Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1428: Hundreds of moods


Xie Longjian's eyes were wide, his eyes were full of fear.

The cold wind that was hunting around filled his throat at this moment, making him shout out of his voice.

The horrible coercion that the void was subjected to made him seem to be twisted into a mass, making it extremely difficult.

Relying on the last ray of clarity in his mind, Xun Longjian wanted to roll to the side so as to avoid the huge soles trampled on.

But before he could move, he felt like his legs had been caught.

The next moment, his waist, shoulders, arms, and even his neck and hair were caught and pulled.

There was a glance in the corner of his eye, and suddenly the sword of the dragon dragon frightened and flew out.

On the dark ground where he was at the moment, he didn't know when he got a palm out.

Some of these palms have dried up, like the roots of old trees; some carry fresh blood, flowing blood, and now they seem to carry temperature; others simply have a section of white bone.

But at this moment, no matter what these palms look like, they are all like iron tongs. They grasped him so hard that he couldn't move.

"Do not!"

Xiaolong Jian's chest was violently undulating, and an extremely depressing roar came out of his throat. Suddenly, the sole of his foot stepped into the ground.

boom! At this moment, the ground seemed to be undulating like waves.

The large palms were all annihilated and turned into fly ash.

Xia Longjian's body was covered by the soles of his feet.

At this time, Chu Yan, who was outside the array, could not help frowning, and hesitated to say, "Am I ... too hard?"

But soon, Chu Yan's worry disappeared.

In the darkness, a bit of golden light rekindled.

Although it is much weaker than before, but Jin Guang is still there, it means that the dragon sword is not dead.

Between the battles, a bang, the soles of the feet ripped apart, revealing a large pit.

In the middle of the big pit, the robes of Xun Longjian's body were broken and looked like beggar clothes in the world.

Blood was still pouring out of his mouth and nose at this moment.

Obviously, he had just trampled on that foot, which caused him a serious injury.

At this price, Qi Longjian also knew at this time that he had been attacked by something.

"The formation method ... asshole, is still such a powerful formation method ..." But although he knew what he had been attacked by, the dragon dragon sword did not even think of it at this time. This was a trap intentionally set by someone.

"Yes, it's not easy to cross the rainbow eagle. This must be the formation of other monks in order to capture it.

I was so unlucky that I bumped in.

But— "Speaking of which, Xun Longjian gritted his teeth and his face was full of hatred and anger.

"Don't let me know who you are, otherwise I will destroy you and your family and ancestors!"

Xun Longjian's heart was so big that in his mind, the guy who had imagined this attack on himself had given the broken body countless times.

In the imagination of his mind, he is invincible and cool, and the reality continues to teach him to be a human immediately after that foot.

After all, this large array of funeral battles is a horrible killing array that is enough to kill the double perfection of the state of mind.

Xunlong Jiancai has a heavy heart and is still a small boy. In front of this formation, he is too young to be a younger brother.

Huh! In the void, a phantom of a tombstone has condensed.

Although this hovering hovered in midair, it was as big as a mountain.

Under the tombstone, Xun Longjian only felt as small as a dust.

Even more frightening is that this tombstone not only hovered in the air, but also hung high above his head.

This kind of pressure suddenly made Jianlong Jian's whole body tremble.

Only then did he react. If he doesn't want to break the battle anymore, let alone the trouble of finding a battle formation, destroying his family and his ancestors, whether he can go out or not is a question.

So he hurriedly operated his aura.

"The earth melts the heart ..." As soon as the golden-red blending arc light on the palm of the palm was about to condense, suddenly, the dragon sword heard a huge roar from above his head.

Startled, he looked up subconsciously.

At the moment, the mountain-sized tombstone collapsed, collapsed, and collapsed.

Those that fell apart and peeled off weren't actually broken stones, but black swords.

The sharp sword flickered with faint light, and the surface of the sword body showed a horrible face.

These faces now looked at the dragon sword.

If possible, Xun Longjian would like to swear, although he is very much after the attention of others, but he has never thought about it one day, he will become the place where countless sights gather on such occasions.

There was a roar, and the dragon sword was raised in horror in horror, and his hair stood up.

And the tombstone was completely exploded at this moment.

The pieces that collapsed in the air at this moment turned into tens, thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions of horrible swords, interwoven into a net of heaven and earth, gathered into a rolling river, and mighty, rushing towards the dragon sword.

Grimaces appeared on the surface of the sword body, and at this moment they roared and roared.

Rolling killing intentions, even above this dark space, condensed a **** "kill" character.

At this moment, Jianlong Sword seemed to be on the back with blood on his body, rushing towards his brain, and his hands and feet became cold.

However, anyway, he is also a talented master who can cultivate to the state of mind and can be selected as a disciple by Ziwei Gate, which also shows his talent.

At this time in a desperate situation, the dragon sword suddenly roared, and in his eyes, a blazing golden flame was burning.

"Earthfire Heart Sword!"

The arm waved violently, and the aura of tumbling, gathered in an instant into a dozen-foot-long, golden-red interlaced arc-shaped giant blade, whistling away toward the sword that shot in mid-air.

One contact, the mighty Jianhe, burst constantly.

The golden-red interlaced arc-shaped giant blades, under the control of the Dragon Sword at this moment, displayed the unparalleled majesty and rushed in the air.

Suddenly, the sharp swords of the sky exploded again and again.

When the sharpened sword fell from mid-air, it burned and melted. Suddenly, it seemed like the sky and fireworks, and the space was illuminated with lights and bright like daylight.

Seeing that the sword has only a number of advantages, in front of the magical powers he exerted, he was so weak that he was proud of himself, and shouted again and again: "Too bad, too bad! To this point, I dare to challenge Ziwei Master Tianwei! Wait, I must pay you a hundred times! "

The sound of roar even penetrated the formation of twelve tombstones at this moment and passed into the ears of Chu Yan outside.

However, Chu Yan was not surprised by this, even because of the outbreak of Ji Longjian, a look of relief: "Fortunately, you can still resist, otherwise I don't know what to do next."

After speaking, Chu Yan reached out and pointed a huge huge array in front of him.

A beam of aura suddenly fell into the nearest gravestone.

"The funeral and the sea are raging, open!"

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