Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1426: Come 10,000 times without giving up

"Good intentions, good intentions, you mean to be good for me, that's why I made such a broken boat and flew so slowly, delaying my time?"

Xun Longjian stared, his nose crooked.

Tang Yan's face was instantly white-faced, and he swooped and knelt on the deck: "Please sir, please!"

Feng Gang also knelt aside, and said, "Please forgive me, Master, we, our ordinary disciples, do n’t have the talent and opportunity you have. Therefore, in the current state, it is impossible to get the gorgeous flight rewarded by Zongmen. magic weapon."

Feng Gang's remarks seemed to be reproaching, but in fact he secretly patted the dragon sword.

Xun Longjian was not a fool. He immediately heard the meaning of the other person's words. Suddenly, he was full of emotions. If he didn't care about the image, he would have been ecstatic and smiled.

After coughing twice, he made a solemn look: "Don't let yourself be so arrogant and you can enter Ziwei Gate, because Zongmen affirmed your talents.

Although it is much worse than me.

But as long as you are willing to work hard and do good work for me, I will teach you some exercises in the future. In the next few decades, you will also have the opportunity to get promoted. "

Between the words, the pressure just covering the surrounding area disappeared.

Feng Gang didn't get up at this moment, still kneeling on the deck, with a look of sincerity and fear: "But, we did slow down your speed, Master.

If by that time, because of our relationship, wearing the Rainbow Dougong is no longer there.

Well, then we should die for sin! "

Feng Gang's remarks at this moment, once again entered the heart of Xun Longjian.

He really cares about it.

When he came out this time, he asked for the two precious feathers under the wings of the rainbow eagle.

At that time, if you decorate it on your flying wings, the flight path will become as gorgeous as the seven-color rainbow. By then, no matter where you go, you will be the focus of everyone's attention.

Coupled with the fact that wearing a rainbow bucket rarely appears, so this time the opportunity is extremely rare.

Otherwise, he would not be impressed as soon as he heard the appearance of a rainbow eagle.

Coupled with the enthusiasm of Feng Gang and Tang Yan, he took out the dead He Yonghuan, and said that the first wearing of the rainbow bucket was discovered by He Yonghuan.

He Yonghuan always wanted to get the feathers of this rainbow eagle, and then dedicated it to the dragon sword.

The two of them also learned the law of hawking through the rainbow eagle based on the notes left by He Yonghuan.

At the time, when these words were spoken, Feng Gang and Tang Yan really took a note and took a note.

It is because of this solid "evidence" and his own heart-movement that Xun Longjian immediately urged Feng Gang and Tang Jun to lead the way.

A group of three people stared at the moon and rushed to the spot where they wore a rainbow eagle today.

So much time has already been spent. If we arrive at the location and leave the rainbow eagle, then this trip will not be run for nothing?

With that thought in mind, the face of Xun Longjian suddenly became cloudy.

At this time, Feng Gang was rightly panic again: "It's all because our spirit boat is too slow ..." "Well, don't stop talking!"

Xun Longjian waved his hand impatiently, "Tell me the coordinates, I'll hurry up first! As long as I can chop and kill the Rainbow-Fighting Eagle and get the feathers smoothly, I will never treat you badly."

"Thank you, Master!"

Feng Gang and Tang Yan immediately showed a look of surprise and joy, looking as if they were grateful for the sense of reason of Xun Longjian.

As for whether there is any other meaning in it, at this time, Ji Longjian did not have time to distinguish it, and did not think about other aspects at all.

At this moment, he looked up at the sky.

The appearance of the rainbow piercing eagle must be after the rain, but also in a place where there is sufficient water vapor, plenty of sunshine, and sufficient food.

Today's opportunity is indeed rare.

If you miss it, you won't know when it will be until the next time.

At this point, Ji Longjian's heart was anxious and itching again, and for a moment he didn't know how to describe it.

All thoughts at this moment turned into a gesture of holding hands: "Hurry up, where is that sea?"

Feng Gang's grinding movements made him even more fierce.

Ji Longjian did not even care about the broken spirit boat that was not worthy of his noble status. He jumped onto the deck, kicked Feng Gang, snatched the opponent's storage bag, and took out the notes originally belonging to He Yonghuan.

A quick flip, the dragon sword found the information he needed.

"It turned out to be the area where shipwrecks often occur. Just say no to it! I wasted my time looking here!"

Xiao Long Jian burst into a drink, slap on Feng Gang's face, and flew him from this side of the deck to that side.

This spirit boat was old and old at the moment, and was hit by Feng Gang's body at the moment, and the ship's side broke off instantly. A part of it fell from mid-air, fell into the sea, and splashed a high water column. .

But the dragon sword never looked at the two of them again. After stepping on the flying wings, he hurriedly flew towards the sea where the target was, while he was still scolding in his mouth while flying.

The speed of flying the wings is indeed much faster than that of the Spirit Boat.

In a moment of effort, Xun Longjian turned into a white light and disappeared into the sight of the two.

After waiting for a while, Tang Yan stood up and walked over to pull Feng Gang up.

Although the monks in the Diyuan Realm possessed the true meaning of the body, Feng Gang dared to resist when the slap of the dragon sword was drawn.

So that slap was pulled hard, and half of the face was swollen at the moment, the corners of his mouth were bleeding, and his eyes were swollen into a line.

"Are you OK?"

Tang Yan asked.

Feng Gang squinted his eyes and looked in the direction that Jian Longjian had just left. He smiled and shook his head.

Tang Yi passed a pill of elixir, Feng Gang took it, and shoved into the mouth regardless of the corner of the torn mouth.

With the exertion of the medicine power and the movement of the aura in the body, after a moment, Feng Gang's injured face was swollen. Although it looked a little weird, it was already close to 7878 as usual.

"Hum, rush to death yourself, then die."

Feng Gang sneered.

But at this time, Tang Yue showed a worried look: "I haven't received that person's response. What if he doesn't do it today?"

Feng Gang naturally knew who the "he" was in the other person's words.

"What are you afraid of? If that person doesn't do anything, the dragon sword will at best go back empty-handed, and the big deal is that we will be taught by him.

Besides, are we usually humiliated enough by him?

If he can really come back alive, I will not be bad this time. "

Feng Gang said here, paused, and then continued: "But if the man shot and killed the **** of the dragon dragon sword, then for us, the opportunity to fly into the sky will come.

This opportunity, even if I come back ten thousand times, I will not give up. "

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