Ziweimen.

According to the rules of Ziwei Gate, as long as the disciples under the gate are promoted to the next level, they will be rewarded accordingly.

The higher the level of promotion, the richer the reward will be.

When the monk was promoted to the state of heaven, Ziweimen also had several rewards, but the promoted disciples could only choose one of them.

After a bit of comparison, Jian Longjian chose this wing.

It's not that the other treasures are not as good as this wing, but that this wing looks the brightest.

This is like being mundane. After the poor become rich, the first thing is to create a gold chain to hang around the neck. The thicker the gold chain, the better, for fear that others will not see it.

Xun Longjian's psychology is similar to this kind of bragging psychology.

If the elixir is taken, who knows what benefits you have gained?

But if a group of monks stood there, his feet so holy and noble wings descended from the sky, and the focus of everyone's sight naturally came to him.

Chen Longjian enjoyed this feeling of being noticed.

Only at this moment, in front of Feng Gang and Tang Yan, showing off his flying wings, Xun Longjian has a feeling of beautifu dressed for the blind.

And he felt like he was losing money.

If it weren't for the decentness of their own guru, who would show their noble flying wings in front of the ants in these two places.

Think of it this way, Jian Longjian's heart became increasingly dissatisfied.

"Can't you just make this broken spirit boat fly faster?"

Xun Longjian frowned, taking out the majesty of his guru, and said to Feng Gang and Tang Wei.

The oppression came, and Feng Gang and Tang Yan, who were standing on the deck, immediately felt breathing difficulties.

In the end, Tang Yan clenched his head and said, "If you return to Master, our spirit boat ... it can't be faster."

Originally, they called Xiong Longjian Brother Xiong.

But now, anyone who doesn't call him a guru is immediately punished.

"Well, what a shit."

阙 Longjian took a sip and squinted at the corner of his eyes. "Tragging, wasting my time.

If at that time you are left wearing a rainbow eagle because of your delay, you are finished! Really, if it wasn't for the sake of wearing the rainbow eagle, I wouldn't go with you today.

You don't know if you are ashamed, and you slowly swallow. "

Listening to Jilong Jian's constant scolding, Feng Gang and Tang Yan both bowed their heads low, and looked like they had done wrong.

However, where the dragon sword cannot see, a fascination appeared in the eyes of the two.

After a while, when the whistle of Jiu Longjian came to a halt, Tang Yan looked up.

At this time, her face was already aggrieved and pitiful, and her voice was small and thin: "However, but Master Ye, wearing the Rainbow Fighting Eagle was what we discovered first.

We also hope that you can make your flying wings more beautiful, and I will immediately tell you this news.

We are kind ... "Between the words, Tang Yan's eyes burst into tears, and he seemed to be crying.

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